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Raya Cisauk
Sampora RT002/002
October, 07 2019

The Manager

Dear Sir/Madam
I would like to apply for the position of public relations at your firms as advertised in kompas 14
October 2019.
I am currently studying at the Indonesian Institute of Technology. While pursuing education at the
Indonesian Institute of Technology campus. I have been involved in a number of freelance work.
Including interning at event organizer companies,music festival, and exhibitions. The experiences
I’ve had for over 1 years have enchanced my knowledge and skills.
This year I am enterning semester 4 and I have decided to take evening classes instead of the
morning, to allow me to work fulltime. I am sure that the combination of my practical work
experience, solid educator knowledge and an extensive network of relationship has prepared me
to create controversy in your company.
If you will contact me at 08888533658 during the day or event. I will make my self available at
your convenience for an interview.
Thankyou for your consideration. I look forward to meeting you.

Your Sincerely

Trendicka Adjie

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