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Communication Skills 2.

Pair work: Written Assignment + Presentation (20% for Each Task).

Topic 1/Task 1: Effective Presentation Skills (26 April 2019) – Week 4.

 DO’S and DON’T’s during Presentation

DO’S during Presentation.

1. Make sure you introduce yourself confidently to your audience at the beginning of
your presentation.
2. Keep your eye contact and open and extend your posture with a good gesture to the
audience to ensure that you retain their interest.
3. To make your presentation even more exciting, use stuff like “Props”,” Handouts”,
“Videos”, and “Photos” on your slides to make it more fun-like towards your
audiences and not make them seem bored.
4. Slow down, talk slower than usual and add pauses. This allows the audience to
understand and understand what you say more clearly.
5. Make sure your voice is loud as high enough in the room so that in purpose can
keep the audience alert.
6. Keep as simple as possible for the presentation.
7. To keep your audience interested, use eccentric quotes on the talk.
8. Even under difficult conditions, keep your cool and exactly don’t be nervous and
also afraid.
9. To illustrate your ideas, use as little slides as possible.
10. Always remember at the end of your presentation to do ask the audience if they
have any questions, as it will definitely help to involve them.
11. You must relate with the audience, for example by using individual stories,
examples and individual demonstrations to help your audience relate to you. For
example, their problem should also be your problem, so do not be afraid to let the
audience know what they are concerned about.
DONT’S during Presentation.

1. Don't read your slides straight away because it makes you look unprepared and
unprofessional as well. On the other hand, you have some small cue cards which
can fit your hand to point back again and remember, but keep and maintain your
eye contact with your audience.
2. Do not and don’t always say the word "UM" a lot or frequently in your phrase
during presenting instead, try to practice and think in the head.
3. Don't fidget your hands, try to keep them on your sides, or hold them onto a cue
card something to keep them quiet.
4. Don't try to pace up and down just because you're nervous, problems like this will
probably distract and annoy your audience most likely.
5. Make sure that the audience sees you as a whole and clear body and should not hide
behind the computer or speaker stand so that eye contact with them can be
maintained. But be careful of course about the stage pacing.
6. Don't use photographs that don't show exactly what you talk about, like cute or
unusual photographs. It distracts the audience on the back; nobody's going to hear
you say.
7. Don't mention any verbal tips like "See the website, it has
great features" without showing a slide that shows the website image and the URL
in big letters + a note saying that it will be in the presentation you post.
8. Without your introduction, don't just start your presentation.
9. Don't use too many slides and don't carry too much content for them.
10. Do not use gestures and unnecessarily walk around the podium.
11. Don't use technical terms too much.

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