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You Know Me (Robbie

Listen and choose the correct word

If a man could be his own fantasy

Then to only/really breed in captivity
Is pointless
I've been waiting/doing what I like,
When I like, how I enjoy/like it's joyless
Only you know me
What a waste of war/bar this peace, baby steps and
two more sleeps
Till I get to say/feel sorry
I get hysterical, historicals,
Of love it's just love/chemical
Give us something to stop/finish me
Only you
Know me
Listen and cross out the extra word
Since you went away, my broken heart breaks
You don't know 'cause you're not usually there
You simply found the words to make all modern
feelings don’t fade away
Only you
Know me
Listen and choose the correct word
Breed in captivity = расти в плену
I'm doin' fine and the sun often shines Pointless = бессмысленно
What are you thinking? Joyless = безрадостно
I done bruised up my mind with this thunderbird Waste = пустая трата чего-либо
wine Peace = мир
Baby, I'm drinking
Hysterical = истерично
Only you
Know me Historical = исторически
Modern = современный
Listen and number the sentences in order Feelings = чувства
(_) You simply found the words to make all modern Bruise up mind = повредить рассудок
feelings fade away Thunderbird wine = отличное вино
(_) Since you went away, my heart breaks everyday Fade away = исчезать
(_) Only you
(_) Only you
(_) You don't know 'cause you're not there
(_) Know me
(_) Know me

Listen and complete the gaps

Since you went away, my heart breaks __________
And you don't know 'cause you're not there
You simply found the words to make all modern
feelings fade away
Only _____
Know ______ (x3)

All the way

Waitin' for you (x3)

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