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2, FEBRUARY 2018 851

Random Walks for Synthetic Aperture Radar

Image Fusion in Framelet Domain
Xiaoyuan Yang, Jingkai Wang, and Ridong Zhu

Abstract— A new framelet-based random walks (RWs) method In recent decades, many SAR image fusion approaches
is presented for synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image fusion, have been proposed [1], [11]–[25]. The simplest approach
including SAR-visible images, SAR-infrared images, and Multi- is to calculate the average of all the original images [11],
band SAR images. In this method, we build a novel RWs model
based on the statistical characteristics of framelet coefficients but this approach reduces the contrast and sharpness of
to fuse the high-frequency and low-frequency coefficients. This the fused image. To resolve this problem, many methods
model converts the fusion problem to estimate the probability based on multi-scale transform (MST) have been presented,
of each framelet coefficient being assigned each input image. such as ratio of low-pass pyramid (RLP) [12], gradient
Experimental results show that the proposed approach improves pyramid (GP) [11], Laplace pyramid (LAP) [11], discrete
the contrast while preserves the edges simultaneously, and out-
performs many traditional and state-of-the-art fusion techniques wavelet transform (DWT) [1], [13], “à trous” wavelet trans-
in both qualitative and quantitative analysis. form (AWT) [14], [15], curvelet transform (CVT) [16], [17],
dual-tree complex wavelet transform (DTCWT) [18], nonsub-
Index Terms— Image fusion, framelet transform, random
walks, SAR image, infrared image, visible image. sampled contourlet transform (NSCT) [19], [20] and nonsub-
sampled shearlet transform (NSST) [21]. In addition, many
I. I NTRODUCTION other image fusion techniques have been developed. For

W ITH the development of sensor technology, multisensor

image fusion has attracted the research interests of
more and more scholars. The purpose of multi-sensor image
instance, paper [22] presented a Kalman filter fusion method
to filter and unwrap the phases of interferometric synthetic
aperture radar images. Paper [23] proposed a local non-
fusion is to obtain a composite image by consolidating image negative matrix factorization approach to fuse SAR and visible
information from a plurality of sensors at the same scene [1]. image.
SAR is an active microwave remote sensor system which Recently, Li et al. [24] proposed a simple and effec-
can work at any time and under all weather and provides tive image fusion method based on guided filtering (GF).
high resolution radar image. It has been widely used in However, it may reduce the contrast and prone to smooth
military and civil field. The visible (VIS) image contains rich some edges. Xu et al. [25] applied feedback sparse com-
high-frequency details, which can reflect the spatial details ponent analysis (FSCA) method for remote sensing image
information of the whole scene. The infrared (IR) image can fusion. The sparse components of image can be extracted
show shape contour information of objects by intensity of by FSCA method while ignoring noise. Although it is good
thermal radiation of objects. In addition, the high band SAR for the fusion process, this method requires more expensive
image mainly displays the appearance of scene, which is computation. Kumar [26] presented a novel image fusion
close to optical imaging. While, the low band SAR image approach based on cross bilateral filter (CBF). He used detail
has a stronger penetration, thus hidden ground targets can be images extracted from the input images by CBF for the
imaged. Therefore, the full scene of images can be provided computation of fusion weights which was helpful to improve
by SAR image fusion (SAR-VIS, SAR-IR and Multi-band fusion performance. However, the approach may generate
SAR), which has become a foundation for classification, fusion artifacts. Liu et al. [27] used MST and sparse repre-
detection, land use mapping and urban area extraction in SAR sentation (SR) to build a new image fusion framework. In the
images [2]–[10]. proposed framework, the SR fusion method was applied to
fuse the low-pass subbands. The contrast in the fused image
Manuscript received December 16, 2016; revised June 5, 2017 and
July 8, 2017; accepted August 21, 2017. Date of publication August 30, is improved. But this approach does not involve global or local
2017; date of current version November 22, 2017. This work was sup- statistic information about high-pass subbands.
ported in part by the Natural Science Foundation of Beijing Municipality Grady [28]–[30] first proposed the random walks method
under Grant 4152029 and in part by the National Natural Science Foun-
dation of China under Grant 61671002. The associate editor coordinat- for image segmentation. He analyzed the advantages of this
ing the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was method, such as weak boundary detection, noise robustness
Prof. Oleg V. Michailovich. (Corresponding author: Xiaoyuan Yang.) and so on. After [30], some image processing methods based
The authors are with the Key Laboratory of Mathematics, Informatics, and
Behavioral Semantics, Ministry of Education, Department of Mathematics on random walks have been presented [31]–[34]. Among
and Systems Science, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China (e-mail: them, paper [32] presented a general random walks fusion;; approach for multi-exposure image fusion. Then, paper [33]
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at proposed a novel multi-focus image fusion approach based
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIP.2017.2747093 on random walks fusion framework [32]. In these methods,
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See for more information.

all input images were given labels. They focused on solving Compared to previous approaches, our method can obtain
a labeling problem to estimate the probability of each input better fused image.
image pixel being assigned each labeled input image. And the The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.
merged weights for image fusion can be calculated by these In Section II, we give a brief introduction of framelet transform
probabilities. and random walks. Section III presents a novel random walks
Paper [32] and [33] are spatial domain methods. They might approach for SAR image fusion in framelet domain. The
smooth the merged weights excessively, which is bad for experimental results are given in Section IV. In the end,
image fusion. In order to solve this problem, we transform the Section V summarizes the main conclusions of this paper.
input images to a multi-scale framelet domain by performing
nonsubsampled framelet transform (NFT). II. P RELIMINARIES
As a generalization of the orthogonal basis, the framelet
In this section, we shall briefly review some concepts and
relaxes the requirements of the orthogonality and linear inde-
principles with regard to framelet transform and random walks.
pendence to bring in redundancy [35]. Therefore, it is more
precise than wavelet in extracting the spatial information.
Moreover, translation invariance is a desirable property in A. Framelet Transform
image processing [36]. It can be achieved by nonsubsampling For simplicity, we only show the framelets in the univariate
in framelet decomposition. In addition, the framelet transform setting, and the bivariate framelets can be obtained by tensor
can afford the effective sparse representation of the images product of the univariate one.
which include rich textures. More importantly, this transform A tight frame of L 2 (R) can be defined by a countable
also has properties of fast decomposition and perfect recon- function subset of χ ⊂ L 2 (R), if
struction [37]. In recent years, it has been widely used in image 
processing, such as image inpainting [38], image deblur- f =  f, gg ∀ f ∈ L 2 (R) (1)
ring [35], image denoising [36], [39], pansharping [40], [41] g∈χ
and image sparse unmixing [42]. where  f, g represents the inner product for any two func-
In our proposed method, we first perform NFT on the tions f, g ∈ L 2 (R).
input images to obtain their framelet coefficients. The inherent Given a collection of dilations and shifts of a finite set
speckle noise of SAR image affects the further processing.  = {ψ 1 , . . . ψ p } ⊂ L 2 (R), it is defined as a wavelet system
Therefore, we give a speckle reduction method based on hard W () as follows:
thresholding the high-frequency coefficients. Then, a novel
random walks fusion model is built in pre-denoised framelet W () = {ψd,q
= 2d/2 ψ t (2d η − q) | t = 1, . . . , p, d ∈ Z,
domain. In this model, we can obtain the probabilities of q ∈ Z} (2)
framelet coefficients being assigned each input image by
finding a global optimal solution. Then, the fusion weights of When W () forms a tight frame, it’s called a wavelet tight
high-frequency and low-frequency coefficients are estimated frame, and each ψ t ∈  is named as a framelet.
by these probabilities, respectively. In the end, the fused image To construct the compactly supported tight frame system,
is reconstructed by employing the corresponding inverse NFT one first obtains a compactly supported scaling function φ ∈
on the merged framelet coefficients. L 2 (R) with a refinement mask 
h 0 satisfying
In random walks model, we first employ to build a φ (2w) = 
 h 0 (w)
φ (w) (3)
weighted undirected graph to model the statistical character-
istics of framelet coefficients. For high-pass subband fusion, where φ  can be obtained by the Fourier transform of φ and
the absolute high-frequency coefficient values are selected to 
h0 is a 2π-periodic function with  h 0 (0) = 1.  h 0 (w) =
h (k)e −ikw , h is named as a low-pass filter.
measure the compatibility of the high-frequency coefficient k∈Z 0 0
node with the input image node, which is good for fusing the Then, for the given scaling function φ, a tight frame can
edge contour information of input images. For low-pass sub- be constructed by looking for a suitable set of framelets  =
band fusion, we take neighborhood information into account. {ψ 1 , . . . ψ p }, which is denoted in the Fourier domain by
The local variance of low-frequency coefficient is proposed to t (2w) = 
ψ h t (w)
φ (w), t = 1, 2, . . . , p (4)
construct compatibility function, which is helpful to improve
contrast and avoid artifacts. where theframelet masks  h t are 2π-periodic functions. Here
The main contribution of this paper is to propose a new 
h t (w) = k∈Z h t (k)e−ikw , h t is called a high-pass filter.
SAR image fusion model based on random walks in framelet The unitary extension principle (UEP) in [43] gives the
domain. This model provides a method for solving high- condition for W () to form as a tight frame system, i.e., the
pass or low-pass subband fusion problem that can be for- masks  h0, 
h1, . . . , 
h p satisfy
mulated as an optimization problem. It not only considers
the correlation of the framelet coefficients, but also takes 

h 0 (w)
h 0 (w + γ π)+ 
h t (w)
h t (w + γ π) = δ(γ ), γ = 0, 1
the local characteristics of coefficients into account, which is
t =1
good for merging framelet coefficients. In addition, we provide (5)
both subjective and objective comparisons with traditional
and state-of-the-art methods on three different image sets. for almost all w ∈ R. Here δ(γ ) is a delta function.

Fig. 2. Graph used in RW. The blue nodes are unlabeled nodes and red
nodes are labeled nodes.

Fig. 3. Flow chart of the image fusion.

Fig. 1. An example of framelet decomposition with three filters. Based on the weighted undirected graph mentioned above,
the image fusion problem can be converted to a labeling prob-
Suppose that low-pass filter is h 0 , high-pass filters lem. This problem places one random walker at each unlabeled
are h 1 , h 2 . As an example, Fig. 1(a) shows a process of 2-scale node (input image pixel) and then calculates probabilities that
framelet decomposition, where {L s , s = 1, 2} represent low- they first arrive at labeled nodes (input images) [32]. Luckily,
pass subbands and {Hs,k , s = 1, 2, k = 1, 2, . . . , 8} represent the combinatorial Dirichlet method provides a simple and
high-pass subbands. s and k indicate sth scale and kth high- effective approach for computing this problem [30].
pass subband, respectively. The size of these subbands is the For simplicity, we directly provide the expression of this
same as the input image due to nonsubsampling in framelet solution. More details can be found in [32] and [33]. We first
decomposition. The decomposition results are also shown denote L as the Laplacian matrix. Then, we give the block
in Fig. 1(b). matrix of L:
L = TY (6)
B. Random Walks LX Y LX
In this subsection, we review the random walkers fusion where LY is the submatrix of L that contains the relation
method in spatial domain. within VY ; L X is the submatrix that contains the relation within
We first define a set of labeled nodes VY = {y1 , y2 , . . . , y K } V X ; L X Y is the submatrix that contains the relation between
and a set of unlabeled nodes V X = {x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x N }, where V X and VY . The superscript T represents the matrix transpose.
K denotes the number of input images and N denotes the In the end, we denote p X as the probabilities of the
number of pixels of an input image. Each input image pixel unlabeled nodes first arriving at the labeled nodes. The final
is represented by x i ∈ V X , and each input image is indicated solution can be computed by:
by yl ∈ VY . Then, a weighted undirected graph is defined
as G = (V, E), where V = VY ∪ V X is a set of nodes and L X p X = −LTX Y pY (7)
E = E X ∪ E Y is a set of edges. For an unlabeled node where pY is obtained by the labeled nodes.
x i ∈ V X , edges E X are drawn between it and its four connected
neighbors. Edges E Y are drawn between each unlabeled node III. R ANDOM WALKS F USION M ETHOD
x j ∈ V X and each labeled node yl ∈ VY . In addition, wi,1 j is a IN F RAMELET D OMAIN
weight defined on E X that measures the compatibility between The flow chart of the image fusion is shown in Fig. 3.
unlabeled nodes x i and x j , and w2j,l is a weight defined on Framelet transform has been introduced in section II-A.
E Y that measures the compatibility between unlabeled node x j This section focuses on RW fusion method to merge framelet
and labeled node yl . This graph can be represented by Fig. 2. coefficients. We firstly analyze the statistical characteristics

Fig. 4. Correlation of framelet coefficients. (a) Neighborhood correlation. (b) Scale correlation. (c) Subband correlation.

of framelet coefficients in the next subsection. Then, a new The correlation between the high-pass subbands is also
random walks model is built based on these characteristics. useful for random walks in framelet domain. In addition,
Furthermore, we give framelet coefficients fusion rule. In the we can also use (8) to capture the correlation between con-
end, the effect of noise in SAR images is discussed. nected high frequency coefficients (blue nodes) at the same
location in adjacent high-pass subbands, as shown in Fig. 4(c).
A. Statistical Characteristics of Framelet Coefficients
Let the source image be {Ir,c , r, c = 1, 2, . . . , M}, where r B. Random Walks Model in Framelet Domain
and c represent row and column, respectively. M is the size 1) Weighted Undirected Graphs in Framelet Domain:
of row and column. As mentioned in section II-A, given the Weighted undirected graph will play an important role in
J -scale NFT of an image with one low-pass filter and two random walks model.
high-pass filters, Hs,k,r,c denotes the (r, c)th high-frequency In this model, let I = {I 1 , I 2 , . . . , I K } denotes the set of
coefficient in the kth high-pass subband of the sth scale and input images and VY = {y1, y2 , . . . , y K } denotes the set of
L s,r,c denotes the (r, c)th low-frequency coefficient in the sth labeled nodes, where a labeled node yl ∈ VY is associated
scale. Where s = 1, 2, . . . , J, k = 1, 2, . . . , 8 and J is the with the lth input image I l ∈ I , l = 1, 2, . . . , K .
largest scale in the decomposition. For high-pass subbands, let V XHs,k = {x s,k,r,c
H } denotes the set
As mentioned in [39] and [44], we have the following of unlabeled nodes in the kth subband of sth scale. It should be
statistical properties of the framelet coefficients. Neighbor- noted that the superscript H represents the high-pass subband
ing framelet coefficients are often highly dependent – if in this paper.
a specific framelet coefficient is large or small, then its Then, we define the unlabeled set:
neighboring framelet coefficients are very likely to also be
large or small [44]. In other words, each framelet coeffi- V XH = V XHs,k = {x iH = x s,k,r,c
cient (black node) is related to its neighborhood (blue nodes), s=1 k=1
as shown in Fig. 4(a). i = 8M 2 (s − 1) + M 2 (k − 1) + (c − 1)M + r } (9)
According to [39], large or small framelet coefficients
incline to propagate across scales. That is to say each par- where i represents the spatial position of high-frequency
ent coefficient (red node) connects to its child coefficient coefficient in all high-pass subbands.
(blue node), as shown in Fig. 4(b). In this paper, we give the As shown in Fig. 5(a), we define a weighted undirected
definition of the correlation coefficient between transformed graph G H = (V H , E H ) based on the correlation of high-
subbands. It can express the correlation between connected frequency coefficients, where V H = VY ∪ V XH is the set of
coefficients in the same subband of adjacent scales. nodes. Let V H be arranged in a way that:
Let A = {ar,c } and B = {br,c } be the matrices
V H = {v 1H = y1 , v 2H = y2 , . . . , v KH = y K ,
(e.g., the transformed subbands). The correlation coefficient
between A and B is defined as (8). v KH+1= x 1H , . . . , v KH+i = x iH , . . . , v KH+8 J M 2 = x 8HJ M 2 } (10)
c=1 [ar,c −A][br,c −B]
Furthermore, E H = E 1H ∪ E 2H ∪ E 3H ∪ E 4H is the set of
R(A, B) =  
M M edges, where edges in E 1H are drawn between nodes in V XH
c=1 [ar,c − A] c=1 [br,c − B]
2 2
r=1 r=1 and VY , edges in E 2H are drawn between nodes within V XHs,k
(8) and edges in E 3H are drawn between nodes in V XHs ,k and V XHs ,k ,
1 M M 1 M M
1 2
where A = M 2 r=1 c=1 ar,c , B = M 2 r=1 c=1 br,c s1 and s2 represent the adjacent scales. In addition, edges

Fig. 5. Graph used in RW based on framelet domain. The red and blue nodes are unlabled nodes and the green nodes are label nodes. (a) High-pass subbands.
(b) Low-pass subbands.

in E 4H are drawn between nodes in V XHs,k and V XHs,k , k1 and k2 Likewise, we can define the compatibility function for low-
1 2
represent the adjacent high-pass subbands. pass subbands as follows:
Each edge in E is given a weight to measure the compat- ⎧

⎨w1,m,n (v m , v n ) ∈ E 1
ibility between the adjacent nodes in V H . L L L L
wm,n = w (v m , v n ) = w2,m,n (v m , v n ) ∈ E 2L (14)
Therefore, we can define the compatibility function for high- ⎪
⎩ L
pass subbands as follows: λw3,m,n (v mL , v nL ) ∈ E 3L
⎧ H
⎪ w (v mH , v nH ) ∈ E 1H where w1,m,n
L , w2,m,n
L and w3,m,n
L are weight functions defined

⎪ 1,m,n

⎪ on E 1 , E 2 and E 3 , respectively. λ is employed to balance
⎨w H (v mH , v nH ) ∈ E 2H
wm,n = w (v m , v n ) =
H H H H 2,m,n
(11) the weight w3,m,n
L . We will explain more details about these

⎪ αw3,m,n
H (v mH , v nH ) ∈ E 3H weights in the following subsection.

⎩ H 2) Compatibility Functions: In this paper, the function
βw4,m,n (v mH , v nH ) ∈ E 4H w1,m,n
H measures the compatibility of mth high-frequency
where w1,m,n
H , w2,m,n
H , w3,m,n
H and w4,m,n
H are weight functions coefficient node with nth input image node. The large absolute
high-frequency coefficient values in high-pass subbands cor-
defined on E 1 , E 2 , E 3 and E 4 , respectively. α and β are

introduced to balance the weights w3,m,n H and w4,m,n

H . respond to the salient features in the original image such as
edges and contours. Therefore, we select the high-frequency
Similarly, let V X s = {x s,r,c } denotes the set of unlabeled
coefficient values to construct w1,m,n
H .
nodes in the sth scale. It should be noted that the superscript
In addition, we normalize these values to be within the range
L represents the low-pass subband in this paper.
[0,1]. At last, w1,m,n
H can be computed by:
Then, we define the unlabeled set:
|Hmn | − min (|Hn |)

= (15)
V XL = V XLs = {x iL = x s,r,c
, i = M 2 (s − 1) + (c − 1)M +r } max(|Hn |) − min(|Hn |)
s=1 where Hmn = Hs,k,r,c
n , m = 2+8M 2 (s−1)+M 2 (k −1)+M(c−
(12) 1) + r, n = 1, 2, . . . , K , Hs,k,r,c
n denotes the high-frequency
where i represents the spatial position of low-frequency coef- coefficient Hs,k,r,c of the nth input image and Hn is a vector,
ficient in all low-pass subbands. each element is Hmn .
As shown in Fig. 5(b), we define a weighted undi- On the other hand, functions w2,m,n H , w3,m,n
H and w4,m,n

rected graph G L = (V L , E L ) for low-pass subbands, where are used to evaluate the compatibility between connected
V L = VY ∪ V XL is the set of nodes. Let V L be arranged in a high frequency coefficients. As previous random walks
way that: approaches [28]–[33], the Gaussian weighting function defined
by Euclidean distance could measure the compatibility
V L = {v 1L = y1 , v 2L = y2 , . . . , v KL = y K , between two adjacent pixels. But this function can’t effectively
v KL +1 = x 1L , . . . , v KL +i = x iL , . . . , v KL +J M 2 = x JL M 2 } (13) capture the geometric property of input images due to its
isotropy. Moreover, it has drawbacks in the treatment of
Moreover, E L = E 1L ∪ E 2L ∪ E 3L is the set of edges, where edges and contours. In our work, we apply the Gaussian
edges in E 1L are drawn between nodes in V XL and VY , edges weighting function in framelet domain. It not only measures
in E 2L are drawn between nodes within V XLs and edges in E 3L the compatibility between two connected framelet coefficients
are drawn between nodes in V XLs and V XLs . but also overcomes the shortcomings in the spatial domain.
1 2

In addition, this function can also be used to suppress the n

Firstly, we define the local variance Ss,r,c at position (r, c)
compatibility of connected framelet coefficients with large in the sth scale of the nth input image.
difference of values. 1 
In our method, we first define the average high-frequency
Ss,r,c = (L ns,r,c − μns,r,c )2 (20)
coefficient value at position (r, c) in the kth subband of sth (r,c)∈ℵ
scale in all input images. where L ns,r,c
denotes the low-frequency coefficient L s,r,c of
K l the nth input image and μns,r,c denotes the average L ns,r,c in
l=1 Hs,k,r,c
H s,k,r,c = (16) neighborhood ℵ, that is,
1  n
Then, w2,m,n
H is calculated by the following equation: μns,r,c = L s,r,c (21)

Hml − Hnl 2 Then, we construct the function w1,m,n
L by normalizing
w2,m,n = exp(− )+ n
δ the Ss,r,c .
H m − H n 2 Smn − min (Sn )
≈ exp(− ) + , w1,m,n
= (22)
δ max(Sn ) − min(Sn ) + eps
H m = H s,k,r1 ,c1 , H n = H s,k,r2 ,c2 , δ = (17) where Smn = Ss,r,c n , m = 2 + M 2 (s − 1) + M(c − 1) + r ,
K n = 1, 2, . . . , K , Sn is a vector, each element is Smn . eps is a
where m = 2 + 8M 2 (s − 1) + M 2 (k − 1) + M(c1 − 1) +r1 , n = regularisation term which is set to 10−6 .
2+8M 2 (s−1)+M 2 (k−1)+M(c2 −1)+r2 . (r1 , c1 ) and (r2 , c2 ) Similar to (16), the average low-frequency coefficient value
represent adjacent positions by 4-connectivity. exp(.) is the at position (r, c) in the sth scale in all input images can be
exponential function and .2 denotes Euclidean distance. δ is calculated by (23).
a controlling parameter and is a small constant which is set K l
l=1 L s,k,c
to 10−6 . L s,r,c = (23)
Unlike [32], [33], we take the correlation of different high- K
pass subbands into consideration. Then, we use the improved At last, the functions w2,m,n
L and w3,m,n
L are used to evaluate
Gaussian weighting function to evaluate the compatibility of the compatibility between connected low-frequency coeffi-
connected coefficients in different high-pass subbands. The cients. Similar to high-frequency coefficients, we also utilize
compatibility functions w3,m,n
H and w4,m,n
H are calculated by improved Gaussian weighting function to estimate w2,m,nL and
(18) and (19). w3,m,n by the following (24) and (25).

C(s1 ,s2 ),k H m − H n 2 L m − L n 2

= exp(− ) + , w2,m,n
= exp(− ) + ,
δ δ
Hm = H s1 ,k,r,c , H n = H s2 ,k,r,c , Lm = L s,r1 ,c1 , L n = L s,r2 ,c2 (24)
C(s1 ,s2 ),k = R(Hs1 ,k , Hs2 ,k ) (18)
where m = 2 + M 2 (s − 1) + M(c1 − 1) + r1 ,n = 2 + M 2 (s −
Cs,(k1 ,k2 ) H m − H n 2 1) + M(c2 − 1) + r2 .
= exp (− ) + ,
Cs1 ,s2 L m − L n 2
Hm = H s,k1 ,r,c , H n = H s,k2 ,r,c , w3,m,n
= exp (− ) + ,
Cs,(k1 ,k2 ) = R(Hs,k1 , Hs,k2 ) (19)
L m = L s1 ,r,c , L n = L s2 ,r,c , Cs1 ,s2 = R(Ls1 , Ls2 ) (25)
where the calculation of m and n are similar to (17). where the calculation of m and n are similar to (24). Ls1
Hs1 ,k , Hs2 ,k , Hs,k1 and Hs,k2 are matrices, their elements and Ls2 are matrices and their elements are L s1 ,r,c and L s2 ,r,c .
are H s1 ,k,r,c , H s2 ,k,r,c , H s,k1 ,r,c and H s,k2 ,r,c , respectively. Cs1 ,s2 indicates the correlation coefficient between Ls1 and Ls2 .
C(s1 ,s2 ),k and Cs,(k1 ,k2 ) are the correlation coefficients of the 3) Random Walks Model Building and Solving: The prob-
pairs (Hs1 ,k , Hs2 ,k ) and (Hs,k1 , Hs,k2 ), respectively. ability of each unlabeled node (framelet coefficient) first
In this paper, the function w1,m,n L evaluates the compatibility reaching labeled nodes (input images) can be calculated by
of a low-frequency coefficient node with a input image node. solving the appropriate combinatorial Dirichlet problem [30].
As we all know, the low-pass subbands represent the approx- Then, let u(v) indicate the energy connected with the node v.
imate information of the image. Furthermore, the statistics of The total energy of the high-pass subbands system is:
low-frequency coefficients used to assess local image features
play a crucial role in adaptive image fusion. The local variance T EH = w H (u(v mH ) − u(v nH ))2 (26)
is one of the commonly used statistics of low-frequency 2 H H H m,n
(v m ,v n )∈E
coefficients, because of its ease of calculation and its validity
in evaluating image smoothness. Hence, we use the variance In the same way, we can obtain T E L (total energy of the
of low-frequency coefficient in a local neighborhood ℵ to low-pass subbands system), where the superscript H in (26)
estimate w1,m,n
L . is replaced with L.

Our target is to find a function u(.) that minimizes formulated as:

T E H (or T E L ). If u(.) satisfies ∇ 2 u = 0, then it ⎪
⎪ Hs,k,r,c ,
is guaranteed to minimize such total energy T E H (or ⎪

⎪i f Ms,k,r,c
1 > max{Ms,k,r,c
, l = 2, . . . , K }
T E L ) [30]. The function u(.) can be efficiently calculated ⎪

by using matrix operations. Here, we define the Lapla- ⎪
⎪ H 2 ,

⎨i f M 2
s,k,r,c > max{Ms,k,r,c , l = 1, 3, . . . , K }
cian matrix for high-pass subbands (or low-pass subbands)
Hs,k,r,c = .

⎪ ..
⎧ ⎪

⎪ ⎪

⎨d m
H if m = n ⎪

Hs,k,r,c ,

Lm,n = −wm,n i f (v mH , v nH ) ∈ E H
H H ⎪
⎪ if M K > max{Ms,k,r,c
, l = 1, . . . , K − 1}

⎩ ⎪
⎪ 1  Ks,k,r,cl
other wi se ⎩
0 l=1 Hs,k,r,c , other wi se
⎧ K

⎨d m
L if m = n (30)
or Lm,n = −wm,n L i f (v mL , v nL ) ∈ E L (27) F
where Hs,k,r,c denotes the fused high-frequency coefficient

0 other wi se value at position (r, c) in the kth subband of sth scale.
Ms,k,r,c is the select measurement assigned to the lth input
where dmH (or dmL ) is the degree of the node v mH (or v mL ). l
image for high-frequency coefficient Hs,k,r,c .
Then, (26) can be rewritten in matrix form as: In our method, the select measurement Ms,k,r,cl can be
 T  H derived from the probability H Ps,k,r,c :
T EH = L l
= H Ps,k,r,c
, l = 1, 2, . . . , K
Ms,k,r,c (31)
 H T    H
where H Ps,k,r,c denotes the probability of a high-frequency
= X Y
2 U H
X (L H T
XY ) L H
coefficient Hs,k,r,c assigned to the lth input image. It can be
1 H T H H H T H T H obtained by the solution U H X.
= ((UY ) LY UY + 2(U X ) (L X Y ) UY
2 On the other hand, low-frequency coefficients fusion is
+ (U H
X ) LX UX )
(28) formulated as a weighted average. Based on the inverse NFT,
we only need to calculate fused low-frequency coefficients of
where U H X is a vector, each member is the energy of node in J th scale. They can be computed by:
V XH ; UYH is a vector, each member is the energy of node in

VYH ; LYH is the submatrix of L H which contains the relation L FJ,r,c = l
W J,r,c L lJ,r,c (32)
within VYH ; L HX is the submatrix which contains the rela- l=1
tion within V XH ; L H
X Y is the submatrix which contains the
relation between unlabeled nodes (framelet coefficients) and where L FJ,r,c denotes the fused low-frequency coefficient value
labeled nodes (input images). at position (r, c) in the J th scale. W J,r,c
l is the weight assigned
T E L can be rewritten in matrix form in the same to the lth original image for low-frequency coefficient L lJ,r,c .
way, where the superscript H in (28) is replaced In this paper, the weight W J,r,c can be derived from the
with L. l
probability L PJ,r,c :
Therefore, the minimum total energy solution can be l
gained by setting ∇ (T E H ) = 0 or ∇ (T E L ) = 0 l
L PJ,r,c
W J,r,c = K , l = 1, 2, . . . , K (33)
with respect to U H L
X (or U X ), i.e., solving the following
l=1 L PJ,r,c
where L PJ,r,c denotes the probability of a low-frequency
X U X = −(L X Y ) UY
LH L LX U LX = −(L LX Y )T UYL (29)
H H T H coefficient L J,r,c assigned to the lth original image. It can
be obtained by the solution U LX .
In the above equation, we assign the energy of the labeled
node connected with corresponding input image the value D. Effect of Noise in the SAR Image
1 and assign 0 to the energy of other labeled nodes. The
solution U H L SAR image may generate coherence speckle noise. In gen-
X (or U X ) will afford us the probabilities of a
random walker starting from each unlabeled node (framelet eral, the noise is concentrated in high-pass subbands. In our
coefficient) reaching the labeled node connected with the input algorithm, compatibility functions are determined by absolute
image. value of high-frequency coefficient which is sensitive to noise.
In order to overcome this problem, we add a pre-denoising step
to reduce the noise in the SAR images. In this paper, the hard
C. Framelet Coefficients Fusion Rule thresholding [45], [46] has performed in all high-frequency
On the one hand, the high frequency framelet coefficients 
are fused by the approach of choosing maximum measurement. Hs,k,r,c i f |Hs,k,r,c | > Ts,k
Hs,k,r,c =
The technique of choosing maximum measurement can be 0 or her wi se

Algorithm 1 The Main Process of the Proposed Fusion


Fig. 6. Original images used in our experiments. (a) SAR-1. (b) VIS-1.
(c) SAR-2. (d) VIS-2. (e) SAR-3. (f) IR-3. (g) SAR-4. (h) IR-4.
(i) S-BAND-5-1. (j) S-BAND-5-2. (k) S-BAND-6-1. (l) S-BAND-6-2.

where Hs,k,r,c indicates denoised high-frequency coefficients B. Image Fusion Evaluation Metrics
of SAR image. Ts,k represents threshold in different high-pass In order to objectively assess the performances of different
subbands. image fusion approaches, many fusion evaluation metrics
In this paper, the computing method of the threshold Ts,k have been presented in recent years [47]–[53]. It is generally
is adaptive to different high-pass subband characteristics. known that only one evaluation metric can’t reflect the image
√ √ fusion quality in quantitative analysis. Therefore, to make
σs,k 2 ln N 2 2σs,k
Ts,k = √ = √ (35) a comprehensive evaluation for fused image, we adopt five
ln( N ) ln N popular fusion evaluation metrics, which are briefly introduced
where N denotes the number of high-frequency coefficients. as follows. For simplicity, we denote A and B as two original
The variance of noise σs,k is not known in framelet domain, images and indicate F as the fused image.
it is estimated by the median function. Fusion evaluation metrics Q W and Q E are proposed by
Piella and Heijmans [49] based on the universal image quality
medi an(|Hs,k |)
σs,k = (36) index(UIQI) [47], [48].
0.6745 The evaluation metric Q W is defined as
However, the blurred edges may be generated during the 
pre-denoising process, which will affect the result of image QW = c(w)(λ(w)Q 0 (A, F|w)+(1−λ(w))Q 0 (B, F|w))
fusion. In future work, we will further study how to incorpo- w∈W
rate the noise item into the image fusion model to make the (37)
approach have a better robustness to noise.
where the weight c(w) is the normalized saliency of w among
Based on the above discussion, we summarize the presented
all the local sliding windows. Q 0 (A, F|w) and Q 0 (B, F|w)
approach for image fusion in Algorithm 1.
are computed by the proposed method in [47] in a local sliding
window w. The local weight λ(w) is computed by
A. Original Images λ(w) = (38)
s(A|w) + s(B|w)
In this paper, we assume that there are only two input
images I 1 and I 2 . As shown in Fig. 6, six groups of original where the saliency measures s(A|w) and s(B|w) are computed
images divided into three categories are applied to verify the with the variance of A and B in a local sliding window w,
effectiveness of the presented image fusion approach. Among respectively.
them, there are two groups of SAR-Visible (S-V) images The evaluation metric Q E is defined as follows [49]:
(see Fig. 6(a-d)), two groups of SAR-Infrared (S-I) images
Q E = Q W (A, B, F)Q W (A , B , F )τ (39)
(see Fig. 6(e-h)) and two groups of Multi-band SAR (M-S)

images (see Fig. 6(i-l)). Furthermore, we assume that the two where A , B , and F are the corresponding edge images of
original images in each group have been registered. A, B, and F, respectively. τ is a parameter that represents

Fig. 7. SAR-VIS-1 fused images. (a) LAP. (b) RLP. (c) DWT. (d) DTCWT. (e) CVT. (f) NSCT-P. (g) NSCT-S. (h) NSST-M. (i) GF. (j) GRW. (k) NFT.
(l) Our.

Fig. 8. SAR-VIS-2 fused images. (a) LAP. (b) RLP. (c) DWT. (d) DTCWT. (e) CVT. (f) NSCT-P. (g) NSCT-S. (h) NSST-M. (i) GF. (j) GRW. (k) NFT.
(l) Our.

the contribution of the edge images compared to the source The evaluation metric Q Y based on structural similarity
images. index measure (SSIM) is defined as [52]:
The evaluation metric Q G based on gradient assesses the ⎧
performances of edge information transferred from the original ⎪
⎪λ(w)SS I M(A, F|w)+(1−λ(w))SS I M(B, F|w),

⎨i f SS I M(A, B|w) ≥ 0.75
images to the fused image [50]. It is computed by
QY = (42)
⎪max{SS I M(A, F|w), SS I M(B, F|w)},
i, j (Q
AF (i, j )w A (i, j ) + Q B F (i, j )w B (i, j )) ⎪

QG =  (40) i f SS I M(A, B|w) < 0.75
i, j (w (i, j ) + w (i, j ))

The local weight λ(w) has been defined in (38). More

where Q AF (i, j ) = Q gAF (i, j )Q αAF (i, j ), Q gAF (i, j ) and details about SS I M are available in [52].
Q αAF (i, j ) are respectively the edge strength preservation and In the above five evaluation metrics, the higher the value
edge orientation preservation at (i, j ) from A. The definition of the evaluation metric, the better the fusion effect will be.
of Q B F (i, j ) is the same as that of Q AF (i, j ). w A (i, j ) is In addition, all the parameters of the evaluation metrics are
the weight based on the edge strength (i, j ) in A. w B (i, j ) is set to the default values given in the referred papers.
similar to w A (i, j ).
The evaluation metric Q P based on phase congruency
represents the measures of fused image salient characteristics C. Filters Setting
such as contours and edges [51]. It is calculated by In our study, we adopt the piecewise linear B-spline as
the scaling function φ as mentioned in [43]. This function
Q P = (Pp )a (PM )b (Pm )c (41)
φ has the refinement mask  h 0 = (1 + e−iw )2 /4, and the
where a, b and c are the exponential parameters. p, M and m corresponding low-pass filter is h 0 = 14 [1, 2, 1].
indicate phase congruency, maximum and minimum moments, Two framelets
√ ψ1 and ψ2 are obtained by the framelet masks
respectively. More details about Q P can be found in [51]. 
h 1 = − 42 (1 − e−i2w ) and  h 2 = − 14 (1 − e−iw )2 , whose

Fig. 9. SAR-IR-1 fused images. (a) LAP. (b) RLP. (c) DWT. (d) DTCWT. (e) CVT. (f) NSCT-P. (g) NSCT-S. (h) NSST-M. (i) GF. (j) GRW. (k) NFT.
(l) Our.

Fig. 10. SAR-IR-2 fused images. (a) LAP. (b) RLP. (c) DWT. (d) DTCWT. (e) CVT. (f) NSCT-P. (g) NSCT-S. (h) NSST-M. (i) GF. (j) GRW. (k) NFT.
(l) Our.

Fig. 11. Analysis of parameter J .

Fig. 12. Analysis of parameter δ.

corresponding high-pass filters are h 1 = 4 [−1, 0, 1]
h 2 = 14 [−1, 2, −1]. There are five free parameters, J , δ, α, β and λ in our image
fusion model. We first set the values of these parameters
as (J, δ, α, β, λ) = (3, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0). When analyzing a
D. Analysis of Parameters parameter, the values of the other four parameters is fixed.
This section discusses the impact of different parameters As shown in Fig. 11, when J becomes bigger, the Q G ,
on the fusion performance. We utilize the average values of Q P and Q Y increase, while Q W decreases. Moreover, Q E
five evaluation metrics to evaluate the fusion performance. becomes bigger first and then decreases with increase of J .

Fig. 13. Analysis of parameters. (a) α. (b) β. (c) λ.

Fig. 14. Multi-band SAR-1 fused images. (a) LAP. (b) RLP. (c) DWT. (d) DTCWT. (e) CVT. (f) NSCT-P. (g) NSCT-S. (h) NSST-M. (i) GF. (j) GRW.
(k) NFT. (l) Our.

Fig. 15. Multi-band SAR-2 fused images. (a) LAP. (b) RLP. (c) DWT. (d) DTCWT. (e) CVT. (f) NSCT-P. (g) NSCT-S. (h) NSST-M. (i) GF. (j) GRW.
(k) NFT. (l) Our.

In order to balance the evaluation metrics, we suggest using The analysis of parameters α, β and λ are shown in Fig. 13.
J = 3. When α increases, the Q W and Q E become smaller, while
As shown in Fig. 12, when δ increases, the Q W becomes Q G , Q P and Q Y become bigger. In order to balance the
smaller, while Q G , Q P and Q Y become bigger. Furthermore, evaluation metrics, we suggest using α = 0.6. Next, β is
Q E increases first and then decreases with increase of δ. analyzed in the same way, which is set as 0.8 in this paper.
The values of the metrics changes slowly when δ >= 10.0. At last, when λ increases, all evaluation metrics have little
Therefore, δ is set as 10.0 in this paper. change. Therefore, we suggest using λ = 1.0.


E. Comparison With Other Image Fusion Approaches

image (see Fig. 7(j) and Fig. 8(j)). Therefore, the proposed
In this section, the proposed framelet-based random approach can preserve spatial details information without
walks fusion method is compared with eleven image fusion producing artifacts and brightness distortions.
approaches based on ratio of low-pass pyramid (RLP) [12], Then, Figs. 9-10 give two examples of SAR
Laplacian pyramid (LAP) [11], discrete wavelet trans- and infrared image fusion. It can be seen that our
form (DWT) [1], curvelet transform (CVT) [16], dual-tree approach can improve contrast and preserve the details,
complex wavelet transform (DTCWT) [18], nonsubsampled while other methods may over improve brightness
contourlet transform utilizing pulse coupled neural net- (see Fig. 9(b) and Fig. 10(b)), decrease the contrast
work (NSCT-P) [20], nonsubsampled contourlet transform (see Fig. 9(a,c,d,e,f,h,i,k) and Fig. 10(a,c,d,e,f,h,k,i)), produce
utilizing sparse representation (NSCT-S) [27], nonsubsam- artifacts (see Fig. 9(g) and Fig. 10(g)) or reduce sharpness
pled shearlet transform utilizing multi-scale top-hat trans- (see Fig. 9(j) and Fig. 10(j)). Therefore, our proposed
form (NSST-M) [21], guided filtering (GF) [24], generalized approach takes the advantage of infrared and SAR images,
random walks (GRW) [32] and nonsubsampled framelet trans- the fused image displays better visual effect.
form (NFT), respectively. The comparison results are shown Finally, the fused multi-band SAR images are shown
in Figs. 7-15 and Tables I-III. It should be noted that the best in Figs. 14-15. From the visual view, the fusion results
value of each fusion metric is marked in bold in each table. produced by the LAP, DWT, DTCWT, CVT, NSCT-P,
1) Qualitative Analysis: In this part, we provide our fusion NSCT-S, GF and NFT methods are not obvious in edge
results and compare them with eleven fusion approaches and texture information (see Fig. 14(a,c,d,e,f,g,i,k) and
visually. First, Figs. 7-8 show the fused SAR-visible images Fig. 15(a,c,d,e,f,g,i,k)). Moveover, the RLP, NSST-M and
obtained by different methods. As seen from Fig. 7(b) and GRW methods produce fused images with distortion appear-
Fig. 8(b), the RLP method produces fused image with over ance and blurred edges (see Fig. 14(b,h,j) and Fig. 15(b,h,j)).
high brightness. However, the LAP, DWT, DTCWT, CVT, Relatively, our fused images have higher contrast and sharp-
NSCT-P, NSST-M, GF and NFT methods decrease the contrast ness while preserve edge contour information (see Fig. 14(l)
of the fused images, and thus make some details invisible (see and Fig. 15(l)).
Fig. 7(a,c,d,e,f,h,i,k) and Fig. 8(a,c,d,e,f,h,i,k)). The NSCT-S In summary, the results of subjective evaluation demonstrate
methods introduce artifacts to the fused images (see Fig. 7(g,i) the superiority of the proposed fusion approach when com-
and Fig. 8(g,i)). The GRW method produces over smooth fused pared with other fusion methods.



squared method (CGS) [54] to solve the sparse linear sys-

tems (29). The complexity of this direct solver is propor-
tional to the number of iterations (I nter ) and the number
of the nonzero entries in sparse matric. In our case, it is
O(M 2 ∗ J ∗ 9 ∗ 2 ∗ I nter ). Moreover, the complexity of
calculating fused framelet coefficients is O(M 2 ∗ J ∗ 9).
Finally, the computational of reconstructing the fused image is
O(M 2 ∗ J ∗ 9). Therefore, the total computational complexity
of our approach is O(M 2 ∗ J ∗ 9 ∗ 2 ∗ I nter ).
In this paper, all fusion approaches were run on the same
computer with a 2.5-GHz CPU and 4-GB memory available
for Matlab. The elapsed time of each approach is listed
in Table IV. As seen from Table IV, the LAP approach
2) Quantitative Analysis: In this part, we quantitatively runs faster than the other fusion methods because it does
evaluate our results using five evaluation metrics (Q W , Q E , not take global or local statistic information into account.
Q G , Q P and Q Y ) which are mentioned in Section IV-B. The Compared with traditional fusion methods (LAP, RLP, DWT
quantitative results of different image fusion methods for SAR- etc.), the elapsed time of our approach is higher. Because
visible images, SAR-infrared images and multi-band SAR we have employed the local statistical features of framelet
images are shown in Tables I-III. According to these values coefficients in random walks. However, the parallel processing
in Table I, our proposed approach performs slightly worse than technique can be used to accelerate the convergence of the
the GF approach when processing the ’SAR-VIS-1’ original proposed approach. In addition, the running time of our
images in terms of Q Y . In ’Multi-band SAR-1’ images, approach is faster than the NSCT-P, NSCT-S and NSST-M
the NFT method gives the largest value for Q W and the GF method. Consequently, the proposed fusion approach can be
method gives the largest values for Q G and Q Y . In addition, considered as one of the efficient SAR image fusion method.
the value of Q Y is little smaller than the NFT method when
processing the ’Multi-band SAR-2’ images. However, it can’t V. C ONCLUSION
reflect the fusion quality in quantitative analysis due to only In this paper, we propose a novel SAR image fusion
one or two evaluation metric with the highest values. Our approach based on NFT and RW. On the one hand, original
presented approach has the best performance in terms of more images can be transformed from spatial domain to framelet
than half of the evaluation metrics. Furthermore, the values domain by NFT. On the other hand, a new random walks
in Table II shows that our method have the largest values for method is used to estimate the fusion weights of high-
all fusion evaluation metrics. Therefore, it is verified that better frequency coefficients and low-frequency coefficients, which
fusion results can be obtained by our proposed approach. can get much more details and features from original images.
3) Computational Complexity: In this section, we ana- To verify the effectiveness of our presented approach, six
lyze the computational complexity of the proposed approach. experiments for the fusion of SAR-visible, SAR-infrared and
Firstly, the original images are converted to a framelet trans- multi-band SAR images are performed. Five image fusion
form domain. The computational of this step is O(M 2 ∗ evaluation metrics are used for the quantitative analysis. The
J ∗ 9 ∗ 2). Secondly, the framelet coefficients are merged experiments represent that the presented approach is superior
by a given random walks fusion rule. In this step, to traditional and state-of-the-art approaches in terms of pre-
the computational of constructing compatibility functions serving edge contour information and improving contrast and
is O(M 2 ∗ J ∗ 9 ∗ 2). Then, we employ conjugate gradient sharpness, which is consistent with subjective fusion effect.

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Xiaoyuan Yang received the B.S. degree from the Ridong Zhu received the B.S. degree in information
Department of Mathematics, Liaoning University, and computation science from Tianjin Polytechnic
Shenyang, China, in 1985, the M.S. degree from the University, China, in 2014. He is currently pursuing
Shenyang Computation Institute, Chinese Academy the Ph.D. degree with the School of Mathematics
of Sciences, Shenyang, in 1988, and the Ph.D. and Systems Science, Beihang University, China.
degree from the Department of Computer Science, His current research interests include pattern recog-
Beihang University, Beijing, China, in 2007. She nition and visual tracking.
is currently a Professor with the Department of
Mathematics and Systems Science, Beihang Uni-
versity. Her research interests include computational
harmonic analysis and image processing.

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