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You should spend 15 minutes on this question.

The following are the novels studied in the Literature Component in English Language

1. The Elephant Man - Tim Vicary

2. Moby Dick - Herman Melville
3. We Didn’t Mean to Go to Sea - Arthur Ransome

Based on one of the novels above, do you like the ending of the story?

Give reasons and support your answer with evidence from the novel.


 In not less than 50 words

 In continuous writing ( not in note form)


- Like the ending

- Happy ending

- In the beginning - met Jim Brading - invited - to sail on the Goblin - mother - worried - children -
promised - never sail out in the open sea - mother - agreed - went sailing under Jim’s guidance - Jim -
forgot - petrol - left the children - promised to go for only ten minutes - never came back - thick fog -
tide rose - pulled anchor of the bottom - Goblin - adrift - the fog gone - children thought they could
turn back to the harbour - wind - storm came - had to sail further into the sea - Flushing - saw - father
- Dutch ferry - soon - father - joined them - felt safe - sailed home - reunited - mother and Jim - happy
ending - everyone was safe and well

- Their perseverance pays of

- Children - endured - hardships - arguments among them - sailing - strong wind and storm - washed
by waves of seawater - Goblin - nearly hit - big ferry - John - nearly fell into the sea - his foot caught
on a rope - despite all of these - they persevere - sail on bravely - did not give up - finally - met father
- everybody - sailed home safely - good ending because the children’s perseverance and bravery
while they were sailing pays of in the end

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