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Fill up /One word

1. In Australia Christmas is celebrated in ……………………. Season.

2. When the mid-day sun vertically over the equator is called …………………….
3. The annual motion of the earth is called ………………………
4. …………………. Is a map without a scale.
5. The Standard Medium of India passes through which place and at what degree.
6. The region which is very cold as it receive slanting rays of the sun is ………………………
7. Russia has ……………….. time zone.

Define the following

1) Map 2) Scale 3) Torrid zone 4) Representative Fraction

Draw the conventional symbols of

1) State 2) Temple 3) Metalled Road 4) Post Office 5) Forest

Answer the following questions.

1. Write the three characteristics of parallels and meridians ?

2. What are cardinal and intermediate directions ?
3. Differentiate between physical and political map?
4. Compare the features of torrid zone and temperate zone ?
5. What are the limitations of a Globe?

Mark all the continents and Oceans in a world map

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