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Cameron Campbell

Mind-Body Problem

The mind-body problem asks whether the mind and the body exist separately or if

they’re the same thing. The mind deals with our mental processes, thought and

consciousness. The body deals with the physical. Specifically the brain and how it

communicates with the rest of the body. Is the mind part of the body, or is the body a

product of the mind? Human beings are material objects. We have weight and

substance. However, we also have the ability to form thoughts because we have a

mind. Humans are said to have both a nonphysical mind and physical body and brain.

This view is known as dualism. This view states that the mind and body both exist as

separate things. The mind and body can both influence certain actions from each other.

This view could make sense, because for example if your have a thought in your head

during school, your body’s response is usually to raise your hand. That is an example of

your mind influencing your body to perform an action. However, if the mind is apart of

the body then that would explain why if you stub your toe your mind tells your body that

it feels pain. This view is is monism, this claims that all m​ental processes can be

identified by physical processes in the central nervous system, and that human beings

are just complicated beings, no more than that. Scientists argue that the mind does not

exist because there is no physical structure called the mind. This does not explain why

thoughts that a person may have are not physical.

Cameron Campbell
Mind-Body Problem

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