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One important idea that is key to the makeup of Hinduism, is the lack of official church.

This major difference can be contributed toward its more than 3000 years of existence.
It is an existence that scholars have no official starting timeframe, no official scripture,
and no known founder (Electric Sky, 2006). The lack of structured church has
developed Hinduism into a religion that is passed onto its followers orally. Since there is
no scripture, I view Hindus as being on a lifelong journey of finding answers, compared
with respect, to modern religions; whose official scriptures discuss what to have faith in.

Another core belief is that there are many, many deities in Hinduism, but there
is only one true God, named Brahma; who is the Hindu trinity. Many stories exist of
these deities, and many shrines and temples are devoted to them. However, Hinduism’s
core belief is that these deities possess a little bit of God in them; making it acceptable
to worship the deities. It is from this corner stone belief, that Hinduism’s faiths are based
from, because everything has a piece of God (Electric Sky, 2006).

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