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8, 249-254 (1975)
© by Springer-Verlag 1975

Pharmacokinetics and Side-Effects of Clonazepam

and Its 7- Amino-Metabolite in Man

O. SjS, E.F. Hvidberg, J. Naestoft and M. Lund

Departments of Neurology and Clinical Chemistry, Glostrup Hospital, and Clinical Pharmacology Research
Unit, Danish State Medical Research Council, Copenhagen, Denmark

Received: August 23, 1974, and in revised form: October 14, 1974

Summary. Clonazepam (CNP) and its principal metabolite in plasma, 7-amino-CNP (ACNP), have been in-
vestigated in a prospective study of 27 newly diagnosed epileptics and correlated with specified
side-effects. At a daily dose of 6 mg, the average plasma levels of both substances were about 50ng/
ml, and individual values ranged from 30 to about 8Ong/ml. There was a linear correlation between
changes in dose and the resulting plasma levels, which indicates first order elimination kinetics.
Side-effects were frequent, but neither their severity nor their occurrence could be related to
plasma levels or to the rate of increase in plasma concentration of the drug. Three out of five pa-
tients who developed serious dysphoria had significantly high CNP levels. The concentration of ACNP
was considerably increased in four patients who subsequently suffered from withdrawal symptoms. Drug
interaction with diphenylhydantoin, i.e. decreased CNP level, was observed in all five patients who
received hoth compounds. In general it is not yet possible to define an upper limit for the plasma
levels of CNP and ACNP at which toxicity occurs. In patients treated with conventional doses of CNP,
measurement of plasma concentration is not required, except in special circumstances, because of the
lack of correlation between plasma level and side-effects.

Key words. Clonazepam, 7-amino-clonazepam, pharmacokinetics, side-effects, man.

Clonazepam (CNP), 5-(2-chlorophenyl)-l,3 dihydro- trial was undertaken. It was based on gas-chroma-
7-nitro-2H-benzodiazepin-2-one (RivotrillR), has tographic assay of CNP and its major metabolite,
an anti-epileptic effect after oral administration. 7-amino-clonazepam (ACNP; Larsen and Naestoft,
Its pharmacokinetics in man have only been studied 1974).
in few investigations (Eschenhof, 1973; Huang et
al., 1973; Naestoft et al., 1973), of which the
last two alone were concerned with the relation Material and Methods
between plasma level and effects. The occurrence
of side-effects has not previously been correlated Patients and Design of the Study
with the kinetics of CNP.
The most prominent side-effects are drowsiness 27 patients (I0 female and 17 male) with newly
and disturbances of coordination, often seen diagnosed epilepsy were studied; their ages ranged
shortly after the start of medication and usually from 12-71 years, average 39 years. As the type of
at a time when the dose is being increased. Thus, seizure was considered of little importance in this
Elian et al.(1973) suggested that the rate at study, patients with any kind of epileptic fit
which the dose of CNP was increased could be cor- were accepted. Patients in whom an intracranial
related with the occurrence of its side-effects. tumaur was suspected were excluded. A routine
In order to clarify the pharmacokinetics of this clinical and biochemical screen showed that none
drug and to define the minimum plasma level at suffered from any other disease. None of the
which signs of toxicity would appear during the patients had been treated before with anticon-
usual dosage regimen, a prospective phase 2-type vulsants, no other medicine had been given three

to four weeks prior to the study, nor was any questionnaire: I) Drowsiness; 2) Incoordination
given during the period of the investigation. In- of gait, both according to the patient's own
formed consent was obtained from all the patients, complaints and as observed by the phycician and
After initial evaluation in hospital, the pa- nurses; 3) Euphoria; 4) Dysphoria; 5) Irritability;
tients stayed there for three weeks. They were. 6) Changes in libido and sexual potency; 7) Im-
then kept under observation in the out-patient pairment of memory; 8) Visual disorders; 9) Hypo-
clinic for epileptic patients (Department of Neu- tonia; I0) Dizziness; and, II) Abnormal thirst.
rology) for a period of six to twelve months. The The side-effects were scored in the following
dose of CNP they received was increased during the manner: I) Drowsiness and 2) Incoordination in
first two weeks in hospital, from 0.5 mg to a gait on a scale of 0-3, both from the patient's
maximum of 6.0 rag CNP per day (Fig. I), which they own complaints and from observed side-effects.
took for the remainder of the trial. It was admin- Items 3) - ii) were scored as 0 or I, according
istered in three daily doses at 8 a.m., 12 noon to their absence or presence.
and 10 p.m. In some patients the dose had to be The study was not carried out as a blind trial,
adjusted after several weeks, either because of so considerable bias and influence of placebo-
side-effects or continued seizures, The adjustments effects on the results must be suspected. In order
enabled a correlation to be made between changes to avoid at least some of these effects, the pa-
in dose and steady-state plasma concentration. tients were also evaluated for side-effects before
During the stay in hospital blood samples were medication and always by the same physician (O.S.).
taken three times a week, just before the morning Furthermore, the results of the plasma analyses
dose. At the same time side-effects were recorded were not made available to him until after the
(see below). trial had been concluded.
During the ambulant period, measurement of
plasma levels and recording of side-effects were Statistical Methods
done at intervals of two to four weeks, and later
up to twelve weeks. During this period the blood The main problem, the correlation of slde-effects
samples were also obtained just before the morning with plasma concentration, was examined by a
dose was given in the clinic. sequential rank-correlation test, constructed on
In order to estimate the variations in plasma the basis of simulation results, and by a sequen-
levels between two doses, blood samples were taken tial analogy to the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test
at intervals of 30 to 60 min for a period of eight with the Lehmann alternative. The remaining prob-
hours, after the morning dose on the nineteenth lems were examined by testing a large number of
day of treatment. On the same day urine was collec- combinations of variables by non-parametric fixed
ted for 24 hours from six of the patients; the sample tests: Spearman rank-correlation test, Krus-
completeness of collection was checked by deter- kal-Wallis rank-variance analysis, Wilcoxon-Mann-
mination of urinary creatinine content. Whitney test, chi-square test and the Friedman
rank variance analysis. An IBM 1800 computer was
Analyses of CNP and its Metabolites in Plasma used.
The method used was capable of measuring CNP and
several of its metabolites in plasma after a
therapeutic dose. However, only the 7-amino-meta-
bolite was found in appreciable amounts in plasma.
The compounds were extracted with ethyl acetate
from a 2 ml plasma sample. After evaporation of
the organic phase, the residue was dissolved in CNP ng/ml
hydrochloric acid and washed with hexane. After ACNP ( in ng CNP e q v . / m l )
neutralization CNP was extracted with toluene and 70-
the metabolites with a mixture of toluene and
ethyl acetate (I:i). The extracts were concentrated
60' ~--xc.. |I
by evaporation and injected into a gas-chromato- 50- .,.~ IIiiIHIIllII
graph equipped with an electron capture detector. 40"
The internal standards employed were Ro 5-4435 for
CNP and acetylated Ro 1043384 for the metabolites.
The method was checked by control measurements of 20. ~.~.~t'" ll¢l/t/iI//t
some plasma samples by mass fragmentography.
In urine CNP, 7-amino-CNP, 7-acetamino-CNP and
their 3-hydroxy-derivatives were measured by a 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 1'8 2'0 29-43days
slight modification of the plasma assay.
CNP DOSE 2 per day
The technical details of the analytical proce-
dure have recently been described by Naestoft and
Larsen (1974). Fig. I. Average plasma concentration of CNP and
7-amino-CNP in 25 patients during increasing doses.
Record of Side-Effects
The concentration of the metabolite (ACNP) is given
The following side-effects were sought by exami- in CNP-equivalents to facilitate comparison of the
nation and interviews, according to a special two substances

Results conjugated forms of 7-amino-CNP and 7-acetamino-

CNP amounted to 5 to 20 per cent of the dose given.
Plasma Levels The 3-hydroxy-derivatives of all three compounds
could only be detected in trace amounts in urine.
The time-courses of the plasma concentrations of
CNP and ACNP in the initial period of CNP treat- Drug Interaction
ment are shown in Fig. I. Only 25 patients have
been included, because two dropped out before the Five patients'seizures were not satisfactorily con-
end of the period. Continuous treatment (Fig. 5) trolled by CNP alone. Their treatment was changed
did not seem to alter the plasma level signifi- to diphenylhydantoin (DPH) and for a few weeks they
cantly. received both drugs in full dosage. During this
The time course of the plasma concentrations period in all five patients a considerable fall in
during an eight-hour dose interval is shown in the plasma concentrations of CNP was noted. The
Fig. 2. On average, the peak concentration of CNP 7-amino metabolite also decreased in the three pa-
occurred three to four hours after the morning tients in whom this compound was measured (Table i).
dose, but in individual patients the time at which
the peak was reached varied from one to five hours Side-Effects and Plasma Levels
after administration of the drug. The average peak
concentration of the metabolite was at approximate- All patients, except one, complained of side-ef-
ly the same time as that of the parent compound, fects at various times, most often of drowsiness;
and its variation was of the same magnitude. The
ratio between the plasma concentration of CNP and
the metabolite varied from 1:3 to 3:1.
Fig. 3 shows the steady-state plasma concentra- CPN
tion of CNP in 25 patients as a function of the
dose per kg body weight; there is a three-fold 100-
variation in the values.
A significant correlation was found between 80.
changes in the dose of CNP and the alterations so x
x x

produced in the steady-state levels of CNP (Fig. 4).

60. x x ~ x x
x x
Urinary Excretion x
40. x

The excretion of unchanged CNP in the urine of six x x x

patients was found to be between O.I and 1.4 per 20-

cent of the dose administered, when measured in
24 hour urine samples after the first 19 days of , , , , ;
treatment. The total excretion of CNP and the non- 0 20 20 80 1~ 120 10 ~g/kg

Peroral dose per kg body weight

Pig. 3. CNP plasma level as a function of dose per

CNP ng/ml
kg body weight in steady-state conditions
80. ACNP ( in ng CNP eqv./ml)
x--x CPN
70- ,__, ACPN l
Correlation coefficient : 0.91
60- *40 Regression coefficient : 1.13-+0.21
~ *20
J o
30- n
z -20
2o! ._=


l f
~ -60'
800 ;OOl;OO 11oo 12°0 13oo 14oo 15oo' 16oo
2 mg CPN hours

Fig. 2. Variation in average plasma level of CNP -60 -40 -20 0 +20 +40 "
and 7-amino-CNP in 23 patients during an eight- Change in CNP dose per cent
hour dose interval. Vertical lines indicate SD.
The concentration of the metabolite (ACPN) is Fig. 4. Change in CNP plasma level as a function
given in CNP-equivalents (of Fig. I) of change in dose

Table I. Plasma levels of CNP and 7-amino-CNP Table 2. Causes of discontinuation of treatment in
during simultaneous treatment with CNP ]3 patients
and DPH
Reason for discon-
Patient Body CNP DPH Days after CNP 7-amino- tinuation
weight dose dose start of ng/ml CNP
kg mg mg DPH ng/ml

H.J.L. 80 12 400 0 183

7 141 O O ~ ,~ ~ "~

14 54 O ~
>~ -H
.~ ~
O "~
~ 0
•~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o
21 81 -~ ~J ~ >'.. "~ ~ ~ 0 0
<~ o~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~-~
B.M.K. 80 8 400 0 78 73
G.P. 72 F ]] 4,75 X
7 54 40
A.L. 61 F 32 6 X
P.S. 58 6 300 0 65 96
J.W. 30 F 36 4 X
20 27 18 P .M. 29 M 43 8 X
I.H. 53 6 250 0 51 W.J. 49 M 44 6 X
28 28 A.M. 18 F 46 4 X

42 34 L.J. 15 M 7| 6 X
P.S. 41 M 7! 6 X
L.J. 65 6 400 0 50 33
Z.B. 19 F 97 6 X
20 19 iO
B.K. 45 M 147 8 X
H.L. 20 M 176 12 X
disturbances in gait were also complained of by I.H. 30 F 192 6 X X
17 patients. However, in most cases the side-ef-
B.O. 31 M 225 12 X
fects were present to a severe degree only during
the first five to six weeks of treatment. Behav-
ioural changes were noted in several patients.
Some of them were euphoric during the initial pha-
se of treatment and the same patients became CNP ng/rnl
dysphoric later on. Abnormal thirst, visual dis-
orders, dizziness, decreased sexual potency, and 8O 29* 85*
loss of memory were found in 20 -50 per cent of 71"
patients. Table 2 shows the 13 patients in whom
60' 192"
treatment was discontinued, in eight of them
because of the side-effects.
For all patients the occurrence of each indi- 40' •
vidual side-effect, as well as the total score of
side-effects, have been correlated with the plasma
level measured at the same time. Neither during 20'
the phase of increasing dose nor during continuous i-

treatment was there any statistically significant

correlation found. Furthermore, neither the rate O
of increase of CNP concentration nor of its meta- Days 21 22-49 50-79 80-139 140-215
bolite were significantly correlated with the Day of discontinuation
variations in side-effects (total net scores).
Excessive dysphoria was the reason for stopping Fig. 5. Plasma concentration of CNP in five pa-
treatment in six of the eight patients in whom tients in whom medication was discontinued because
this was done. The dose of CNP was reduced several of excessive dysphoria (filled circles) compared
times in one of the patients, and her plasma con- with the average plasma concentration in the other
centrations cannot be compared with the rest of subjects at the same period of treatment (columns).
the series. For the remaining five patients this Horizontal lines indicate the average concentration
comparison is shown in Fig. 5. It is apparent that, in the six patients who make up the fifth column
at the time of discontinuation, three patients had (i.e. those who continued treatment for at least
significantly higher plasma concentrations of CNP 140 days). Vertical lines indicate one standard
than the remaining patients. deviation, n = number of patients

Of the thirteen patients who stopped treatment effects as a major problem, although many authors
for various reasons (Table 2), four developed have claimed that most of the unwanted effects
pronounced dysphoria, irritability, restlessness, disappear as treatment is continued. In the present
sleeplessness and tremor of the hands upon ces- study, as in many others, the most frequent side-
sation of the treatment. Their condition was inter- effects have been various degrees of sedation and
preted as withdrawal symptoms. The symptoms dis- incoordination of gait. Like Bladin (1973), be-
appeared almost immediately, when small doses havioural changes were noted in several patients,
(0.25 mg x 3) of CNP were reinstituted. The same but other side-effects were also cormnon in the
four patients had 3-4 times higher levels of ACNP present study. It is reasonable to consider that
in the last blood sample obtained before medica- the frequent interviews and specific examinations
tion was stopped than did the remaining eight pa- may have influenced the feelings of the patients.
tients, who did not experience these specific The possibility of exchange of experiences about
symptoms upon withdrawal of CNP. The plasma levels side-effects amongst hospitalized patients must
of CNP itself did not differ. also be considered. These conditions and other
kinds of bias must be taken into account when prob-
lems of side-effects are evaluated, although the
Discussion most prominent side-effects were quite characteris-
Clonazepam is one of the few benzodiazepine deri- Lethovaara (1973) stated that no correlation
vatives which exerts an unquestionable anti-epi- appeared to exist between the dose of CNP and the
leptic effect after peroral administration (Gastaut occurrence of side-effects, as he observed side-
et al., 1970; Eadia, 1973; Lund and Trolle, 1973; effects in 50 per cent of patients receiving 2 mg
Mikkelsen and Birket-Smith, 1973). There have been per day, compared with only 25 per cent in patients
few kinetic studies of CNP in man, mainly because on 8 mg per day. In contrast, Elian et al. (1973)
of the lack of analytical methods. Gas-chroma- showed that the rate at which the dosage was in-
tographic assays are now being published (Huang creased correlated positively with the occurrence
et al., 1973; Naestoft and Larsen, 1974), and the of side-effects.
method used in the present investigation has proved In the present study, in general it was not pos-
reliable and usable for routine purposes. sible to correlate the occurrence or severity of
No attempt has been made here to study the half- the various side-effects with the plasma concen-
life of CNP, because of the risk of precipitating tration measured at the same time, Nor was a cor-
seizures. A few reports (Eschenhof, 1973; Naestoft relation detected between the rate at which plasma
et a/.,1973), as well as unpublished investigations levels increased at the start of treatment and the
(personal communications), have indicated first- occurrence of side-effects. The negative result of
order elimination kinetics for CNP in man, and a the latter comparison may not be valid for varia-
half-life of 22-44 hours. The first-order kinetics tions seen when quite different dosage schemes
were confirmed in the present study by the highly are employed~ The lack of correlation also applies
significant correlation between change in dose and to the major metabolite, 7-amino-CNP. It may be
resultant steady-state plasma level of CNP (Fig.4). argued that a better correlation between side-ef-
According to the present results, CNP is elimi- fects and plasma concentration might have been
nated predominantly by biotransformation, as are found later in the day, e.g. around noon, when the
other benzodiazepine derivatives (Mattson, 1972); average plasma level was at its peak (cf. Fig. 2).
less than 2 per cent unchanged CNP was found in However, this seems unlikely for several reasons:
the urine. This is in agreement with the findings first, the pattern and frequency of side-effects
of Eschenhof (1973). did not vary much throughout the day; and second,
Simultaneous treatment with DPH and CNP appar- individual variation in the peak level did not dif-
ently lowered the plasma levels of CNP (Table 3), fer from that found in the morning.
which might explain the discrepancy between the Serious dysphoria did appear to be associated
plasma levels found by Huang et al. (1973) and with an elevated level of CNP in some cases. If
those reported here, after administration of the this observation is confirmed by prospective
same daily dose of CNP. Lower concentrations of studies, the limit of the plasma level of CNP be-
CNP were also found in a group of patients treated for toxic effects appear is about 70 ng/ml, at
simultaneously with other anti-epileptic drugs least in long-term treatment. It is an interesting
(unpublished observation). If enzyme induction is observation, but not one readily explained, that
the explantion of this phenomenon, some other meta- the main metabolite was found in much higher con-
bolic pathway than that through the 7-amino deri- centrations in patients suffering from withdrawal
vative is probably involved. symptoms. This finding, too, should be thoroughly
7-amino-CNP was the predominant metabolite in investigated as it may be helpful in the predic-
plasma. Its plasma level was about the same as that tion and thus the avoidance of withdrawal symptoms
of CNP itself during constant CNP medication; it if CNP has to be discontinued.
appeared very rapidly after treatment commenced Except for these special cases, it may be con-
(Fig. I). The kinetics and pharmacodynamic proper- cluded that, if patients are treated with doses of
ties of 7-amino-CNP in man remain to be investiga- CNP within the generally accepted limits, moni-
ted. toring of plasma concentrations is not a useful
Several reports about CNP treatment have men- way to predict or to avoid the side-effects de-
tioned the relatively high frequency of side- scribed in the present study.

Acknowledgements. The statistical analyses were Huang, C.Y., Mc Lead, J.G., Sampson, D., Hensley,
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the Department of Data Processing, Gentofte Hos- Proc. Austral. Ass. Neurol. 10, 67-74 (1973)
pital, Copenhagen, to whom the authors are most Lehtovaara, R.: A clinical trial with clonazepam
grateful. Dr. Gordon Johansen made valuable sug- (Ro 5-4023). Acta neurol, scand. 49, suppl. 53,
gestions about the manuscript and Chemical 77-81 (1973)
Engineer N.E. Larsen contributed greatly to the Lund, M. and Trolle, E.: Clonazepam in the treat-
analyses. ment of epilepsy. Acta neurol~ scand. 49, suppl,
53, 82-90 (1973)
Mattson, R.H. In: Antiepileptic Drugs (Ed. Wood-
bury, D.M., Penry, J.K. and Schmidt, R.P.),chap.
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