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(BYJU’S, Think & Learn Private Limited)

MR. Kanwal Gurleen Nikhil Mahajan

Session (2018 – 2020)

An abbreviation for electronic learning, e-learning signifies the use of computer
and similar other devices to impart education. This type of learning mostly
employs technology and Internet to access educational material or sources, in
contrary to traditional classroom methods.

Examples of e-learning include, among others:

 Distance education

 Online learning

 Interactive learning models

Such a concept was not welcomed initially, since electronic devices weren’t a huge
hit in the classroom. It was believed that technology would remove the human
element from the education system. However, with the overwhelming outcomes on
the rise, e-learning soon became the go-to guy for the education sector.

Even though the concept of e-learning is set to create major waves in the education
sector in the recent years, the challenges are streaming in. Many organizations
have embraced e-learning with open arms, but the problems amount to a staggering
sky-high heap when it comes to implementing e-learning at the school level.
Let’s shed some light on the challenges faced.

1. The Internet is still a luxury in many parts of the country.

A vast majority of the Indian population resides in rural areas. The lack of
infrastructure in such areas gives rise to connectivity and accessibility issues.
However, the Government of India has been instrumental in removing such
barriers by implementing various measures. Two schemes have been launched to
aid in e-learning implementation:

 National Mission on Education through Information and Communication

Technology (NMEICT)

 National Program on Technology Enhanced Learning

These two schemes have been solely launched to implement ICT in video and web-
based learning.

2. E-learning does not cover a lot of certification courses.

The certifications that come with conventional learning is somehow lost in the e-
learning concept of education. The e-learning courses do not cover a lot of
certification courses that are recognized by colleges and universities across India or
abroad. This pulls the e-learning courses out of sync with any stream of school

3. It would take some time to renovate the conventional educational system.

The traditional education methods have enlightened generations for decades now.
Even though you might feel that they have overstayed their welcome, it has
become increasingly difficult for us to overthrow tradition completely and embrace
newer methods of learning with open arms.

However, renovation in the old-school methods have seen the light of the day with
technology entering the industry. But a complete makeover in education with the e-
learning methods would still require some time to establish itself.

4. Not all learners are tech-savvy.

Even though the e-learning courses are available in a wide range of platforms for
learners to choose from, a basic knowledge of how to operate those devices is
imperative to benefit from the courses. And being Tech savvy teachers becomes a
primary requisite. Therefore, before e-learning could be implemented, learners and
educators need to be educated about the ins and outs of technology to facilitate a
smooth learning curve.
5. Lack of awareness

If a large part of the population isn’t aware of the amazing benefits that e-learning
has to offer, then how can it be expected to change the face of education in the
coming years?

Awareness plays a key role in making the proliferation of e-learning a joy ride.
With that lacking, the future becomes questionable.

While the challenges pose an impending storm rocking the e-learning ship
violently, the numerous benefits calm the waves to a soothing cradle. E-learning
streams in like a shining ray of hope, making education accessible for:

 Anyone

 Anywhere
 Anytime

India has become a major source for e-learning content development owing to the
country’s highly educated workforce and low-cost benefits. It is about time for the
concept of e-learning to be fully incorporated in the country’s education system.

I’ll give you two facts to validate the rise of e-learning:

 With Internet users expected to rise to a hefty 500 million by 2020, there is no
way that e-learning can stay behind.
 By June this year, the number of mobile Internet users is slated to rise to 213
million, paving a way for dynamic education to reach every learner.

The scope of this study was limited to the users of Chandigarh and Bathinda who
are using e-learning services.

The main objectives of the study are as follows:-

 To study the problems faced by the users of e-learning apps.

 To study the future prospects of e-learning in india.

Research Methodology makes the right platform to the researcher to mapping out
the research work in relevance to make solid plans. The Merriam-Webster Online
Dictionary defines research as " A studious inquiry or examination, especially :
investigation or experimentation aimed at the discovery and interpretation of facts,
revision of accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts, or practical
application of such new or revised theories or laws". Research is thus an original
contribution to an existing stock of knowledge making for its advancement. It
involves systematic collection, analysis and reporting of data and finding relevant
solution to a specific situation or problem.

Research Design
A research design encompasses the methodology and procedures employed to
conduct scientific research. The design of a study defines the study type and sub-
type , data collection methods and a statistical analysis plan. It is considered as a
"blueprint" for research, dealing with at least four problems: which questions to
study, which data are relevant, what data to collect, and how to analyze the results.
The researcher should select the research design which is appropriate in achieving
the objective of the study.

Sampling Design
Sample Unit: The sample unit consists of users ofe-learning apps in
Chandigarhwho are using e-learning services.
Sample Size: For the current study, sample size was 100 respondents.
Sample Procedure: The sample procedure used was convenience sampling.

Data Collection and Analysis

Data Collection Procedure:

For getting the survey filled users of Chandigarh who are using e-learning services
Secondary Data
The data which has already been collected, complied and presented earlier by any
agency may be used for purpose of investigation. The data collected through:
 Through internet and Books
Primary Data

The first hand information bearing on any research is the one which has been
collected by the researcher. The data here is collected through:
 A structured questionnaire
 Personal interview of the user.


 All the respondents are aware of e-learning apps.
 25% respondents are aware of BYJU’s, 20% respondents are aware of
Meritnation, 17% respondents are aware of Sololearn, 19% Coursera. Rest of
the respondents i.e. 19% are aware of other e-learning apps.
 100% respondents are using services of e-learning apps.
 40% respondents are studying school syllabus, followed 30% are studying
college courses and the remaining 30% respondents are studying competitive
 Each 30% of the respondents got awareness of e-learning apps through
seminars and reference group. 18% respondents through banner/hoardings and
14% respondents got awareness through print media. The remaining 8%
respondents got awareness from other sources.
 40% respondents spend more than 2 hours online on average followed by 37%
spend less than one hour and 23% spend 1-2 hours online on an average.
 According to 21% respondents the benefit of e-learning is that the lectures can
be taken any number of times. Each 20% respondents said no restrictions,
reduced costs. 19% respondents said quick delivery of lessons and the
remaining said others.
 It is clear that majority of the respondent were agreed with the statement that
learning from e-learning apps clear the concepts in your training programs.
Only few respondents are disagree.
 It is clear that 32% said there is no face to face interactions in e-learning
followed by 20% respondents said there are health related concerns, 18% said
there is no self-discipline in e-learning. 10% respondents said isolations and
remaining 20% respondents said other reasons.
 It is clear that e-learning offers great future prospects to students. 43%
respondents said better assistance, 24% respondents said time management,
20% respondents said economic, 8% respondents said making dream come true
and the remaining 5% said others.

It is concluded that all the respondents are aware of e-learning apps. Respondents
are aware of BYJU’s, Meritnation, Sololearn, Courserae-learning apps.100%
respondents are using services of e-learning apps.Respondents are studying school
syllabus, college courses and competitive exams through e-learning apps.

According to respondents the benefit of e-learning is that the lectures can be taken
any number of times, no restrictions, and reduced costs. It is clear that majority of
the respondent were agreed with the statement that learning from e-learning apps
clear the concepts in your training programs. Only few respondents are disagree.

But there are drawbacks of e-learning also, there is no face to face interactions in
e-learning, there are health related concerns, no self-discipline in e-learning.

E-learning offers great future prospects to students. Majority of respondents said e-

learning provide better assistance, time management, economic, makes dream
come true.

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