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The Nursing Science Program

STIKes Muhammadiyah
Thesis, October 2019

Factors Related to Work Motivation nurse at the health center UPTD Lhok
Beuringen Tanah Jambo Aye North Aceh District

ix + 51 pages + 9 table + 2 scheme + 15 attachments


Work motivation is a driving power capable of creating employment

excitement. Work motivation is influenced by internal factors (feat recognition of
work responsibilities grow advancement possibilities) and external factors (salary
job security surveillance positive working conditions personal life interpersonal
relationship status company policy).The purpose of this study was to determine
the factors - factors related to work motivation nurse at the health center UPTD
Lhok Beuringen Tanah Jambo Aye North Aceh district.
The study design was descriptive analytic, The approach used is a cross-
sectional study, sampling technique total sampling with the number of respondents
as many as 31 people. The data collection is done by distributing questionnaires.
Methods of data analysis using chi-square ujistatistik.
The survey results revealed existence of a significant relationship between
internal factors with motivation of nurses in UPTD PHC Lhok Beuringen Tanah
Jambo Aye North Aceh District P value of 0.001 and OR = 28,000 and significant
correlation between external factors with motivation of nurses in UPTD PHC
Lhok Beuringen Tanah Jambo Aye North Aceh District P value of 0.014 and OR =
Expected to Head Health Center in order to hold a meeting of at least once
a month to evaluate the performance of nurses and provide a variety of motivation
to karyawanya, as reward nurses who have a good performance, and pay attention
to nurses whose motives are less but still have the awareness to carry out work
activities with maximum to provide sufficient motivation to work more optimally

Keywords: Factors, Work Motivation, Nurse

The reading list: 22 books + 9 scientific journals (2002-2018)

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