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We�re finally here. I�ve �buried� this variation at the end of the book because
it�s a star
sign divination so clean that you might fall into the temptation to perform it out
of the
box, which you could do in a very spectacular manner: the participant can stay
throughout the routine and seemingly only extend their hand so you can touch it and
instantly reveal their sign. But I hope that, by making you go through the whole
I�ve made it clear that you can create a much stronger experience if you focus on
connecting with your participants instead of fooling them. And it�s really hard to
connect with someone if they don�t talk to you, so please make sure you keep
everything you�ve read so far in mind when going through this method.
In terms of structure, this will be very different from the basic version of the
READ, as instead of weaving the star sign reveal into the reading, you�ll do all
the dirty
work up front, then focus solely on the reading and reveal the star sign whenever
want. This is actually the first star sign reveal I came up with that relies on the
we�ve been grouping the signs, and I believe it is very elegant: the participant
speaks a word and the only thing they do is extend their hand so you can hold it
and get
a feel for their energy, or however you want to dress it.
Bearing in mind we will be using the same grouping as before, we will assign their
hand to Group A and their right hand to Group B. We�ll figure if their sign is in
C, then we will use a timing cue to figure out the last piece of info we need.
So, to do this, start simple:
�Don�t say anything out loud, but take a moment to think if you were
born in the first or second half of the year, as that will be important in a
I say this at the very beginning of the routine because, later, we�ll need them to
to our instructions rather quickly and it helps if they already thought of what
half of
the year they were born in. Continue with:
�Pisces, Aries, Virgo, and Libra are the �creative� signs. The emotional
ones. They are connected to the left hand. Taurus, Gemini, Scorpio, and
� "36 �
Sagittarius are the �analytical� signs. The ones that have the ability to
keep their cool when everyone else is freaking out. They are connected
to the right hand. So, keep this in mind��
They are now thinking of either hand but, again, we�re being indirect with this: we
don't ask them to focus on anything, we just explain some signs are related to one
and others relate to the other. You should confirm that you named their sign by
about it the same way I�ve explained before. If that�s the case, just tell them to
focus on
either hand, as we only need to know if they were born in a hot or a cold month,
we�ll use the timing cue for that.
So, assuming their sign is not on Group C, we�re now going to use the timing cue to
the half of the year and the hand in which they are focusing at the same time:
�If you were born in the first half of the year, give me that hand...�
You then make a pause to see if they extend their hand. If they do, you�ll know
were born in the first half of the year. If they don�t, you�ll know they were born
in the
second half. If they don�t extend their hand, keep going:
�� and imagine a hot spot of energy on your palm. If you were born in
the second half, imagine a cold spot. So, give me the hand�.
They will, then, extend their hand. So at this very moment, depending on whether
extended their hand right away or not and depending on the hand they extended, you
will have all you need to reveal the sign. But we will add a layer of deceptiveness
and, as
soon as they extend the hand, we go into a reframe:
�� sorry, the other hand: I�m one of the signs that connects better with
the left/right. So, if you were born in the first half of the year, imagine a
hot spot of energy on your palm. If you were born in the second half,
imagine a cold spot of energy�.
What happens is, as soon as we know which hand they were focusing on, we reframe
the whole conversation as you simply explaining which hand you connect with better,
which implies they were not supposed to focus on any specific hand.
� "37 �
If they are on Group C, instead of asking about which half, you ask about if they
born in a hot or a cold month (or, if you prefer, if they were born near the middle
or the
turn of the year).
So, at this point you have all you need to reveal the sign and they should have one
extended and palm up on top of yours. Go into the reading as usual. Tell them what
feel, make some questions about them, and at some point reveal the sign. To reveal,
like to say:
�Really imagine this spot of energy and, when you can feel it, give me a
clear nod�.
As soon as they nod, I take their hand as if I�m giving them a handshake. I focus
for a
moment then reveal the sign using a hanging statement. If they are imagining a hot
energy, I say:
�This energy feels comfortable. It�s a nice warm energy... This feels like
a Virgo... no! Libra, right?�
If they are imagining a cold energy, I might say:
�This feels very strong. It�s a nice refreshing energy... This feels like a
Scorpio... no! Sagittarius, right?�
And that�s is! To recap: use the left/right hand to know if their sign is on the
first or
second group, then use the timing cue to know if they�re on the first or second
half of
the year and immediately reframe. You now have everything you need to reveal the
This is such a strong routine when it�s properly executed. What seems to happen is
give you one hand, you touch it and you know their sign.
Now, remember: this isn�t about your amazing abilities. This is all about creating
connection with someone and, in the process, opening their mind and their heart to
world of possibilities that was always there, they just forgot about it or thought
door was locked when in reality it was always opened. I�m giving you a bare-bones
script, but I trust you will infuse it with life in your own way and treat it with
� "38 �

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