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Introduction :-

Myself KARM CHANDRA NATH (KARM) M.Sc. Botany student from Udai Pratap Autonomous
College Varanasi. I want to do work for students those preparing for PET BOTANY EXAM
2020. I do work for students with the help of my teacher Vinay Kumar Singh (BHU) and
friends Amrita Pareek (RU), Lavanya Duvvuri (BHU) etc

About mock test exam & our purpose :-

PET BOTANY Mock Test Exams not only for BHU PET Botany it also help in various other
universities/colleges PG Botany entrance examinations.
Our purpose of conducting mock exams for help those students dream is study in BHU or
other various standard Universities/colleges.

Online mock tests dates :-

January - 12 & 26 ✓
February - 2 ✓ & 23
March - 8 & 22
April - 5 & 19
May - 3 & 17

Time - 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm (Sunday)

Fee structure :-

Rs. 200 for security fee it will be return on date of last mock test 17/05/2020 if you will not
leave more than two mock tests out of all mock tests.

Rs. 50 per test fee & if you scored in previous mock test 75% or above then next mock test
entry free.

Regestration open for remaining 20 seats

Contact us :- 7458075996 & 9628114215

Last updated : - 03/02/2020 9:18 am


1. Full name (Capital letters) *

2. Full address (Capital letters) *

3. Mobile no. *

4. Choose your B.Sc. course category *

Mark only one oval.

B.Sc. Botany (honours)

B.Sc. Bio group

5. What is your status in B.Sc. *

Mark only one oval.

B.Sc. 3rd year (V or VI semester)

B.Sc. passed

6. Upload your University/College both identity card and Aadhar card Xerox picture or
Camscanner picture *

Files submitted:

7. Security fee payment options (Rs. 200) *

Mark only one oval.

UPI Google pay/Phone pay

Bank account transaction

Payment options :

Total seats 40 ( remaining seats 20)

This content is neither created nor endorsed by Google.


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