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10 Things You Can Do Every Day To Benefit Your Brain

A mind is a valuable thing to waste. You’ve heard the saying many

times, but it truly does ring true. Your mind is your most valuable asset.
You need to take care of it. So here’s a list of 10 things you can do every
day to benefit your brain:
1. Take a nap. Refreshing your body can also help you improve brain
function, increase memory, and improve your mood. Even just 15
minutes can make a huge difference in your day-today life. So take a
nap, feel refreshed, and help your brain all in one. Naps improve your
brain performance, so why are you still awake?
2. Do something creative just before going to bed. When you’re tired,
your brain can be more creative. Take advantage! Whether you’re
writing the next great American Novel or dusting off the old paint brush
and canvas, finding your creative outlet just before going to bed can
yield great results. So tap your inner Picasso and create something
beautiful. Just don’t fall asleep with the brush in your hand.
3. Focus on one task at a time. Did you know that it’s literally
impossible for your brain to multitask? By focusing on one task at a
time, you can keep your brain working at maximum capability and
accomplish more than you imagined. Find a task you need to finish and
focus solely on it. Leave the phone in the other room, turn the TV off,
and focus. Your brain will thank you.
4. Do cardio. And exercise. You’ve heard that cardio leads to a healthier,
better body. But it also helps the mind. Find 15-30 minutes a day and get
moving! You don’t need a gym membership or any fancyequipment. Just
a walk around the neighborhood can do wonders and benefit your brain.
5. Write. Like on a real piece of paper. Computers, iPads, tablets,
smartphones and the connection to the internet everywhere means it’s
becoming less and less likely that you will pull out a piece of paper and
write. But research suggests handwriting makes you smarter. So leave
the computer on your desk during your next meeting and write your
6. Take a multi-vitamin daily. Your car needs oil, your smartphone needs
a battery, and your brain needs nutrients. A daily multi-vitamin will
ensure that you get your body what it needs. And it will help your brain
according to research from the British Journal of Nutrition. Pro-tip: Take
your mutlivitamin with a healthy smoothie to get your day off to a great

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