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Vince Torres

1. (Marx) Why was Marx critical of capitalism?

be cause he belived that in capitalism there would always be irattionality in richness and power because means of
prduction are entirely private. he also stablished that economy relations canot be controled, since we try to

control them we are breaking human rights.

2. (Marcuse) What is the one-dimensional man? one dimesional man is a book written by a german philosoper
named Herbert marcuse. it was a militant work that criticizes democracy and how the modern society came to
become. He argues that "advanced industrial society" created false needs, which integrated individuals into the
existing system of production and consumption via mass media, advertising, industrial management, and
contemporary modes of thought.

Kellner, Douglas (1991). "Introduction to the Second Edition". Herbert Marcuse, One-dimensional Man: Studies in
Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society. London: Routledge. pp. xi. ISBN 978-0-415-07429-2.

3. (Marcuse) Briefly explain Marcuse's idea of the great refusal.

Herbert Marcuse inspected the abstract and material states of radical social change and built up the
"Incomparable Refusal," an extreme idea of "the challenge against that which is." The editors and supporters of
the energizing new volume The Great Refusal give an investigation of contemporary social developments around
the globe with specific reference to Marcuse's progressive idea. The book likewise draws in and places Marcuse in
basic exchange with-significant scholars including Slavoj Žižek and Michel Foucault, among others.

The parts in this book investigate distinctive components and areas of the contemporary rush of battle, drawing on
the work and vision of Marcuse so as to uncover, with an authentic point of view, the present snapshot of
obstruction. Articles look to comprehend late uprisings, for example, the Zapatistas in Mexico, the Arab Spring, and
the Occupy development with regards to Marcuse's amazing reasonable mechanical assembly.

The Great Refusal additionally diagrams contemporary social developments against an Earth-wide temperature
boost, mass imprisonment, police severity, racial oppression, militarization, mechanical improvement, and that's
only the tip of the iceberg, to give experiences that advance our comprehension of obstruction today.

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