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CATEGORY Excellent Achieved Competent Unsatisfactory

Working with Student worked Student worked Student worked Student did not
others exceptionally almost always well with their participate well
with their exceptionally partner & in partner or
partner & with their others. group activities.
others. partner &
Knowledge Student Student Student Student didn’t
gained demonstrated a demonstrated demonstrated a demonstrate an
clear an very basic understanding
understanding understanding understanding of the
of the location of the 7 of the continents and
and different continents and continents and countries.
attributes of countries within countries.
the 7 each.
continents and
countries within
Use of digital Student Student Student Student
devices completed all completed all completed all struggled a lot
the activities on the activities on the activities on when
the iPad with the iPad with the iPad but completing the
ease and ease. struggled activities on the
without any sometimes. iPad and
assistance. needed

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