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I. Identification. Write the correct answer on the space provided.


1.________ is the capability of an organization to produce an item at an 1.Manufacturability

acceptable profit
2-3. product and services
2-3.The essence of a business organization is the _____ and ____ its
offer. 4 .serviceability

4.__________ is the capability of an organization to provide a service at 5.Organization

an acceptable cost or profit 6.W
5.________ become involved in product and service design or redesign 7. T
for variety of reasons
8. T

II. Write “T” if the statement is TRUE and W if it’s FALSE. 9.W

6. The new products and services in the market and promotion are the 10.W
examples of Social and Demographic. 11. marketing
7. The examples of Cost or Availability are raw materials, component and
labor. 12.operation
8. One of the examples of Social and Demographic is aging population.
9. Manufacturability is the capability of an organization to provide a 13.To meet the customer satisfaction
service and to produce an item at an acceptable profit. 14.To realized the goals of organizations
10. Serviceability is the capability of an organization to produce an item
at an acceptable profit. 15.Economic

III. Enumeration 16.Social and Demographic

1-2 Product and Service design involves every functional area of an organization, 17. political, liabilty or legal
but give the 2 major functional area of product and service design.
18. Competitive
3-4 give the 2 importance of product and service design
19. Cost or availability
5-10 give the 6 reasons for product and service design
20. Technological

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