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Emily Hanna

English 101

Professor Granillo

12 January 2020

The Best Music Type Is Rock

I am not your typical teenager who listens to rap music on full blast, driving my car fifty

miles per hour in a thirty. I am different. Listening to music that has true meaning behind each

lyric is what real music sounds like. Hard rock will never do you wrong. Listening to the song

called Amber by 311 will give you the type of mellow that you have never felt before. Amber

doesn’t only have a romantic background, but also has an analogy that has never been used.

When you think of the color Amber, it is soft and light. It is also like the colors of the

sunset. The sunsets have colors that appeal to the eyes. That is exactly how this song describes

the color amber. One popular part of the song is, “Amber is the color of your energy.” You think

of this color and apply it to someone’s energy which is a compliment that I would love to receive

from anyone. The first time you listen to the song you will hear a melody so soft in the ears that

will make you want to hear it over and over again. If you close your eyes and listen to the song

closely you will hear the beautiful instruments. The guitars, bass, drums, clarinet all smooth in

your ear has you feeling on a vacation. This song is supposed to bring happiness to someone and

boldness. Amber is the color that symbolizes safety and confidence which is exactly what 311

was going far. One of the members claims he did not write this specifically to a girl, but the rest

of the band members say it was about a girl. It is also funny because when I listen to this song it

makes me feel loved inside. The first time I listened to the beginning which starts off with the
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instruments, I was with my boyfriend watching the light pink sunset. He introduced me to hard

rock and this song specifically. It was as if it was the perfect moment and time had stopped.

When I told him how much this song brings me happiness, it is played at every special event. In

the car going to a special dinner, after a pointless argument, and those lazy nights alone is when

the song is played. “Take me away from the norm,” was truly how I felt. With the amount of

school and work I have in a day. Just twenty minutes of watching the sunset and listening to this

song with him was a stress reliever.

Most of the people I hang out with are hard rock listening which is great because I do not

have to feel embarrassed when I put on my music on AUX. I knew that I got the meaning behind

this song correct because I am a hopeless romantic, but most of my friends had a feeling it was

simply about the color amber. I found it very odd because most songs have extraordinary

meanings so it could have just been about the color amber. Of course, they still listen to this song

because of the instruments playing in the background. It is not just the lyrics that bring people

joy, it is also the way this song brings back the good memories. This song brings me relief just

like my boyfriend which is why this song has appealed to my ears and heart in so many ways.

The lyrics that sang, “Don’t give up your independence unless it feels alright…” was written

because the singer has true feelings for his loved one who is a far. He wanted to let her know that

the good thing will be earned through the struggles, so don’t forget to be your own self and

independent. You feel the romantic side of this song as well as don’t forget to make the most out

of life.

In conclusion, this song will forever have a play in my heart. The slow rhythm is what

makes me madly in love with “Amber.” I recommend listening to songs that have a specific
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meaning. Not only a song that has a meaning that relates to you, but a song that simply has a

meaning behind it. It is like you are singing a poem or singing a book. Listening to a song with

not meaningful phrases makes you think how it even got popular. Most beautiful meanings come

from alternative rock. The song “Amber” is what got me listening to rock music and now I

cannot stop. No point in listening to a sad song that will make you remember the awful memories

when you have alternative rock that is not only soft life a sad song, but cool like a rap song.

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