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Secub Storytelling Planning

Name:…………………… Title :

Entrace – Gambarkan cara masuk ke panggung

 Harus sekreatif mungkin
 Tidak bisa diubah lagi pada saat hari ke tujuh sebelum lomba
 Ditambah lagu, puisi, tarian, dll
Personal Opening – write about your self and your story title.
 Tuliskan salam (Islami)
 Tuliskan greeting
 Perkenalkan dirimu (Full name, Nick name, School, Class, School’s
 Buat intermezzo dengan penonton dan judges
 Perkenalkan your story
 Kecepatan sedang, pengucapan dan pengejaan jelas dan lantang
Story Opening – write about you characters and the setting. Set the
 Karakter harus terdiri dari (minimal) The Villain (Penjahat), The
Victim (Korban) and Hero (Pahlawan).
 Gambarkan karakter ketiga tokoh utama ini
 Gunakan kata sifat dan kata keterangan yang powerful
 Apa perannya di masyarakat? Atau apa kegiatannya sehari-hari?
 Bagaimana rupanya?( Bagian ini harus minimal)
 Bagaiman sifat dan tingkah lakunya?
 Setting tempat harus menggambarkan rasa (perasaan), bau dan
 Setting waktu
 Setting suasana daerah atau masyarakat

Once Upon a time. There was a king named King Kudong. He was a very
powerful king. His real name was Patih Nyabank. His people loved him
very much because he was kind, gentleman, wise and skilful. King Kudong
has good looking, gargantuan posture, muscle body and charismatic vibe.

He always supported and helped his people to solve many problems. He led
The Kingdom of Bangkule Rajangk. With strategic location, beautiful scenery
of jungle and see, no wonder Bangkule Rajank A very prosperous kingdom
at that time.

But, alas, nobody was perfect include our charming King. His fingers were
not perfectly shaped. That’s why people call him King Kudong. His fingers
are kudong or disabled.

That’s our king, living in the great palace on beautiful land.

At the other place, there was very beautiful lady with beautiful face. Her
name is Banyu Mustari. With her slender and towering body, she was very
majestic yet pacified.

Who was this lady?

She was a princess, but not human princess. She was a Yellow Crocodile
Princess who lived under the river of Mempawah. But, she was very kind,
polite, and had what a royal princess supposed to be had.

What happen to these King of Human and Princess of Crocodile? Let me

continue to my story.
Build up – Tulis kejadian-kejadian yang terjadi, karakter akan melakukan
sesuatu yang akan mengarah kepada permasalahan

King Kudong, Despite being handicapped, was very skilled at spreading nets
in water, to catch fish and shrimp which were his daily hobbies. He had tried
his best to treat his physical disability. But until now it had not been cured. At
one point, in a mood filled with anger and almost despair, he swore to
himself and to all his people.

"Anyone who can cure my physical disability, if he was a man, I would make
him as my brother. And if he was a woman, I would make her as my wife.
Even though I already have a wife. " he vowed.

One day after he pledge, accompanied by several bodyguards, King Kudong

went to Mempawah river to catch fish and shrimp. But it was not as usual,
therer was no fish and shrimp. Until he and his men walked away and
arrived in Lubuk Sauh.

He immediately spread his net. However, when he wanted to pull the net, it
felt heavy. Curiosity arose in King's heart.

"Let me just dive, to find out what happened to my path in there." King
Kudong said to his bodyguards.

Finally, the King dived to the bottom of the river Lubuk Sauh. But he never

Do you know, what happened to Raja Kudong in the river there?

He discovered something he had never imagined so far. Apparently, the net

was held by a beautiful princess.

"Welcome to my kingdom, Your Majesty King Kudong." Said the Princess

while bowing and saluting.

Yes, she was Banyu Mustari, the yellow crocodile princess.

King Kudong was confused.

"Who are you actually? And why are you at the bottom of the Lubuk Sauh
river?" Ask your majesty King Kudong respectfully. His heart was also
overwhelmed with curiousity

"I am Banyu Mustari, Your Majesty. I am the ruler of this river." The Princess
replied, smiling respectfully.

King Kudong was just silent, still not believing in what he had just
King Kudong was just silent, still not believing in what he had just

"Come on, your majesty, King Kudong, come with me to the palace." Invite
Princess Banyu Mustari while walking.

King Kudong also had no other choice. He then followed the steps of
Princess Banyu Mustari towards the lower river palace which was so
beautiful and majestic. The Banyu Mustari Princess Palace is in a spacious
cave. The walls were decorated with colorful and sparkling natural stones.
The gurgling water coming out of the rock crevices added to the of the
atmosphere in the palace. And the throne of the Princess Banyu Mustari
also looks sturdy and elegant, and charming.

"Please, Your Majesty." Said the Princess of Banyu Mustari, invited Raja
Kudong. King Kudong immediately sat on his throne.

The princess actually heard the vow declared by King Kudong so she
wanted to help.

"So the princess can heal my hand?" Asked King Kudong hopefully. His face
sparkled brightly.

"With the help of the Almighty, hopefully I can perfect the majesty’s kudong
fingers. But Your Majesty must marry me, according to the oath you have
spoken." Told Princess Banyu Mustari, soft but firm.

"I will not deny my own promise. If my kudong's fingers can be cured, I will
definitely marry you." Raja Kudong convinced Princess Banyu Mustari.

Long story short, with the permission of the Almighty, the hand of King
Kudong could recover and become normal again. And according to his
promise, King Kudong married the Princess of Banyu Mustari.
Dilemma (Problem) – Sesuatu yang salah terjadi. Bisa jadi pertarungan,
misteri, sesuatu yang mengerikan atau masalah.

Is the story ended here, my friends? Of course not.

But yes King Kudong and Princess Banyu lived happily with several children.

Don’t you remember they live under the river along this time?
How abouth his Kingdom of Bangkule?

Let we continue the story.

After several years passed, King Kudong's miss his human family and his
people in Bangkule Kingdom. He intended to return to his kingdom and rule
it as before.

"My wife! There is something that has occupied been my feelings that I want
to tell to you." King Kudong said.

"What is that, darling?" Asked the Banyu Mustari Princess with curiosity.

King Kudong told his wife that he missed his kingdom. He could not handle it

"So, Your Majesty will leave me and our children?" Asked the Princess of
Banyu Mustari with gloomy feelings. Tears had wet his face.

"Actually, it's hard for me to leave you and our children. But my obligation as
a king demands me to go home. The people I have left for a long time surely
will expect me to return. And I will bring you with our children."

"Forgive me, Your Majesty. I and the children cannot follow Baginda to the
kingdom of Bangkule Rajakng on the land there. I cannot live in the
mainland kingdom, Your Majesty. Because there is not my world. Hope you
can understand."

Seeing the greatness of his wife and how gloomy the beautiful face was, the
king could not resist his emotion. He held his wife's body tightly, as if he
didn't want to let go.

"But there is still one more thing you need to know. Once the king returned
to the land, then forever the king could not see me and the children, and
could not return to this magical world." The Princess said softly.
"What if I miss you and our children later? Can't we meet again even if it's
just a moment?" The king asked with anxious tone and pleading face.

"If Your Majesty is missing for me and the children appears, then throw away
a raw chicken egg, a nail, a spinach or candlenut, a piece of betel sileke,
pick up rice and yellow rice that has been smeared with oil. Then throw it
away all of these things into the Mempawah river. " Told Princess Banyu
Mustari to the King.

Finally, with the permission of his wife and children, the Kodung King
departed back to the land of Bangkule Rajank. When they were about to
part, Banyu Mustari told Raja Kudong.

"If one day, the Yellow River Crocodiles appear, please tell people not to
disturb them. Because, actually these yellow crocodiles are descendant from
the marriage between you and me." Banyu Mustari's message.

"I will always remember your message, my wife." King Kudong said while
holding Banyu Mustari's hand gently.
Resolution – Permasalahan terselesaikan, semua kembali normal.
After a few months back in the Bangkule Rajank, King Kudong miss his wife
and children in the river kingdom. Then King Kudong ordered the palace
servants to immediately prepare the tools that Princess Banyu had ordered.
A peanut butter chicken, a nail, a clove or hazelnut, a betel nut, a rice cake
and a yellow rice that has been spiked. Once everything is ready, they bring
the things to Mempawah to be thrown all over there.

Shortly thereafter appeared some yellow crocodile. The crocodiles were

approaching the King, as if they were feeling the same longing for The King.

And from then on, King Kodung then issued a decree, so that all his
offspring must not disturb all yellow crocodiles that exist or appear on the
surface of the Mempawah river. The event itself was then known as a
Buang-buang which is still preserved and continues to be implemented in
Mempawah Regency.

That is the story of Yellow Crocodile and the Tradition of Buang-Buang

comes from.
Ending – Bagaimanakah perubahan karakter dan paparkan hikmah yang
dapat diambil.

This story teaches two moral values.

First to always appreciate the decisions of others
Second to keep the promise that has been spoken.

In addition, believe it or not, this story is a fact, that King Kudong had lived in
two realms.

This yellow crocodile story, for some Mempawah people is a folklore that
really exists and has indeed happened.

That’s all my story, I am happily invite you guys to come to my school city,
Mempawah, to enjoy the great food, Mangrove Park, historical site and good

See you again another time and wish you a fun time here in this competition.

Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

*Hal yang harus dipersiapkan
 Suara
Belajar untuk membedakan suara setiap karakter
 Characters
Bedakan setiap karakter seunik mungkin. Mulai dari suara, gesture,
ekspresi wajah, tatapan mata dan sifat.
 Plot
Hapalkan urutan-urutan kejadian yang terjadi mulai dari opening, Build
Up (bercabang menjadi kejadian-kejadian kecil), dilemma, klimaks,
penyelesaian masalah dan ending.
 Setting
Latihan menggambarkan setting tempat dan suasana menggunakan
kata sifat dan keterangan. Gambarkan berdasarkan indera
penglihatan, penciuman dan perasa, Tambahkan ekspresi wajah,
tatapan mata, gestur tangan, gestur badan dan gerak kaki untuk
 Time
Untuk menggambarkan waktu, gunakan semaksimal mungkin
pemanfaatan kostum untuk menunjukkan waktu. Semua kata kerja
diubah menjadi Verb 2 (bentuk lampau). Gunakan kata keterangan
waktu secara jelas untuk menunjukkan runtut kejadian.
 Theme and/or Lesson
Ceritakan nilai moral yang bisa diambil kita sebagai remaja dari cerita
yang bersangkuta. Harus ada kalimat yang jelas yang menyatakan
bahwa kita sedang menjelaskan nilai moral cerita.

 Visual Aids
Siapkan daftar property yang akan dibutuhkan.

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