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अथ सूर् य-नमस्कार-मन्त्ााः

Atha sūrya-namaskāra-mantrāḥ

Mantras for Sun Salutations

Translation by Siddhartha Krishna

ॐ ममत्रार् नमाः

Oṁ mitrāya namaḥ

Om. Prostration to Mitra, the friend.

ॐ रवर्े नमाः

Oṁ ravaye namaḥ

Om. Prostration to Ravi, the one who is glorified.

ॐ सूर्ायर् नमाः

Oṁ sūryāya namaḥ

Om. Prostration to Sūrya, the traveler [the inspirer].

ॐ भानवे नमाः

Oṁ bhānave namaḥ

Om. Prostration to Bhānu, the one who shines [who enlightens].

ॐ खगार् नमाः

Oṁ khagāya namaḥ

Om. Prostration to Khaga, the one who travels in the firmament.

ॐ पूष्ण े नमाः
Oṁ pūṣṇe namaḥ

Om. Prostration to Pūṣan, the nourisher.

ॐ मिरण्र्गभायर् नमाः

Oṁ hiraṇya-garbhāya namaḥ

Om. Prostration to Hiraṇya-garbha, the golden womb [the one with gold, i.e.
light, in his womb].

ॐ मरीचर्े नमाः

Oṁ marīcaye namaḥ

Om. Prostration to Marīci, the lord of rays [the destroyer of microbes, of


ॐ आमित्यार् नमाः

Oṁ ādityāya namaḥ

Om. Prostration to Āditya, the child of Aditi [the universal mother].

ॐ समवत्रे नमाः

Oṁ savitre namaḥ

Om. Prostration to Savitṛ, the creator [the stimulator, the rouser].

ॐ अर्ायर् नमाः

Oṁ arkāya namaḥ

Om. Prostration to Arka, the one to be worshipped.

ॐ भास्करार् नमाः

Oṁ bhāskarāya namaḥ

Om. Prostration to Bhāskara, the one who produces light.


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