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IceniCAM Information Service 2 7 eerie V. ME AND OVERSEAS AT HO Hye checling GORGI ——For handiness, lightness, smoothnes: ease of operation. Descended directly from the famous war-time Paratroopers’ collapsible ‘Welbike,” the trim, trusty little "'Corgi”’ is ideal for home-to-office trips ; for jaunts on highway or byway. It combines maximum carrying capacity with The ‘Corti can be the minimum of weight and minimum of control. folded in haifa min” CORGI cruising speed is 25-28 m.p.h. and it Carried upstairs: does 150 miles to It gallons of petrol. Quick sowed underatable off che mark and steady on the road, it is the complete answer to all who want the most economical form of self-propelled transport, for men and wo men of every age and occupation The ' Corgi" is a fine investment for the small trader. Fitted with a side ‘arrier it provides the Best Speed:to- GoueeRatio delivery service, y” ight Fotable Z Moto CYCLE Cesena nn cern ieee tavrannass JACK OLDING & CO. LTD. ng iiccs, AUDLEY HOUSE, NORTH AUDLEY STREET, LONDON, W.1., ENGLAND BRITISH CYCLES and MOTOR CYCLES Overseas, April 1949 hy

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