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- SHADOW FIEND counters: TA, Lone Druid, Lina, Axe, Bounty, DIsr, TInker, Viper

- STORM SPIRIT: ember, dragon knight, AM, Doom, NS, Riki, Techies (TA, lina, sf,
puck, qop
- OUTWORLD D.: sky, puck, sniper, wr
- TA: clinkz, batrider, mk, huskar (viper, sniper, pudge, veno
(itemi za counter ghost cepter, eul)
- EMBER SPIRIT: razor, OD, morphling, Lion, SF, Silencer, SS, Void, Kunka (TA, LC
- LINA: TA, medusa, tiny (kunka
- WIND RANGER: mars, shadow demon, leshrac (qop, kunka
- INVOKER: naga sa diff, beast master, alchemist, brood (lion, TA, qop, ss, kunka,
silencer, ss
- TINKER: timbersaw, zeus, brood (sniper, OD. sky. AM. Clock, Doom, LC, LS. Luna,
lc sa stout shieldom i drugim spellom za purge prve od qop, TA (inv, kunka, dk, AM,
naga sa splitom dispeluje otrov. sky. bs
- VIPER ( weaver. wr, necro
- HUSKAR: Tell me pls, I would go with Wr, and maybe Alche, but its hard shit on
mid. (pugna, kunka,
- NECRO: Every spell dmg hero
- DRAGON KNIGHT: Necro, Viper, Huskar
- PUCK: Ta
- RAZOR: Od, Qop, Am mid, Sniper, Timber
- BROOD and MEEPO: Earthshaker and a lot of jungle harass. Also Legion can work too
if you are good on mid with him. Alche vs them is fucking orgasm too, WW, Viper za
Meepo: Axe. ES. Elder Titan, Ember, Kunka, Mars, Lion, MK, PA, Viper, WW
- ALCHEMIST: just harassing and fucking his jungle, Necrophos can work, Razor easy.
- NAGA: Timbersaw, OUTWORLD D., Huskar, ES
- ARC WARDEN: AM, AXE, BB, Meepo, Naga, Riki, PL, CK
- Sniper: BS, Bounty, Ember Spirit, Invoker, PA, Slark, Spectre, SB, SS, Viper,
- Pudge: Abaddon, AM, BB, Bounty, Dazzle, Doom, LC, Lifestealer, Mirana, MK,
- Riki: Axe, Bounty, BB, Slardar, Spectre, Zeus, Viper
- Techies: AM. Abaddon, Battrider, Zeus, WK
- Zeus: AM, Jugger, Ursa, Pudge, Viper, Void, Silencer, Pugna,Brood, TA
- SF: Bounty, Sniper, Tinker, Ursa, Axe, Viper, Zeus
- Slark: AA, Axe, BS. Centaur, Tiny, ES, CK
- Phoenix: Huskar, Ursa, Silencer, BS, Viper, Necro
- Kunka: Clinkz, Ursa, Silencer, Mirana, Phoenix, Juggernaut, LS, OD
- Clinkz: BS, Doom, Ench, Lion, Slardar, SB, Treant, Venomancer
- Spirit Breaker: Clock, Invoker, OD, Ember, Omni, Razor, Underlord
- Phantom Lancer: Axe. BB. Centaur, DK, ES, Ember, Gyro, Kunka, LC sa Owerhelming
- Chaos Knight: Abaddon, Tinker sa Cepterom i prvom, Axe, Lion, DK, Enigma, Jakiro,
Lich, Magnus, MK, PL, Sand King, Sven, Timber, WW. WD

-map dota -antiaddiction_test -noborder -high

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