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The final project design for Engineering Design (CATIA) is to design a Bullet 7 mm x 12,7 mm
and Plate 40 mm x 40 mm under few specifications. This report will deliver the analysis of the
plate after we applied the velocity 100 m/s, 200 m/s and 400 m/s to the bullet. To start off, this
bullet strike is designed with high stability. The bullet was made up of steel, plate made by iron.
Not only steel has high availability in the market but also have plus factors in terms of strength
and durability. Other than that, the Finite Element Analysis of this model shows that it deforms
throughout the seat of the chair. The maximum displacement of the bullet plate strike occurs
around tips of bullet and center of the plate, after the all velocity applied. This conclude that the
plate is strong enough until 2nd velocity applied and after 3rd velocity applied it is being deformed
and damage after some time.


A bullet of steel 7,0 mm diameter with 12,7. is hitting an iron structure. The
bullet impact velocity is 100 m/s, 200 m/s and 400 m/s. The plate is 4mm thick.
Please set up a set of simulation of this case using ANSYS software.


1. Model dimension

Below I simplified as shown on the figure 1 and figure 2 the size and
dimension in mm.

 Bullet = 12,7 mm and Diameter = 7 mm

 Length x width = 40 mm x 40 mm

Figure 1Bullet
Figure 2 plate iron
1. Simulation conditions

1) Material Model
Usually bullet is made from steel. For simplification, the bullet used here has steel’s
Young Modulus, but has lead (Pb) properties for mass density and poisson’s ratio.

Typical properties are as follow.

Property Bullet Plate

Yield stress (Pa) 2,5E+08 1
Young Modulus (Pa) 2E+11 1,1E+1
Work hardening gradient (bi-liniear
5 3
model). GPa per 1 unit plastic strain.
Failure strain Fs 2.0 0.3
Poisson’s ratio 0.3 0.28
Density 7850 7200

2) Impact conditions
Case Velocity
Strike1 100 m/s
Strike2 200 m/s
Strike 3 400 m/s
The following table shows condition after impact both for bullet and plate.

Ballet and Plate Condition applied by 3 differences Velocity

1. Velocity with 100 m/s

Figure 3 Bullet Plate 1

3. Velocity 200 m/s

Figure 4 Bullet Plate 2

4. Velocity 400 m/s

Figure 5 Bullet Plate 3

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