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Internship Reflection

At ISLC, it is required for all students to complete 120 hours of internship. I chose to

intern as an assistant coach at Paramount Iceland Ice Rink. The purpose of this internship is to

explore the world of athletic training. I was pretty excited to start working at the ice rink since I

already knew everyone there and felt comfortable in the environment. But there was also some

stress since I knew taking on an internship would mean a busier schedule. My goal was to

complete my 120 hours by May.

Deciding my schedule for this internship opportunity was difficult since I already had

afterschool college classes and ice skating practice. The days offered to me had already

interfered with the college classes but after talking to my counselor and ice rink manager, I was

able to create a new schedule. I would intern on Mondays, Fridays, and Saturdays. With this new

semester and different hours for college classes, I may have to change my interning days again.

So far I’ve learned that I really enjoy teaching little kids and have an easy time

connecting with them. I’ve also learned that it’s important to push others to do better or else they

may not push themselves. Something I believe I’ve done well at is being able to help multiple

coaches at the same time, there’s a lot of multi-tasking that comes with being an assistant coach.

I’ll have to improve on spending an equal amount of time with each student. If there is a student

I see struggling, I tend to dedicate my time to helping them. I’m proud that I’ve gotten to enjoy

each moment of my internship and making connections with the coaches.

I’ve investigated the world by meeting students of various ethnicities and getting to know

more about their cultures. Many kids are excited to talk and get to know about each other. I’ve

also communicated ideas by talking to the coaches on how to adjust the lessons for the students.
Some kids may need more help than others during the classes. So it’s important to check in with

them so no kid is left behind.

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