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Daniela Rocha



December 6, 2018

DBQ ISSN Reflection

The purpose of the DBQ is to summarize the documents given by MR. Kotani. I personally

enjoyed the project and tried to have as much fun with it. My final grade was 6/7 resulting in an

A. My goal was to include all the information needed and add pictures that can summarize the

year. After I had the basics of the project, my next goal was to make it look presentable.

I began the project by typing out each year´s information into separate boxes. Then formatted

them to make sure all the typing fit. After making sure everything fit, I added pictures to the top

of every box. Adding color to the boxes was something I thought would make the timeline stand

out more. Finally, I added a title and finished.

One of the many things I learned was how corrupt the Soviet Union was under Joseph Stalin´s

rule. I learned that I can really enjoy a project if I take the time to understand it. I excelled in the

informative aspect. I should've been more aware of my typing to prevent any mistakes. I would

have tried to make it look a bit more presentable rather than colorful. I´m proud of the entire

project. I'm disappointed I made one error that prevented me from getting a perfect score.
I recognized and weighed perspectives as I connected Stalin's dictatorship to Hitler's. I know

it matters in today's society because it really makes a person think about leadership. Especially

when it comes to those who are leading nations and countries. Donald Trump will soon be in

office and control one of the strongest countries in the world. He is a controversial person and

people are hesitant as to how he will lead and represent America. I communicated ideas in

different ways such as talk to people about the revolution and give my opinion on it. I did this

because Russia has an interesting history and more people should know about it. Sometimes

history can help us deal with the future.

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