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Hayden Eccleston

Mrs. Salby


September 1, 2019

My Path to Becoming an Obstetrician Gynecologist

My goals can vary, but in some way or another connect to wanting to achieve

financial stability while, challenging myself and hopefully entering the medical field.

Career-wise I would like to obtain a PhD or Masters degree in Gynecology and

eventually become an OBGYN in the next 8-12 years; I have always been very intrigued

by the human body since I was young and believe having the ability to bring life into this

world would give a larger meaning to my life. On another note, my alternate goals,

including my aspirations to be more self disciplined still have obvious connections to my

career goal and go hand in hand with each other. In order to succeed in reaching some

of my goals, I need to pay close attention to what I choose to do with my time now and

what exactly I invest my energy in, in order to increase my chances at grasping these

set goals.

When it comes to school, I feel very strongly about maintaining motivation and

diminishing the amount of distractions around me. Throughout high school I have

maintained a 3.625 - 3.875 and first semester of Junior year I obtained a 4.0. In order to

do so I had to remind myself why I was dedicated and what that dedication should look

like in my life, this tactic forces me to enter school with an open mindset; allowing failure

to represent a learning experience rather than a road block. In addition, just recently I
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have signed up for AP Psychology and Anatomy classes to awaken my knowledge and

interest of the complex mind and body. I believe these classes will prepare me for the

rigorous workload in college as well as gaining basic knowledge on how/why the human

body and mind work the way they are intended to. For instance, my AP classes in the

past have strengthened my mind and have allowed me to sustain focus for longer

periods of time as well as forcing me to understand concepts rather than to depend on

memorization of key words. In the long run, this should condition my mind for further

strenuous classes.

Outside of school, my focus is targeted at thriving psychologically and mentally

as well as advancing my current abilities. To indulge myself deeper, I used to coach

middle school Volleyball and in that process have gained knowledge on how different

ages and different people take in and store information. I became enlightened in

knowing how to convince players to do whatever it may be that I needed them to do (run

laps, get lower when passing, jump higher, call plays louder, etc) and was able to help

these pre teens to build their self-confidence. On a similar note, I am employed at

Mimi’s Bistro as a host and - in addition to coaching - I have learned more about human

behavior and expectations which has enabled me to improve my “people-skills” and now

allowed me persuade not only customers and players, but family and friends of

whatever I may be arguing for in the future. I have come to a conclusion that these

“people skills” will greatly pay off when (not if) I become an OBGYN. I understand that

many people have incredible distrust when it comes to doctors and medicine, but having

advanced in those attributes, I am confident I can work with my future patients and fit
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their needs. Furthermore, adapting to my dad’s conditions, which include: trouble

walking, easily frustrated, short attention span, little motivation, and other more scientific

diagnosis’ of his problems) I have developed a larger understanding for abnormal

situations and built my patience over the years. I now have a much more open mindset

which qualifies me to create a mental balance in frustrated people and taught me to

manage my time and truly dedicate my open time to activities that enable a successful


Due to these activities, I have gained crucial knowledge to my future and

adapted various valuable skills. I have built patience from my family, learned time

management and determination from work and created useful people skills. All of which

will lead me closer to my dream goal of becoming an OBGYN and constantly being

enlightened with new information.

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Word count-675

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