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Emily Hanna

Professor Granillo


February 7 2020

Goals Accomplished

I have started this english 101 class with a growth mindset. I have never had a time in life

where I had a fixed mindset. Having a growth mindset is very healthy because there is always

time for you to grow from your mistakes. When you have a fixed mindset, you can’t really

change anything about yourself. You always think you are the best or you are never going to

succeed. Going into english 101, I knew I would make mistakes. My essays are not always the

best, but I know that they will eventually be the best. We wrote four essays and each time I have

written, I would get criticism but I don’t go bawling in the corner of my room. I take that

criticism and I use it to my advantage to help me succeed in the next essay. Another example is

when I am playing volleyball. I have played for seven years. Towards the beginning, I thought I

was a great volleyball player, but there are always those girls that are a step ahead of me. When

sitting on the bench being the “second team” I watch how the “first team” is playing and I try to

mimic them to become like them. I always find a way to better myself even if I already think I

am the best.

I started off this winter class with a smart goal of wanting to improve my thesis

statements by the end of the class. I have improved in each of my essays and I believe that my

instructor sees that as well. When setting a goal for myself, I will do everything in order for me

to accomplish this goal. At first, I didn’t ask questions or even talk to my teachers because I was
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always afraid of being judged. This is why I was not succeeding. We were starting our third

essay and I don’t myself to stop being so scared and answer questions. That is what an instructor

is for. I was on a call just asking millions of questions. I got my answers and started writing. I

think the third essay we wrote had the best thesis I have written. Yea, there were a couple things

I needed to fix, but I took in all the advice my instructor told me and reached my smart goal.

When it comes to time management, I am pretty good with spacing out my online

homework with my daily routines. I wake up every morning with a new plan. I don’t go a day

without planning because that is what keeps me the most organized. I have work which is every

other day in the afternoons, and sometimes I like to keep some hours of my day for family and

friends. When I have work in the afternoons, I like to wake up early and finish assignments I

know won’t take me hours to do. The assignments that take longer I like to keep for after work

so I am not feeling rushed and do some speedy work. I like to take my time on everything. When

we get the whole day to finish one assignment, I like to take that time and use it to finish one

assignment. I will finish half then come back to the other half. I hate feeling rushed and turning

in sloppy work. I think my daily process of making a new plan everyday has helped me feel

more relaxed.

In english 101 I do not believe I am a negative person. I always have this attitude of

wanting to become better and it is on myself to take action or not. I would say I was the most

upset on our essay number two. I got this score that I didn’t believe I would get, but I didn’t let

that stop me from going on with my day. I just could not wait to start another essay for me to

prove that that essay was not going to let me down. Usually people will shut down when they

receive a bad score and horrible criticism. I truly don’t think that is the best idea because
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everyone has time to grow. We are so young and have so many paths to take that giving up

should not be allowed. Having an instructor with positive attitude as well has helped me keep

going in english 101.

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