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Basic starting guide, for your mystical path:

1) Fear of God. Fear of Heaven.

Respect and love; don't fear humanity, evil, etc.

2) Read Torah/Tanakh daily

Otherwise you will not have any ground to stand on...
and all of this mysticism will be vanity.
e Torah (Tanakh/Bible) is the most mystical, kabbalistic text you will ever contemplate.

3) Pray to the Eternal God with 'kavvanah'

(intensity and meaning; contemplate every-single-word-when-speaking-it)
Multiple times daily, anytime appropriate.

4) Don't believe everything you read and scrutinize it's meaning

e Kabbalistic texts are full of symbolism, just as the Torah is not simply meant to be literal.

5) Tread lightly into the meditation category

Abulafia's methods can be harmful if not properly worked.
Pay attention to R. Aryeh Kaplan's wisdom.

6) Don't bother with a lot of the so-called 'practical' methods (ma'asit)

True 'magic' that you will be able to do,
can only come from your own spiritual experiences;
and "grimoires", burning incense to angels/stars, dark mirrors, etc...
they are vanity, deception, and at times, idolatry.
You may end up being given over to the sitra achra.

7) Don't be surprised when if you are alone with "revelations" of thoughts and connections.
e path of the mystic is narrow;
most, do not understand.
Nor do they care to.
Physicality will do that to some souls.

I hope this will enlighten the few that trully receive it.
Factor in history, tradition, insights;
yet above all, your own receiving of life's Torah.
May you be blessed on this narrow path.

And, to my fellow mystics, endlessly pursuing truth:

I hope to see you in Olam Haba, perhaps our paths will intersect there.
When all else fails you, turn first to God, then turn to Torah.
I recommend these books of David and Solomon;
Psalms (Tehillim), Proverbs (Mishlei), and Ecclesiastes (Kohelet),
in order to restore your soul,
and bring peace to any troubles.

Start with and examine:
e 'Tanakh' is what is called in the Bible, the “Old Testament” and includes the Torah
Tanakh ( JPS, 1917 with Hebrew)
Torah- e Five Books of Moses ( JPS, 2001)

Major texts within Kabbalistic thinking:

Sefer Yetzirah
I suggest starting with Kaplan's version.
Sefer Yesira (Hayman edition)
Sefer Yetzirah (Kaplan edition)

The Bahir
Without the commentary version, you will be lost
Bahir (Kaplan without commentary)
e Bahir (Kaplan edition)

I suggest the Soncino first, the Kabbalah Centre, Giller, Wineman, and Matt for the missing sections
Sefer Zohar (Soncino Edition-Second Edition)
Sefer Zohar (Kabbalah Centre Edition)
sections and scholarly works
Giller - Reading the Zohar- e Sacred Text of the Kabbalah
Matt - Pritzker Zohar- Haqdamat (Excerpt 1)
Matt - Pritzker Zohar- Haqdamat (Excerpt 2)
Matt - Sections from the Zohar
Wineman - Mystic Tales from the Zohar
Wolfson - Luminal Darkness- Imaginal Gleanings from Zoharic Literature
Wolski - A Journey into the Zohar- An Introduction to the Book of Radiance

Various holy texts:

Midrash, the Talmud, Merkavah/Hekhalot texts, Dead Sea Scrolls, Pseudepigrapha/Apocrypha, Books of Enoch, etc.

Merkavah, Hekhalot mysticism

3 Enoch (Sefer Hekhalot, Odeberg transl.)
Hekhalot Rabbati (English compilation)
Hekhalot Rabbati (Smith, Scholem, Karr)
Ma'aseh Merkavah (David transl.)
Ma'aseh Merkavah
e Lesser Heavenly Halls (Hekaloth Zutarti)

Dead Sea Scrolls, extra-Biblical writings

OT Pseudepigrapha Vol.1 (Charlesworth)
OT Pseudepigrapha Vol.2 (Charlesworth)
e Complete Dead Sea Scrolls (Vermes)

Talmud, Midrash
Talmud (Babylonian, Soncino)
Ethics of the Fathers (ChaBaD transl.)
Chronicles of Jerahmeel (Gaster)
Pirke de Rabbi Eliezer (Chapters of Rabbi Eliezer the Great)
Tanna Debe Eliyyahu- e Lore of the School of Elijah
Contents continued:

from rabbis:
Classic Kabbalistic texts from the masters of Jewish mysticism
R. Aryeh Kaplan
1978 - Meditation and the Bible
1982 - Meditation and Kabbalah
1985 - Jewish Meditation- A Practical Guide
Abulafia - e Path of the Names
Arizal - Apples From e Orchard (weekly reading-Wisnefsky transl.)
Eleazar of Worms - e Ways of Metatron (Stein transl.)
R. Chaim Vital - Shaarei Kedusha (edited)
Rambam - Guide for the Perplexed
Ramchal - Mesillat Yesharim- Path of the Just
e Essential Rabbi Nachman

Includes aggadah (legends, tales), other Kabbalah writings, history, research insights
Dan - e Early Kabbalah
Encyclopedia Judaica, 2nd Ed., 22 vols. In 1 (2007)
Ginzberg - Legends of the Jews (2-Volume Set)
Josephus - e Antiquities of the Jews
Oxford Dictionary of the Jewish Religion (1997)
Schwartz - Tree of Souls- e Mythology of Judaism
Don Karr
“Kabbalah in English” Revisited
Notes on Editions of Sefer Yetzirah in English
Notes on the Study of Early Kabbalah in English
Notes on the Study of Later Kabbalah in English
Notes on the Study of Merkabah Mysticism and Hekhalot Literature in English
Notes on the Zohar in English
Gershom Scholem
Jewish Gnosticism, Merkabah Mysticism, and Talmudic Tradition
Origins of the Kabbalah

Various philosophies, explanations of kabbalistic Jewish mysticism
Gershom Scholem - Tselem- e Representation of the Astral Body (mp3 and pdf info)
R. Adler on Jewish Magic (mp3 and pdf info)
R. Markel - Kabbalah Seminar (ra files, play with VLC media player)
TTC - Jewish Mysticism (Kalman Bland, mp3 and pdf info)

Further suggested reading, not included in torrent (sorry, I could not find them):
Tishby – Wisdom of the Zohar
Matt – Zohar: Pritzker edition, all volumes
Gikatilla – Gates of Light (Yale Press)
Arizal, R. Vital – e Tree of Life (Menzi, Padeh transl.)
Faierstein - Jewish Mystical Autobiographies
Scholem – Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism
Liebes – Studies in the Zohar
Blumenthal – Understanding Jewish Mysticism

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