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Hanna 1

Emily Hanna

Professor Granillo


5 February 2020

Taking Advantage Of Freedom

Some of the songs that are on this playlist called, “The Minority” are “One Love” by Bob

Marley, “Born This Way” by Lady Gaga, “I’m Coming Out” by Diana Ross, and a couple more

songs that express the true meaning of love. These are a combination of artists that speak the

truth about freedom and how many citizens should take advantage of how much freedom

American’s have. Each song that is in this playlist plays a huge role in understanding the idea of

being a patriot. Listening to each song, the listeners will understand what they are truly arguing

and that is for equality all around. Songs that speak to the minority who are in love with the same

sex. These songs were specifically picked because the listeners get that feeling inside that they

are not alone in this society. The artist makes these minority groups feel wanted. Even though

Americans have all this freedom, it doesn’t mean the majority agrees with having all this

freedom. Each song listed is song in a positive attitude and each music video has bright colors

and flashing lights. When black and white is seen, there is a more sad one, but with these bright

colors, the audience feels that positive tone that is being given off. These songs bring a new idea

of what patriotism is to the minorities and the majorities in American society that America has

this freedom for the homosexuals to be themselves in public.

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