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Monarchy may be a sort of government during which the supreme partially or wholly owned by one person – the
monarch (king, emperor, prince, duke, archduke, Sultan, Emir Khan, to Pharaoh), who has the facility to rule his or her
land or state and its citizens freely. They rule for all times then pass the responsibilities and power of the position to
their child (or another member of their family) once they die – the king’s eldest son is first within the line of
succession. Monarchy may be a supreme, moral (not legal) authority, supported the ‘theory’, that monarch doing the
desire of God ‘ he received that power from God. On this basis we will distinguish monarchy from the republic, where
the facility is given to an individual as a results of elections; and aristocracy, where the supreme power is vested
during a minority of the foremost illustrious members of the general public. The monarchy comprises the reigning
monarch, his or her family, and therefore the royal household organization. There are several sorts of monarchy. An
absolute one is when the monarch has an absolute power. the desire of the people are often expressed formally
through a deliberative body and monarch has the proper to rule by decree, promulgate laws, and impose
punishments. exemplar are often the Tsars of Russia Peter the good, who reduced the facility of the nobility and
strengthened the central power of the Tsar, establishing a bureaucracy and a dictatorship. Case, when the facility of
the monarch is restricted by the Constitution may be a constitutional monarchy. Constitutional monarchy exists in two
forms: a monarchy and therefore the dual monarchy. Current existing constitutional monarchies are mostly related to
Western European countries like the uk, Netherlands, Belgium, Norway, Denmark, Spain, Luxembourg, Monaco,
Liechtenstein, and Sweden Constitutional monarchies Dual monarchy may be a sort of a constitutional monarchy,
during which the facility of the monarch is restricted by the constitution and therefore the parliament ‘ he (a monarch)
features a freedom of decision-making limited by constitution. Currently exist in Morocco, Kuwait, and Jordan, where
the king holds wide executive and legislative powers. Parliamentary monarchy may be a quite constitutional monarchy
during which the monarch has no power and performs only a representative function. during a monarchy government
is accountable to the Parliament, which is more powerful than the opposite organs of the state. As it is understood, in
monarchy true governmental leadership is administered by a cupboard and its head – a major minister, premier, or
chancellor – who are drawn from a legislature (parliament). Government is made a majority in parliament and is
responsible to him. The monarch has little or no real power, and he plays mostly representational or ceremonial role.
None of its desire are often executed if it not approved by the parliament. Sometimes parliaments even restrict the
liberty of the monarchs in their private affairs. However, it might be wrong to mention that in such countries the
active role of the monarch is reduced to zero. Legally, for a monarch often retain functions that are important within
the field of policy, also as in times of crises and conflicts within the area of domestic policy: the ultimate approval of
the laws, a declaration of war, conclusion of peace. But it can do all this only in agreement with the desire of the
people, expressed by Parliament. Examples of such sort of government in our days can be: Australia, Andorra,
Belgium, Canada, Dania, Netherlands, New Zealand, Spain, Sweden, and uk. Commonwealth Realm A Commonwealth
realm may be a sovereign state that's a member of the Commonwealth of countries. The monarch of the uk is that the
head of state of every of the Commonwealth realms, charged with issuing executive orders, commanding the military
forces, and creating and administering laws. There are sixteen Commonwealth realms: Antigua and Barbuda,
Australia, The Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Canada, Grenada, Jamaica, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Saint
Christopher and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and therefore the Grenadines, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, and
therefore the uk. Fourteen Kingdoms – the previous British colonies, gained independence. Three of the 14
kingdoms (Australia, Canada and New Zealand) gained independence as a results of the Balfour Declaration in 1926 at
the Imperial Conference and therefore the Statute of Westminster in 1931. Canada, the Union of South Africa, and
Ireland gained independence from the branch of the uk immediately; Australia in 1942, and New Zealand in 1947. The
Statute also affected Newfoundland, but there it had been not ratified, and dominion was annexed to Canada in 1949.
Ireland formally became a republic in 1949, and South Africa – in 1961. Other kingdoms gained independence as a
results of the top of British rule out India. The last were Saint Christopher and Nevis. They gained independence in
1983. Within the Commonwealth there's no difference in status between the dominion and other members, given the
very fact, that there are either republics or kingdoms with their own monarchs. The Queen appoints the Governor-
General as its representative in her absence. She also represented by the governor in each state of Australia and by
the elected official in each of the provinces of Canada. These officers have most the facility of the constitutional
monarch, mostly performing, however, purely ceremonial functions, and have the so-called royal prerogative. Queen
Elizabeth and therefore the royalty have ceremonial roles but don't structure the laws that govern the people. But
such people haven't only the representative role, but also the religious one. And it differs from country to country. If
we take Elizabeth as an example, we will see that in most of realms she is sovereign “By the Grace of God” (a phrase
that forms a neighborhood of her official title within those states). In Canada, the uk, and New Zealand, “Defender of
the Faith” is included as a neighborhood of the title. It is solely within the uk that the Queen actually plays a task in
organised religion. In England, she acts because the Supreme Governor of the Church of England and appoints its
bishops and archbishops who thereafter act as her first estate. In Scotland, she swears an oath to uphold and protect
the Church of Scotland and sends to meetings of the church’s General Assembly a Lord diplomat as her
representative, when she isn't personally attending. When the Queen visits, for instance, Australia, she speaks and
acts as Queen of Australia, and not as Queen of the uk and acts entirely on the recommendation of Australian
Government Ministers who are responsible to Parliament. The Queen supports public service through her patronage
of an outsized number of organisations: The Royal Humane Society of Australasia, the Royal Children’s Hospital, and
therefore the Mothers’ Union in Australia. During her visits to realms, one among the foremost important roles is to
go to as many areas of society as possible. In Australia monarch has no religious role. The Queen aims to recognise
the achievements of the country’s different cultures and communities. The king of Spain appoints the prime minister
after consultation with the Cortes and names the opposite ministers, upon the advice of the prime minister. He also
signs decrees made by ministers and ratifies civil and military appointments. The king doesn't have the facility to
direct foreign affairs due to his vital role because the chief representative of Spain in diplomacy. In the Netherlands,
Denmark and in Belgium the monarch formally appoints a representative to preside over the creation of a coalition
government following a parliamentary election, while in Norway the King chairs special meetings of the cupboard. The
king or the queen function mere figures of state and lots of people see them as symbol of unity and culture of their
country. The King’s functions in Norway are mainly ceremonial too – he receives and sends envoys to foreign
countries and hosts state visits. The King may be a High Protector of the church, and Supreme Commander of the
Norwegian soldiers. However, the Monarch during this country does retain some royal prerogatives, such as, he may
issue pardons for prisoners. The Council of Ministers (the prime minister, the deputy prime minister, and therefore
the other ministers) has both policy-making and administrative functions. they're liable for the implementation of state
policy, national security, and control military affairs. within the exercise of all of its functions, it's ultimately
accountable to the Cortes. As we will see, monarch has not actual power ‘ only the representative, symbolic, and
cultural. The monarch doesn't participate within the legislative process; he's the symbol of national unity. All the
problems are under prime minister’s control.
Sources Similarity

Constitutional monarchy | Monarchy | Legal Concepts

Today constitutional monarchies are mostly associated with Western European countries su
ch as the United Kingdom, Netherlands, Belgium, Norway, Denmark, Spain, Luxembourg, Mona 7%
co, Liechtenstein, and Sweden. However, the two most populous constitutional monarchies in

Australia holds up changes to royal succession laws | The Guardian

The Commonwealth realms are Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, The Bahamas, Barbados, Beli 4%
ze, Britain, Canada, Grenada, Jamaica, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Saint Kitts and Nevis,
Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Solomon Islands and Tuvalu.

Why is the "Defender of the Faith" part of the... | Yahoo Answers

of the Church of Scotland, albeit one who swears an oath to uphold and protect the church an 3%
d sends to meetings of the church's General Assembly a Lord High Commissioner as her repr
esentative, when she is not personally in attendance.[

Monarchy - Law essays - Essay Sauce Free Student Essay Examples

in australia monarch has no religious role. the queen aims to recognise the achievements of
the country’s different cultures and communities. the king of spain appoints the prime minist 2%
er after consultation with the cortes and names the other ministers, upon the recommendati
on of the prime...

The Queen’s Role In Australia |

the queen aims to recognise the achievements of the country’s different cultures and comm
unities, from traditional aboriginal and torres strait islander communities to the vibrant and e 2%
conomically flourishing cities. the queen’s royal style and title in australia is elizabeth the sec

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