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Faculty of Education

Graduate Studies Program

04.750 Education of Exceptional Children I

Regular Session 2017/2018 Term 1
Instructor Name: Dr. Patty Douglas
Office #: 109
Telephone: 204-727-7486
Office Hours: Tuesdays 4:30-5:30 or by appointment

Nothing about us without us.

~Disability rights slogan

If you’ve met one person with autism, you’ve met one person with
~ Dr. Stephen Shore

Course Description: Prerequisite: Approval of Chair of the Graduate Studies Program, Faculty
of Education. This is a survey course which introduces the student to exceptionalities in children.
Emphasis will be on an examination of the etiology, characteristics and needs of a wide range of
children with exceptionalities. Issues of race, class and gender and how they affect children with
exceptionalities will be examined. Course Format: The content of the course will be presented in
a distance delivery format via the Internet (including five mandatory Zoom classes—see weekly
timetable below).

Course Objectives:
Essential Questions for the Course: How have students with disabilities, often referred to as
students with exceptionalities, been understood and addressed within educational systems? How
can public schools respond to new understandings of disability not as an educational problem,
but as an issue of social justice and fundamental part of human diversity? How can schools
restructure policies, practices and curricula in response to calls for access and inclusion for all?

In this course students will:

ü Recognize and critically assess different approaches to understanding disability and

human difference, including special education and disability studies approaches
ü Comprehend educational inclusion from disability, family and teacher perspectives
ü Identify and critically assess an array of inclusive and special education approaches,
supports and services
ü Learn how legislation, parent advocacy, and disability activism have shaped service
delivery, programming and access for students with disabilities in Canada
ü Understand and assess ways to increase access within the special education referral and
placement process including critically understanding transition planning
ü Become familiar with the experience of disability within families
ü Become familiar with and critically assess evidence-based special education research and
ü Identify how diversity including gender, race, Indigeneity, sexuality and class intersects
with educational experiences for students with disabilities
ü Appreciate the role of the special education and classroom teacher in providing services
to students identified as gifted, talented and creative

Required Texts & References:

Hutchinson, N. L. (2017). Inclusion of exceptional learners in Canadian schools: A practical

handbook for teachers, 5th ed. Toronto: Pearson.

**Note: The Hutchinson text can be purchased or rented in ebook format through Vitalsource

Below are the publisher’s instructions for accessing the ebook.

Try logging into your Vitalsource account using your Coursesmart login information. This will
still require you to fill out a profile in Vitalsource. If you do not have a Coursesmart login and
password then go to the homepage and click on Create an Account (top right hand corner of
page). Please use your institutional email address to complete your registration.

"Read Now" means that the content is already in your library and you can simply click to read it.

"Add to Library" means that you can add it to your library and read the content once it has
loaded into your bookshelf.

Recommended Texts & References:

Greenstein, A. (2016). Radical inclusive education: Disability, teaching and struggles for
liberation. London: Routledge.

** See weekly timetable for course readings. Articles and book chapters will be made available
on Moodle by the instructor.

Additional Resources: Lives Worth Living
amazing-experience-1.3459778 Parent perspective Syracuse University Disability Cultural Center “Talk” by the Disability Rights Commission Race and Disability CAST UDL at a glance Canadian Research Centre on

Inclusive Education Inclusive Education Canada Inclusive Education
education Disability and Inclusion in Canadian Education

Course Assignments (APA version 6.0 required):

Rubrics and samples of assignments will be provided. You may be invited to publish some
of the assignments you produce for this course in the Fall 2018 Brandon University Journal
of Graduate Studies in Education, which is devoted to the topic of Disability Studies in

Assignment 1 (20% of final grade): What’s your disability story? Even if our lives are not
directly touched by disability, disability touches us all, and we all have a disability story. In this
assignment, you will reflect on your relationship to disability and special education. My earliest
memory of disability was climbing up onto my uncle’s wheelchair to give him a hug, and the
kids I saw growing up who didn’t go to the same school as me. I always wondered why. That
began what has become an enduring interest in inclusion and disability justice for me. For this
assignment, you will choose an encounter with disability (recent or past) that is meaningful to
you (i.e., classroom experience, personal encounter with disability), and that speaks to you in
some way about your deeper interest in and understanding of disability and special education. In
3-4 pages (double-spaced), address the following: (1) In a paragraph or two, describe your
disability encounter, and why it is meaningful to you, (2) How did you know this was an
encounter with disability? (3) Think through how your encounter was not shaped by a disability
studies perspective. What perspective(s) was it shaped by? (4) What might a disability studies
perspective offer that is different? This assignment is designed to help identify your interest in
special education, and to define your focus for your final paper.
Due Date: September 26th

Online Small Group Discussions (30% of final grade): You will be assigned to a small online
discussion group (the same group for the duration of the course). Your group will meet a total of
6 times over the course. For each group meeting, you are responsible for responding to the
readings and additional resources shared on Moodle (i.e., videos). The aim of this assignment is
to engage in professional dialogue with your peers about vital questions, and to share your
responses with the larger group. Given the engaged pedagogy of the course, I do not put a
“number” on how long each submission is (other than saying they should be at least 1 page in
length), or on the number of times you respond to other groups. The expectation is that you will
read other group’s postings and offer authentic feedback when you are moved or curious, and
that you will demonstrate substantial engagement with the course material. I will provide guiding
questions a week in advance. Groups can organize themselves in any way they wish (i.e.,
Moodle, google groups, Skpye, email), but must have a way to indicate how each member has
contributed to the discussion (i.e., a brainstorming sheet with different colours for each
member’s contribution). You will be assessed individually. Each response is worth 5% of your
final grade. You are responsible for contacting the professor immediately should any issues or
concerns emerge. Your group’s responses are due Tuesdays on Moodle.
Due Date: Responses are due on Moodle on the following dates: September 19, October 3,
October 17, October 31, November 21, December 5

A Disability Studies Awareness Toolkit for Educators (20% of final grade). You will write a
short entry for a teacher’s toolkit the class will produce together. Your entry must incorporate a
disability studies perspective and inclusive philosophy. A sample of a disability awareness
toolkit, as well as sample toolkit entries will be posted on Moodle. You can be as creative as you
want for this assignment (i.e., multimedia, comic strip, diagram, etc.), and your entry can be on
any topic (i.e., tips & tricks for teachers, new understandings of disability, histories of disability
and schooling, rethinking disability language, disability curriculum—i.e., rethinking
representations in media or children’s books, for example). Your entry should be the equivalent
of 3-4 double-spaced pages. It should reflect your deepening understandings of the course
material, and your ability to apply and synthesize what you are learning.
Due Date: November 14th, 2017

Final Research Paper (30% of final grade)

The aim of the final research paper is to allow you the opportunity to research a topic of your
choice in more depth. Students should choose topics and construct research questions relevant to
their teaching interests, needs and goals. You will be required to read a minimum of 5 scholarly
articles or book chapters and demonstrate an understanding of the articles and readings covered
in class. Your paper should engage disability studies in education and inclusive education
approaches. The paper should be 8-10 pages in length not including references, double-spaced
and properly referenced (APA 6.0).

Research Question Due: Your research question and a reference list of at minimum 5 academic
sources is due October 24th, 2017 on Moodle. The instructor will provide you with feedback to
help guide your paper.

Due Date for Final Paper: November 28th, 2017

Course Grade Evaluation:

-Minimum grade requirement for graduate program: B
-Grade Equivalencies: A+ 96-100 B- 70-74
A 90-95 C+ 65-69
A- 85-89 C 60-64
B+ 80-84 D 50-59
B 75-79 F Under 50%

Academic dishonesty will cancel out all the calculations above and result in a final grade of
F-AD (Fail-Academic Dishonesty)
(refer to the Graduate Calendar, section 3.9: Academic Dishonesty and Misconduct)

Instructor / Course Evaluation:

The anonymous course evaluations will be completed online. All students are expected to
complete the evaluation. Dates of the evaluation will be communicated by the instructor through
the Graduate Studies Office.
Proposed Class Schedule & Readings (Given the dynamic nature of the course, and of the
teaching and learning process, weekly readings may change):
Week Date Weekly Themes & Readings
1 Sept. 12 Introductions and Overview of Course: Disability, Inclusion and
Education [Zoom Class 5:30-7pm—you are expected to come to
this class having done the readings]

Key Theme: What is the nature and aim of (special) education?

Required Readings:

Gillmore, M. (2014). Expanding inclusion: What does inclusive

education really mean? Teach, Sept/Oct, pp. 6-9.

Hutchinson Chapter 1 “Exceptional Students, Universal Design for

Learning, and Differentiated Instruction,” pp. 1-29.

Andrews, J. & Luppart, J. (2000). Historical foundations of inclusive

education. In The Inclusive Classroom: Educating Exceptional
Children, pp. 25-47 Scarborough: Nelson.

Recommended Readings:
Luppart, J. & Webber, C. (2014). Canadian schools in transition:
Moving from dual education systems to inclusive schools.
Exceptionality Education International, 22, pp. 8-37.

2 Sept. 19 New Perspectives: Disability Studies in Education

Key Theme: How does disability studies reimagine the meaning of


Required Readings:
Hutchinson Chapter 2, “The Teacher’s Role in an Inclusive
Classroom,” pp. 31-55.

Ashby, C. (2012). Disability studies and inclusive teacher

preparation: A socially just path for teacher education. Research &
Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 37, 89-99.

Baglieri, S., Valle, J. W., Connor, D. J. & Gallagher, D. J. (2011).

Disability studies in education: The need for a plurality of
perspectives on disability. Remedial and Special Education, 34(2),

Ferri, A. B. (2009). Doing a (dis)service: Reimagining special
education from a disability studies perspective. In W.A. Ayers, T.
Quinn, & D. Stovall (Eds.), Handbook of Social Justice in Education
(pp. 417-430). New York: Routledge.

**Small Group Discussion due on Moodle

3 Sept. 26 Students with Disabilities: Learning Differences

Key Theme: Do learning disabilities exist outside of schools?

Required Readings:
Hutchinson Chapter 3 “Learning and Behaviour Exceptionalities,
and Mental Health Challenges,” pp. 59-75.

Baglieri, S. et al. (2011). [Re]claiming inclusive education. Toward

cohesion in educational reform: Disability studies unravels the myth
of the normal child. Teacher’s College Record, 113, 2122-54.

Baglieri, S. & Knopf, J. H. (2004). Normalising difference in

inclusive teaching. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 37(6), 525-9.

***Assignment 1 Due on Moodle

4 Oct. 3 Students with Disabilities: Social-emotional, behaviour and
mental health [Zoom Class 5:30-7 pm]

Key Theme: What do belonging and success mean for students with
mental health or behavioural challenges?

Required Readings:
Hutchinson Chapter 3 “Learning and Behaviour Exceptionalities,
and Mental Health Challenges,” pp. 75-90.

Psychiatric Archives of Toronto. (2013). Voices: Newsletter of the

psychiatric survivor archives of Toronto, PSAT 4(2), 1-14.

Rosenhan, D.L. (1973). On being sane in insane places. Science,

179, 250—258.

**Small Group due on Moodle

5 Oct. 10 Students with Disabilities: Speech & Language, Physical

Disabilities & Chronic Health

Key Theme: What’s Normal Anyways?

Required Readings:
Hutchinson Chapter 5 “Communication Exceptionalities, Physical
Exceptionalities, and Chronic Health Conditions,” pp. 118-124 and

St. Pierre, J. (2013). The construction of the disabled speaker. In C.

Eagle (Ed.), Literature, Speech Disorders and Disability: Talking
Normal, pp. 9-23. New York: Routledge.

St. Pierre, Joshua (2015). Speech-Language Pathology. Living

Archives on Eugenics in Western Canada. Web.

6 Oct. 17 Students with Disabilities: Deaf/Hard of Hearing & Blind/Low


Key Theme: Culture, or Disability?

Required Readings:
Hutchinson Chapter 5 “Communication Exceptionalities, Physical
Exceptionalities, and Chronic Health Conditions,” pp. 125-131.

Lane, H. (2006). Construction of deafness. In L. J Davis (Ed.). The

Disability Studies Reader (3rd edition), pp. 77-93. New York:

Michalko, R. (2001). Blindness enters the classroom. Disability &

Society, 16 (3): 349-59.

**Small group due on Moodle

7 Oct. 24 Cognitive Disability and Autism [Zoom Class 5:30-7pm]

Key Theme: Differing perspectives

Required Readings:
Hutchinson Chapter 4, “Intellectual Disabilities and Autism
Spectrum Disorder,” pp. 92-116.

Sinclair, J. (1993). Don’t Mourn for Us.

Starr, E. M., & Foy, J. B. (2012). In parents’ voices: The education

of children with autism spectrum disorders. Remedial and Special
Education, 33, 207-216.

**Research question and reference list due on Moodle

8 Oct. 31 Intersections of Disability, Race, Class and Gender

Key Theme: How does disability intersect with other differences?

Required Readings:
Hutchinson Chapter 6, “Teaching for Diversity,” pp. 153-184.

Baglieri, S. & Moses, A. "my name is jay": On Teachers' Roles in

the Overrepresentation of Minorities in Special Education and What
Teacher Education Can Do. Disability Studies Quarterly, 30(2).

Philips, R. (2010). "Try to understand us": Aboriginal elders' views

on exceptionality, Brock Education, 20(1), pp. 64-79.

Ferri, B. A. (2010). A dialogue we've yet to have: Race and
disability studies. In C. Dudley-Marling & A. Gurn. The Myth of the
Normal Curve (Chapter 10). New York: Peter Lang.

**Small group due on Moodle

9 Nov. 7 Reading Week
There are no new readings this week.
10 Nov. 14 Universal Design for Learning and Differentiated Instruction
[Zoom Class 5:30-7 pm]

Key Theme: Bringing it all Together

Required Readings:
Hutchinson Chapter 8, “Using UDL and DI,” pp. 217-232.

Coyne, P., Pisha, B., Dalton, B., Zeph, L. A., & Smith, N. (2012).
Learning by design: A universal design for learning approach for
students with significant intellectual disabilities. Remedial and
Special Education, 33, 162-172. doi 10.1177/0741932510381651

Recommended Reading
Tomlinson, C. A. (2014). Rethinking how we do school-and for
whom. In Differentiated classroom: Responding to the needs of all
learners (pp.29-44). Alexandria, VA: Ascd

**Toolkit entry due on Moodle

11 Nov. 21 Differentiated Assessment

Key Theme: How do we design accessible assessment?

Required Readings:
Hutchinson Chapter 9, “Differentiating Assessment,” pp. 254-278.

Guskey, T. R. & Jung, L. A. (2009). Grading and reporting in a

standards-based environment: Implications for students with special
needs. Theory into Practice, 48, 53-62.

Silva, M., Munk, D. D. & Bursuck, W. D. (2005). Grading

adaptations for students with disabilities. Intervention in School and
Clinic, 41, 87-98.

***Small group due on Moodle

12 Nov. 28 Family and Peer Relationships

Key Theme: Disability at school

Required Readings:
Hutchinson Chapter 10, “Enhancing Social Relations,” pp. 279-306.

Clifford, P., Friesen, S. & Jardine, D. W, (2001). Whatever happens

to him happens to us: Reading coyote reading the world. Journal of
Educational Thought, 35(1), 9-26.

Naraian, S. (2008). Institutional stories and self-stories: Investigating

peer interpretations of significant disability. International Journal of
Inclusive Education, 12, 525-42.

Recommended Readings:
Hutchinson Chapter 11, “Enhancing Transitions,” pp. 308-317.

Smith, P. & Routel, C. (2010). Transition Failure: The Cultural Bias

of Self-Determination and the Journey to Adulthood for People with
Disabilities. Disability Studies Quarterly. http://dsq-

***Final paper due

13 Dec. 5 Final Reflections [Zoom Class 5:30-7]

Key Theme: The Critical Educator/Teacher Activism in Schools

Required Readings:
Hutchinson “Conclusion: Thriving as a Teacher,” pp. 332-8.

Connor, D. Practicing what we teach: The benefits of using disability

studies in an inclusion course. In Connor, D. J., Hale, C., & Valle, J.
W. Practicing Disability Studies in Education: Acting Toward Social
Change, pp. 123-40. New York: Peter Lang.

Hodge, N. (2016). Schools without labels. In Runswick-Cole, K.,

Mallet, R. & Timimi, S. (Eds.). Re-thinking Autism: Diagnosis,
Identity and Equality, pp. 185-203. London: Jessica Kingsley.

**Final small group due on Moodle

Instructor suggestions for getting the most out of the course:

Ask questions. Ponder. Read. Reflect. Plan ahead. Believe in yourself. Develop academic
reading and writing skills. Master your specialty. Interact. Dialogue. Grow. Wonder. Learn what
has been done before. Imagine new possibilities. J

A Note about Inclusion & Access: I begin with the assumption that access and inclusion are
important processes alive in our university classrooms and online learning environments. I
understand access and inclusion as an ongoing negotiation between all people in the course,
including the instructor. We will make space in the course for discussion of how inclusion and
access are being animated as an emerging process between us. Ongoing student reflection on the
meaning and ‘doing’ of access and inclusion is encouraged.

Pedagogical Approach of the Course

This course takes an engaged pedagogical approach. In Teaching to Transgress (1994), educator
and activist bell hooks describes engaged pedagogy as a melding of reflection and practice—
praxis—an ever-unfolding teaching and learning process through which we might learn anew
about ourselves and being human together. I understand my role as that of facilitator—guiding
the shape of discussions and course content toward the course's ultimate aims—to deepen our
connections with one another and our understanding and practice around disability in education;
to hone critical skills in academic reading and writing; to sharpen our ability to assess and create
resources and practices that serve disability justice; and to extend our collaborative practice with
students with disabilities, paraprofessionals and families. Engaged pedagogy means that we each
have a responsibility in building an interesting, joyful and satisfying learning experience,
including raising questions and concerns—whether within your small groups, in our Moodle
sessions or as questions around course content, assignments, etc. This is education as a “practice
of freedom” (hooks, 1994, p. 11). Its aim is to transform ourselves and the world.

Statement on Accommodation
Brandon University values diversity and inclusion, recognizing disability as an aspect of
diversity. Our shared goal is to create learning environments that are accessible, equitable, and
inclusive for all students. The Student Accessibility Services (SAS) office works with students
who have permanent, chronic, or temporary disabilities. SAS will provide and/or arrange
reasonable accommodations. If you have, or think you may have, a disability (e.g. mental health,
attentional, learning, vision, hearing, physical, medical, or temporary), you are invited to contact
Student Accessibility Services to arrange a confidential discussion at (204) 727-9759 or email If you are registered with SAS and have a letter requesting
accommodations, you are encouraged to contact the instructor early in the term to discuss the
accommodations outline in your letter. Additional information is available at the Student
Accessibility Services website.

Attendance at Lectures and Practical Work:

(refer to the Graduate Calendar, section 3.7.1)

1. All students are expected to be regular in their attendance at lectures and labs. While
attendance per se will not be considered in assessing the final grade, it should be noted
that in some courses participation in class activities may be required.
2. For limited enrolment courses, students who are registered but do not attend the first
three classes or notify the instructor that they intend to attend, may have their registration
cancelled in favour of someone else wishing to register for the course.
3. Students who are unable to attend a scheduled instruction period because of illness,
disability, or domestic affliction should inform the instructor concerned as soon as
4. Instructors may excuse absences for good and sufficient reasons.

Positive well-being is highly correlated to learning and student success. Wellness is a

combination of physical, social, spiritual and mental health. Personal Counsellors at Brandon
University are dedicated to providing support to students’ wellness, primarily their mental well-
being, through prevention activities, early identification and timely interventions using a holistic

Please contact the Personal Counsellors in the Student Services Department at 204-727-9737 or
visit Room 102 A.E. McKenzie Building to make an appointment. There are crisis counselling
appointments available daily.

If you believe that you or someone else is in imminent danger of harm call 911.

Sexualized Violence Education and Prevention Coordinator: 204-727-7498

24-hour crisis supports:

Over 18 years of age: Under 18 years of age:

Mobile Crisis Unit Child and Adolescent Treatment Centre

204-725-4411 204-578-2700
Klinic Sexual Assault Crisis Line: 1-888-292-7565

Further Readings in Disability Studies in Education

Allan, J. (2005). Encounters with exclusion through disability arts. Journal of Research in
Special Educational Needs, 5, 31-36.
Allan, J. (2010). The sociology of disability and the struggle for inclusive education. British
Journal of Sociology of Education, 31, 603–619.
Andrews, J. E., Carnine, D. W., Couthinho, M. J., Edgar, E. B., Forness, S. R., Fuchs, L., Jordan,
et al. (2000). Bridging the special education divide. Remedial and Special Education, 21,
258–260, 267.
Baglieri, S., Valle, J. W., Connor, D. J., & Gallagher, D. J. (2011). Disability studies: The need
for a plurality of perspectives on disability. Remedial and Special Education, 32(4), 267-
Barton, L. (1997). ‘Inclusive education: romantic, subversive or realistic?’ International Journal
of Inclusive Education, 1 (3), 231–242.
Barton, L. (2004). The politics of special education: A necessary or irrelevant approach? In L.
Ware (Ed.), Ideology and the politics of (in)exclusion, pp. 63–75. New York: Peter Lang.
Brantlinger, E. (1997). Using ideology: Cases of nonrecognition of the politics of research and
practice in special education. Review of Educational Research, 67, 425–459.
Broderick, A., Mehta-Parekh, H., & Reid, D. K. (2005). Differentiating instruction for disabled
students in inclusive classrooms. Theory into Practice, 44(3), 194-202.
Bunch, G. (2015). Emerging research: Students with disabilities, families, teachers. Toronto:
Inclusion Press.
Bunch, G., Al-Salah, & Pearpoint, J. (2011). Equity, social justice, disability and secondary
schools: What regular subject teachers can do. Toronto: Inclusion Press.
Canadian Center on Disability Studies. Raising awareness: A toolkit for all middle years
educators. CCDS: Winnipeg, MB.
Connor, D. J. (2007). Social justice in education for students with disabilities. In Florian, L.
(Ed.), The SAGE Handbook of Special Education (pp. 111-27). London: SAGE
Connor, D. J. & Ferri, B. A. (2005). Integration & inclusion – a troubling nexus: Race, disability
and special education. The Journal of African American History, 1-2, 107-27.
Connor, D. J. & Ferri, B. A. (2007). The conflict within: Resistances to inclusion and other
paradoxes in special education. Disability & Society, 22, 63-77.
Connor, D. J. & Ferri, B. A. (2013). Historicizing dis/ability: Creating normalcy, containing
difference. In M. Wappet and K. Arndt (Eds.), Foundations of disability studies (pp. 29-
43). New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
Connor, D. J., Valle, J. W., Hale, C. (Eds.) (2015). Practicing disability studies in education:
Acting toward social change. New York: Peter Lang.
Cosier, M. & Ashby, C. (Eds.). (2016). Enacting change from within: Disability studies meets
teaching and teacher education. New York: Peter Lang.
Danforth, S. & Gabel, S. L. (Eds.). (2008). Vital questions facing disability studies in education.
New York: Peter Lang.
Danforth, S., & Rhodes, W. C. (1997). Deconstructing disability: A philosophy for inclusion.
Remedial and Special Education,18, 357–366.
Erevelles, N. (2000). Educating unruly bodies: Critical pedagogy, disability studies, and the
politics of schooling. Educational Theory, 50, 25-48.
Erevelles, N. (2004). Rewriting critical pedagogy from the periphery: Materiality, disability and
the politics of schooling. In S. L. Gabel (Ed.), Disability studies in education: Readings in
theory and method (pp. 65-84). New York: Peter Lang.
Erevelles, N. & Watts, I. E. (2004). These deadly times: Reconceptualizing school violence by
using critical race theory and disability studies. American Educational Research Journal
41 (2), 271-99.
Florian, L. (2007). Reimagining special education. In The SAGE Handbook of Special Education
(pp. 8-21). London: SAGE Publications.
Gabel, S. (Ed.). (2009). Disability studies in education: Readings in theory and method. New
York: Peter Lang.
Gabel, S. L. & Connor, D. J. (2009). Theorizing disability: Implications and applications for
social justice in education. In W.A. Ayers, T. Quinn, & D. Stovall (Eds.), Handbook of
Social Justice in Education (pp. 377-99). New York: Routledge.
Goodley, D. & Runswick-Cole, K. (2010). Len Barton, inclusion and critical disability studies:
Theorising disabled childhoods. International Studies in Sociology of Education, 20(4),
Goodley, D. & Runswick-Cole, K. (2015). Thinking about schooling through dis/ability: A
disHuman approach. In T. Corcoan, J. White, & B. Whitburn, Disability studies: Educating
for inclusion, pp. 241-53. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Graham, L. & Slee, R. (2008). Inclusion? In S. Danforth & S. Gabel (Eds.), Disability and the
politics of education: An international reader (pp. 81-99). New York, NY: Peter Lang.
hooks, b. (1994). Teaching to transgress: Education as the practice of freedom. New York:
Parekh, G. (2013). A case for inclusive education (Report No. 12/13-09). Toronto: Toronto
District School Board.
Parekh, G. (2015). Inclusion: Creating school and classroom communities where everyone
belongs (Report No. 15/16-09). Toronto: Toronto District School Board.
Rodis, P., Garrod, A. & Boscardin, M. L. (Eds.). (2001). Learning disabilities and life stories.
Needham Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
Runswick-Cole, K. (2011). Time to end the bias toward inclusive education? British Journal of
Special Education, 112-19.
Runswick-Cole, K. & Hodge, N. (2009). Needs or rights? A challenge to the discourse of special
education. British Journal of Special Education, 36, 198-203.
Slee, R. (1996). Disability, class and poverty: School structures and policing identities. In C.
Christensen & F. Rizvi (Eds.), Disability and the dilemmas of education and justice, pp.
96–108. Buckingham, UK: Open University Press.
Underwood, K. (2013). Everyone is welcome: Inclusive early childhood education and care.
Ministry of Education. Retrieved from
Winzer, M. A. (2007). Confronting difference: an excursion through the history of special
education. In The SAGE Handbook of Special Education, pp. 21–33. London: SAGE

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