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Indonesian Cultural and Communication

Iron Man Group

- Azzizah Mulia K. K.

- Gisellia Veronica S.

- Elkana William H.

- Flobert Arlo

- Layla Kirana

Movie Review – The Internship (2013)

Billy McMahon (Vince Vaughn) and Nick Campbell (Owen Wilson) are two salesmen who goes out of
business. After that, they apply an internships for Google. They are accepted because of their 'out of the
box' idea. In the internship program, they form a group with younger people. Stuart, Yo-Yo, and Neha.
The team leader named Lyle.

Many other groups underestimating their ability as team because of Billy and Nick. Since Billy and Nick
do not understand how the internet work, they self-taught each other and got help from other group
member. After many events that occur, their team find understanding towards each other. But since Bill
still cannot understand what to do with internet, he jeopardize his team chance to enter Google.

Because of Bill's mistake, Bill decided to quit the internship program and continue his work as a Commented [EWH1]: ignore
salesman. But then, Nick is convincing Bill to return to the internship. At the end, their team was
finished their final challenge and make their team become winner of the internship and also they
officially become as Google employee.

From Kluckhohn’s Culture value orientation about individualism and collectivism. In the beginning of Bill
and Nick do internship in google, we see that all of them have individualism except Bill and Nick, like
Neha, Yo-Yo, and Stuart do something individually and ignore about teamwork that Bill and Nick are
talking to them. Through times of internship on Google, Yo-Yo, Stuart and Neha work as a team with Bill
and Nick, because they realize that they can solve the problem and challenges in Google if they work as
a team. Culture which exist in The Internship like the Asian guy called as Yo-Yo has a culture followed
what are his parents said, Stuart as an individualism, Bill and Nick are open minded guys.

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