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Microsoft’s Full Stack Program

Track 1: Smart Web Apps

Integrated Learning Project-02

Skills Applicable : Angular 5

Duration Required: 5 Days

Complexity level : Medium

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

Project Name:

Employee Finder with Hierarchy

Objective of the project:

The objective of the case study is to provide generic services for organization to get employee hierarchy.

Functionalities to be implemented

Below functionalities expected as part of the project

User should be able to find out employee hierarchy (search criteria should be employee id/email id)
In Response of Finder application service user should be able to view following information on Web UI
Immediate Supervisor (hyper link to be provide to find out his/her immediate supervisor – this will call same
service as we did in step 1)
list of employees who are report to him/her (will provide hyper link to get that specific employee detail such as
Employee name, email, band (A1, A2..), contact number ...etc )

Project category:

Smart web apps application development

Software requirement:

 Angular JS
 Rest Web Service


Special Requirements:

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

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