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Cisco dCloud

Last Updated: 10-AUG-2016

Reset Router to Factory Settings

To reset your router configurations back to the original factory settings, follow the steps below.This will delete any configuration
you have on your router.

NOTE: The steps below assume you have connected your router to a console and have accessed your router’s command
line interface.

1. Turn off your router.

2. Turn on your router and within the first 20 seconds of startup send abreak character to the terminal.
a. Windows – If you are using PuTTY, on your keyboard pressCtrl + Break at the same time; or you right click on
the bar at the top of the PuTTY window and select Special Command > Break.
b. Mac – If you are using terminal, on your keyboard pressControl + A, then Control + B.
c. You may also refer to the Cisco page onStandard Break Key Sequence Combinations During Password

3. You will immediately be taken to the prompt.

4. At the prompt, type the following command to tell the router to skip the existing configuration on startup:
confreg 0x2142 .

5. At the prompt, type the following command to restart the router: reset .

6. The router will restart.

7. If you are prompted for initial configuration dialogue, type no .

8. After the loading has stopped, press Return to be taken to the main prompt.
9. At the prompt:

a. Type en to enter privileged mode

b. Type write erase to issue the erase comment

c. Type y to confirm erase command

d. Type configure t

e. Type config-register 0x2102 this tells the router to process existing config on startup

f. Type end

10. Turn off your router and then turn it back on. Your router has now been restored to the original factory settings.

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