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The Lake


I came upon the mountain lake

I left the school behind
I am truant, deviant
An outcast soul

I walked along the shoreline

Crawling through the Water
Not the shore of land,
But the shore beneath the waves

I came upon the Question Child

He asked me many things
“Are you?”
I didn’t know
He asked
He asked
He asked again
I didn’t know, I couldn’t know
In great frustration he stole from me:
My Words

With that I struck him down

Placed his soul in a cave
I stabbed him
A rubber spear
“You wanted to know how a real man dies?
This is how a real man dies!”
He shuddered
He started to cry out
So I showed him the Blue Book
Silencing him forever

In solitude I walk
Crawling, swimming
No one can follow
When I travel in the Water
The Others know not of such things

Between the boulders I found Scorpion

He was Blue indeed
I feared him, I cowered
I knew he was the Fiend
But he bore no enmity
Not for me
He didn’t ask me questions
No “Why?”
No “How?”
No “Who?”
He knew who I really was

And despite the lies he told me

I saw the Truth inside him
We parted friends
Scorpion Blue and I
For in Truth he was Scorpio
The Bluest of them all

I walked the lake content

Until I remembered:
This lake was built of tears
The land, stolen
The beaches, defaced

The lake did not belong to me

Its caretakers lay dead
My father killed them all
I wept White tears
I wept Blue tears
The world can never be restored

Now I walk with company:

Agony and Misery
I reached the halfway stone
And looked back across the lake
I saw the trail back to Life, to Truth
Learning beckoned to me:
“You’re not finished”
“You’re not finished”
And with weary heart
I complied: “I am Blue
I will return.”

I gazed once upon the other half

The half that must escape me
Sparkling Perfection
Paradise is unobtainable

I walked back across the Water

The bridge of stone concealed in ripples
I halted on that narrow path
To raise my arms to the Sky
I deepened the Water with my tears

I knew the Others would ask me questions:

“Are you Him?”
“The True?”
But my heart held only Apathy
The indifference of Shame
I cannot answer their questions
For the Truth is never believed
When sought by an empty heart

Reddan Black
1992 (?)

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