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Section 1, Article 1of the 1987 Constitution  In other words, it includes both sea and islands which geographically

other words, it includes both sea and islands which geographically may be considered
as an independent whole.
The national territory comprises the Philippine archipelago, with all the islands and
 Our country is comprised of the sea and all its islands which is considered to be one
waters embraced therein, and all other territories over which the Philippines has sovereignty or
single unit.
jurisdiction, consisting of its terrestrial, fluvial and aerial domains, including its territorial sea,
these abed, the subsoil, the insular shelves, and other submarine areas. The waters around, Other territories over which the Philippines has sovereignty or jurisdiction
between, and connecting the islands of the archipelago, regardless of their breadth and
According to the 1973 constitution, “all the other territories belonging to the Philippines by
dimensions, form part of internal waters of the Philippines.
historic right or legal”
Necessity of constitutional provision on National Territory
1. Philippine claim to Sabah
1. Binding force of such provision under international law  Sabah is the northern part of Borneo.
 Coastline of 800 to 900 miles
 A state has the power to try, hear and decide cases throughout the extent of its
 South China Sea in the West and North
 Sulu Sea in the Northeast
 If there is a territorial dispute it should be settled according to the international
 Celebes Sea in the East
 It is 1,143km from Manila and 1678 km from Kuala Lumpur.
2. Value of provision defining our national territory.
The Sultan of Sulu was granted the territory of Saba has a prize for helping The Sultan of
 It is important to know so that we and the other nations would know the boundaries of Brunei against his enemies and from then on that part of Borneo is recognized as part of the
our country. Sultan of Sulu’s sovereignty. But in 1878, Baron Von Overbeck, a German representative of the
British North Borneo Co. and his partner Alfred Dent, a British representative of the British North
3. Acquisition of other territories. Borneo Co. leased the territory known as “Sabah.”
 Even though the bounds of our national territory is already written in the law, this does Britain took Sabah on July 10, 1946 as part of its crown territories and then made the
not prevent the Philippines from acquiring new territories by means of purchase, land part of the Federation of Malaysia. The Philippines maintained that the contract with
exchange, and such. Overdeck and Dent was for lease but the United Kingdom insisted it was for cession or transfer
National Territory of the Philippines comprises of: of ownership.

1. The Philippine archipelago with all the islands and waters embraced therein; The Philippines broke diplomatic relations with Malaysia after the federation have
included “Sabah”. At that time, the current Sultan of Sulu have given the Philippine government
2. All other territories over which the Philippines has sovereignty or jurisdiction. the authority to pursue the claim legally in international courts.
3. The terrestrial, fluvial and aerial domains including the territorial sea, the seabed, the subsoil, In 1972, the Marcos administration revived the claim; but, the “Jabidah Massacre”
the insular shelves, and other submarine areas thereof; and incident shelved it once more.
4. The internal waters. The Sulu Sultanate, in spite of it being located in Mindanao, is NOT the same as saying it
is under the rule of the Philippine government. It is, in fact, an independent Muslim state, which
historically has acquired territories in and around the Sulu Sea, including the island of Sabah.
 Derived from the Greek word pelagos meaning “sea.” When Malaysia got its independence from the British, the British company also"surrendered"
 A sea or part of a sea containing many islands. Sabah to Malaysia. The claim of the Sultan of Sulu would have more legal bearing if the
Philippines recognized the Sulu Sultanate. As a republic, the Philippine constitution does not
recognize royalties. Also no country recognizes the Sultanate of Sulu. Sabah will always be, (1) the area is part of the continental margin of the Philippine archipelago;
politically speaking, ruled by Malaysia. Its ownership, however, will always remain with the heirs
(2) the islands do not belong to any state, but by reason of history, indispensable need, and
of the Sultanate. Philippines might not ever get to claim Sabah as its rightful territory.
effective occupation and control established in accordance with international law, should now
2. Philippine claim to Spratley Island. be deemed subject to thesovereignty of the Philippines; and

The Spratly Islands group consists of a large number of banks, reefs, cays and islands (3) claims by other states over the area had lapse by reason of abandonment and cannot
stretching from a point. The Spratlies or some part thereof has been variously claimed by prevail over that of the Philippines on legal, historical and equitable grounds.
China (both the Peoples Republic of China and the Republic of China), Viet-Nam, France,
Japan, the Philippines, and, also Malaysia.
Currently the Philippines is occupying nine features (seven islands, three reefs):
In 1956, a Filipino navigator named Tomas Cloma issued a "Proclamation to the whole
World" asserting ownership by discovery and occupation over all the territory, "33 islands,  Pagasa Island (Thitu Island) 37.2 ha. (2nd largest), pag-asa means hope
sands cays, sands bars and coral reefs and fishing grounds in the Spratlies covering an area  Likas Island (West York Island) 18.6 ha. (3rd largest), likas means natural or evacuate
of 64,976 square nautical miles." This claim provoked statements of protest against the  Parola Island (Northeast Cay) 12.7 ha. (5th largest), parola means lighthouse
Philippines by the Peoples Republic of China and the Republic· of Viet-Nam.  Lawak Island (Nanshan Island) 7.93 ha. (8th largest), lawak means vastness
 Kota Island (Loaita Island) 6.45 ha. (10th largest), kuta means fortress
The legal bases of the demand were as follows:
 Patag Island (Flat Island) 0.57 ha. (14th largest), patag means flat
( 1) The Philippines has legal title to the island group as a consequence of the occupation by  Panata Island (Lankiam Cay) 0.44 ha. (15th largest and the smallest, panatâ means vow
Tomas Cloma  Rizal Reef (Commodore Reef) Rizal is named after Dr. José P. Rizal, the national hero of
the Philippines
(2) the presence of the Chinese forces in Itu Aba constituted a threat to the security of the
 Balagtas Reef (Irving Reef) poet Balagtas is named after Francisco Balagtas, a famous
Philippines; (3) the Chinese occupation of some islands in the Spratly group constituted de
Filipino poet
facto trusteeship on behalf of the World War II allies which precluded the gamsonning of the
 Ayungin Reef (Second Thomas Reef) Ayungin is Leiopotherapon plumbeus, a Philippine-
islands without the allies consent; and
endemic fish specie
(4) the Spratly group is within the archipelagic territory claimed by the Philippines.

In 1974, an official spokesman of the Philippine government announced that the

2. Future claims by the Philippines to other areas.
Philippines had garrisoned five of the islands within the group. At present, the Philippines have
possession of seven islands. A number of Filipino nationals have settled in these islands, and a The phrase “all the other territories belonging to the Philippines by historic right or legal
local government has been organized in one of them. title.” Found in 1973 constitution was omitted in the present charter.

On June 11, 1978, President Marcos issued Presidential Decree No. 1596 declaring Other areas included in the Philippine archipelago
most19 of the islands, cays, shoals and reefs as belonging to the Philippines and forming an
The Philippine territory consists of its terrestrial, fluvial, and aerial domains. Included in
integral part of Philippine territory. It named the area claimed "Kalayaan Island Group," which is
its fluvial domains, in addition to the external waters, are:
a Filipinized version of the name Tomas Cloma gave his discovery: "Freedom land." The group of
islands was integrated as a municipality of the province of Palawan. 1. Territorial sea.
Philippine island closest to the incorporated cluster decree cited a number of bases for the 2. The seabed
claim to title, namely:
3. The subsoil
4. Insular shelves The state in the EEZ exercises jurisdiction with regard to:

5. Other submarine areas 1. the establishment and use of artificial islands, installations, and structures;

Three-fold division of navigable waters. 2. marine scientific research;

From the standpoint of international law, the waters of the earth are divided into: 3. the protection and preservation of marine environment;

1. Inland or internal waters The Philippine Position

2. Territorial sea (Supra) 1. Fatal effect application of 12 mile rule upon territorial integrity of the Philippines – To
apply to the three-mile rule to the Philippines, with every island having its own
3. High or open seas
territorial sea, would have a fatal effect upon the territorial integrity of the Philippines.
All other territories over which the Philippines has sovereignty It would mean the dismemberment of the archipelago with the Sibuyan sea separating
the Visayas, and the Mindanao Strait and the Sulu isolating Palawan from the rest of the
- includes any territory that presently belongs or might in the future belong to the archipelago.
Philippines through any of the accepted international modes of acquiring territory.
These and other areas of waters would cease to be Philippine waters; they would
Archipelagic Principle Two elements: become international waters or high seas, and fishing vessels from all nation scan enter to get
1. The definition of internal waters (supra); fish and other living resources of the sea which nature and Divine Providence intended for the
Filipinos. Furthermore, warships of even unfriendly nations could enter these waters and stay
2. The straight baseline method of delineating the territorial sea there with perfect legal right to do so. At the same time, we would lose a large part of our
territory on both sides of the archipelago, towards the China Sea and the Pacific Ocean.
Important distances with respect to the waters around the Philippines
2. The Philippines, a single nation and a united state - More than seven thousand islands
-Territorial Sea 12 nautical miles (n.m.)
comprise the Philippines ruled by one whole unitary government, bound by a common
-Contiguous Zone 12 n.m. from the edge of the territorial sea heritage, beholden to the same tradition, pursuing the same ideals, interdependent and
united politically, economically and socially as one nation.
-Exclusive Economic Zone 200 n.m. from the baseline
3. Archipelago principle fully recognized bu UN Law of the Sea Convention - The
Territorial Sea archipelago principle and the exclusive economic zone rights are now fully recognized in
the U.N. Law of the Sea Convention. It was approved by the interim Batasang Pambansa
1. The belt of the sea located between the coast and internal waters of the coastal state on February 27, 1984.
on the one hand, and the high seas on the other, extending up to 12 nautical miles from
the low water mark.

Contiguous Zone

2. Extends up to 12 nautical miles from the territorial sea. Although not part of the
territory, the coastal State may exercise jurisdiction to prevent infringement of customs,
fiscal, immigration or sanitary laws.

Exclusive Economic Zone

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