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Dear Parents/Guardians, 2nd June 2017

Pershore District Camp 2017:

18:00 Friday 7th to 14:30 Sunday 9th July 2017

Location: Warren Oak,

Warren Oak Scout Site
Hollow Lane,

Knights of the Realm Camp Theme

I hope you are well. We are in the last weeks running up to District Camp and
the plans are evolving. We now have 177 Beavers, Cubs and Scouts due to
attend the event which is fantastic.

On the Saturday evening, we will of course have the traditional Camp Fire and
Sing Off... along with a battle between Knights.

As part of the food on Saturday evening there will be a Medieval Roast!


On the weekend, we have some fantastic activities for the young People to get
involved in. This includes a Medieval Society joining us for the two days where
they will be teaching swordsmanship, what life was like during medieval times
this will involve Jousting, cooking and other activities....

As part of the weekend will be an orienteering walk. The sections will be split
with Cubs walking Saturday Morning, Scouts Saturday Afternoon and Beavers
Sunday Morning.

We also have a climbing wall, inflatable Sumo Wrestling, a large inflatable

assault course and inflatable Castle
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Activities and welfare considerations

To help ensure the cubs have a safe, active and fun camp there will be sufficient leaders and several
parent helpers attending the camp. All adults have completed CRB checks through the scout

Kit list
A recommended kit list is attached. Do not hesitate to ask any questions regarding suitability of kit
if you are unsure.
A reminder to label everything please. All young people will be responsible for their own possessions so a
list in their bag may help them to make sure they haven’t forgotten anything at the end of camp. Please
pack items in a soft bag or rucksack, not a suitcase. Place a bin liner in the bag first as a liner to keep
everything dry. Here is a suggested list – note that this is only a guide:

o Uniform (to be worn when arriving and leaving camp)

o Foam sleeping mat or equivalent
o Sleeping bag - 3 season recommended
o Blanket (optional, but useful if cold at night)
o Small & large towel
o Personal toilet items
o Tee shirts sweat shirts (several)
o Underwear (several sets)
o Socks
o Trousers (track suit etc. NOT jeans)
o Shorts
o Waterproofs - Coat and trousers
o Wool hat and gloves
o Tea towel
o Knife, fork, spoon, plate and bowl – in a drawstring bag – all named, please
o Mug
o Water bottle/flask to carry during the activities
o Tea towel
o Hike boots/strong shoes (wellies not recommended but could be useful for around camp if wet)
o Old trainers
o Sleeping wear
o Personal first aid kit
o Torch + spare batteries
o Plastic bags for dirty washing
o Medication (must be included on camp information form and handed in to leader on arrival – please
clearly label and include instructions as to use.)
o Sun hat
o Sun lotion
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Equipment Information

Sleeping Bags - Synthetic filled bags are easier to clean than natural filling. Zips can be a source of cold if no baffle is
fitted. If you are worried about the sleeping bag being warm enough – pack extra clothes!

Footwear – for hiking, boots give better ankle support and normally have better soles than shoes.

Warm Wear - a number of layers is warmer than one thick one and the warmth can be regulated more easily - do not
forget your hands and head.

Torch - Do not pack your torch with batteries fitted (or at the bottom of your kit) as it could easily get accidentally
turned on and you will arrive at the camp/holiday with flat batteries.

Due to the nature of our camps and activities, it is advisable to wear old clothing and footwear as
there is a good chance they will get very wet, dirty and or damaged.

Kit should be packed in a holdall or rucksack. It is important that there are no loose items. Also line the kit bag with a
plastic bag or pack everything in a bin liner, and then in the bag. This is protection against the bags having to be left in
the rain when shelter is not available.

Please do NOT bring:-

 Aerosols, Lighter fluid or any other flammable liquid or gas. These are dangerous and not
 Knives (e.g. penknives, etc)
 Valuables, e.g. electronic items, jewellery, mp3s, PSPs, computers, mobile phones, portable
TVs, cameras etc. They are too easily stolen or damaged and will be confiscated if found and
returned to you before you go home.
 Food/Sweets. All cubs will be well fed and do not need extra food or sweets. In addition if a
child becomes unwell, we need to know what they have eaten and that the illness is not just
because they have been sat in their tent eating a lot of sweets.

No Money is required for this Camp and there will be no

opportunity to spend it.
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Information / Medical / Permission Form

Venue: Warren Oak Scout Site

Dates: 18:00 Friday 7th to 14:30 Sunday 9th July 2017

This section is to be filled out by the young persons Parent or Guardian and handed back to their Leader.
Personal Details

Name …………………................................................... Date of Birth .......................................

Name of Parent or Guardian ……......................................................................................................

Address and telephone number at which Parent or Guardian can be contacted during the event:-


Telephone number .....................................................

Medical Details
(if you answer ‘yes’ to any of the following questions please give details overleaf)

Date of last tetanus immunisation (if none then please state) .........................................................................

1) Does he/she have a medical condition? YES / NO

2) Is he/she currently taking any medication? YES / NO

3) Is he/she allergic to anything (e.g. aspirin, antibiotics, any particular food or drugs)? YES / NO

4) Has he/she been in contact with any infectious disease within the 3 weeks prior to this camp? YES / NO

5) Has he/she any mobility difficulties? YES / NO

6) Does he/she have any special dietary needs? YES / NO

His/her National Health Number .......................................................................................................................

Name and address of family doctor ..................................................................................................................


If it becomes necessary for ..................................................................... (Cubs name) to receive medical treatment

and I cannot be contacted by telephone, or any other means, to authorise this, I hereby give my general consent to
any necessary medical treatment and authorise your Cub Leader to sign any documents required by the hospital

Signature ................................................................................................................ Date

(Parent or Guardian)

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