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Who am I? This is a question my mind eventually asks, too.

In order to get a better ahold

of myself, I should be able to know myself deep down, to the core, with honest views and no
pretending. One thing I know for sure is that I am an introvert. I am quiet, reserved, and
introspective. After attending a party or spending time in a large group of people, I often feel the
need to "recharge" by spending a period of time alone. Being around lots of people drains my
energy, especially around acquaintances and strangers. However, I enjoy spending time with the
company of my close friends. I enjoy solitude and keep my circle close. People often describe me
as quiet and may find it difficult to get to know me. I trust my rationalism above all else, so when
I decide something, I have no reason to doubt their decisions or insights. I am an independent hard
worker If something grabs my interest, I can be very dedicated to my work. I often put in long
hours and intense effort. I am goal-oriented, and if tasks lead to something clear and relevant, I
strive to accomplish those tasks. I care for others even though I may not show it, and I empathize
a lot. I am not religious as I am agnostic, but I respect others’ beliefs as long as they do not oppress
the rights of others. I am open to change and criticism, I want people to educate me if I made a
mistake and vice versa. I am me. I am a growing person. I am my own mistakes, decisions, and
flaws. They are a part of me: my beliefs, ideals, and personality.

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