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Chapter I

There’s something intangibly real and valuable about talking with someone

face to face. This is significant for friends, partners, potential employers, and

other recurring people that make up your everyday world. That person

becomes an important existing human connection, not just someone whose

disembodied text voice pops up on your cell phone, iPad or computer

screen. As humans our want to be social and to communicate is a part of us.

The sharing of ideas has been with us since even before we were able to

speak. I would even argue that this internal desire is the reason our species

has done so well together. But of recent years I have watched the decline of

language and communication as we humans twist our thinking to match the

capabilities of machines. Two-way process of reaching mutual

understanding, in which participants not only exchange (encode-decode)

information, news, ideas and feelings but also create and share meaning. In

general, communication is a means of connecting people or places. In

business, it is a key function of management--an organization cannot

operate without communication between levels, departments and

employees. Technology is a body of knowledge devoted to creating tools,

processing actions and extracting of materials. The term ‘Technology” is

wide and everyone has their own way of understanding the meaning of

technology. We use technology to accomplish various tasks in our daily

lives, in brief; we can describe technology as products, processes or

organizations. We use technology to extend our abilities, and that makes

people as the most important part of any technological system.

In our barangay no one is communicating personally due to the use of

gadgets such as cellphone, computer, laptop etc. As a result, many young

people are unable to enjoy their youth. As a teenager I enjoyed playing

childhood games more than playing gadgets. Unlike today, playing gadgets

is a priority so many young people do not learn well because of the desire

to play gadgets.

70% of teenagers in our barangay are using technology now a days while,

30% of teenagers in our barangay spend more time playing with their
friends more than playing gadgets or technology. And 60% of Adults in our

barangay are using technology now a days while, 40% of Adults in our

barangay are less likely to use technology because they prefer to

communicate with other people than to use technology or gadgets and

already know how to use it.

Background of the Study

Decline of Communication Due to Technology. Technology is already

changing the way we are communicating with each other. The face-to-face

decline of communication is the result of advancement in the new devices

and ease of connectivity. The decline of communication is a consequence of

a change in the medium.

The main objectives of this study for the readers to understand the

importance of communication without using technology or gadgets.

Statement of the Problem

The researcher seek to study about the Decline of Communication due to

Therefore, the researchers made the following questions that served as their

guide regarding their chosen topic:

Q1: What are the pros and cons of live communication?

Q2: Are technology for communication and people as tightly connected as

it seems?

Q3: Why does people are more comfortable communicating using

technology than communicating face to face?

Statement of Hypothesis
Ho: Technology doesn’t affects peoples communicating skills

Ha: Technology does affects peoples communicating skills

Scope and Delimitation

This study aims to know more about the effects of declining communication

due to technology and also what are the pros and cons by using technology

for communication. And this study for the readers to understand the
importance of communication without using technology or gadgets and

communication face to face.

Definition of Terminologies

The following terms listed below were defined conceptually and operationally for

the better understanding of the study:

Decline- Decline refers to the degenerating of something whereas obsolete

refers to the outdating of something or that it is no longer in use. It is the process

of declining, a gradual sinking and wasting away. Social decline or moral decline is

typically characterised as reduced adherence to cultural or social norms or values

and widespread lapses in ethical behavior.

Technology- is the sum of techniques, skills, methods, and processes used in

the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives, such

as scientific investigation. Technology can be the knowledge of techniques,

processes, and the like, or it can be embedded in machines to allow for operation

without detailed knowledge of their workings.

Communication- is the act of conveying meanings from one entity or group

to another through the use of mutually understood signs, symbols, and semiotic


Chapter II
Review of Related Literature and Studies
Since 1995, the number of worldwide internet users has increased from

sixteen million to more than two thousand million in 2012 (Brown 2013). As

often as we use technology, there is no doubt that it has an astounding

impact on society. Yes, there are be positive influences, as technology has

totally revolutionized the way we do almost everything these days, but one

of these impacts, unfortunately, seems to be primarily negative; the decline

of communication in modern society.

We use technology for almost everything and have come to rely on it

heavily. It has taken the place of alarm clocks, music players, computers,

televisions, and even face-to-face communication. It has changed the way

we communicate with each other, making it less personal than ever before.

Adults are quickly losing social and communication skills while many

children are never learning those skills in the first place (Luscombe 2014).

The quality of our communication as a society has declined greatly due to

technology as access to services like professional writing has increased.

Technology destroys interpersonal communication Technology allows for

amazing things. With it we are able to communicate with people from other

towns and continents. Phones have evolved into tools that allow us to

express ourselves through text messages and through social media we can
reach millions of people. The messages we want to share are no longer

restrained by the miles we can’t travel.

However, technology can also stunt communication. It’s easy to speak your

mind behind a screen, but when it comes to orally voicing their thoughts,

people are struggling. (Simons,Sean)


Modem technology can also affect the human body. Most people who

usually use advanced technology can be lost their active lifestyle because of

the advanced technology they are using like in just one click on your

computer all you need can be delivered as fast as your order without the

movement of all your body parts. So most people who just sitting there and

enjoying the power of modern technology can affect the health of your

body. (Sanchez 2013)

The disadvantage of modern technology can also affect the younger people

most especially the kids one. Because many kids now spending more time in

computer games, laptop, cellphone, and other advanced technology. They

cannot do the old way before when in terms of interacting with their family

and spending time with their families. Kids now and also teenagers has

there own life when they have this technology in their hands. They don’t

have to go out to spend time with their friends or make real friends outside

their house. (2018-2019)

Chapter III
In this chapter, I discuss the Population of the study, sampling technique,

Statistical Statement, Research gathering data, validation of the

questionnaire, and method of data analysis.

Population of the Study

The target population of this study are 10 people (5 adults and 5

teenagers) in our barangay declining communication due to


Sampling Technique
The researcher decided to choose 10 people in our barangay (5 adults)

(5teenagers) to answer the following question that given by the researcher,

knowing that they can answer it properly because they already experienced


Statistical statement
To quantify the problem, percentage formula was used to describe how

a part is related to a whole.


_____________________ x 100

Tallied no. Of respondents

Research gathering data

In order to gather the most needed data the following were followed by the

1. Asked permission to the research adviser.

2. Asked permission from the subject teacher.

3. Distrubuted the questionnaire.

4. Collected the gathered data.

5. Tabulated and analyzed the data.

Survey Questions:

Q1: What do you prefer the most? Communicating face to face or

Communicating using technology and why?

Q2: Do you think using technology can make your work fast?

Yes? Or No?

Q3: Why does people are more comfortable communicating using

technology than communicating face to face?

Chapter IV
Presentation analysis and interpretation of data

This chapter presents the data gathered from the answers of the respondents who

serves as the source of information needed in this research. This also presents the

analysis and interpretation of the data gathered. This chapter shows the profile of

the respondents. Each table showed the tallied answers on the distributed

questionnaires given by the researcher. The researcher assumed that the data

presented, analyzed and interpreted in this chapter is accurate and correct.

Table 1: Age of teenagers and Adults in our barangay.

Age: Teenagers Frequency of Percentage


15 y/o 2 40%
16 y/o 1 20%

17 y/o 2 40%

Total: 5 100%

Age: Adults Frequency Percentage

20 y/o 3 60%

21 y/o 1 20%

22 y/o 1 20%

Total: 5 100%

Table 2: What do you prefer the most? Communicating face to

face or Communicating using technology?

Teenagers Frequency of Percentage


Communicating face to 1 20%


Communicating using 4 80%


Total: 5 100%
Adults Frequency Percentage

Communicating face to 2 40%


Communicating using 3 60%


Total: 5 100%
Table 3: Do you think using technology can make your work fast?

Teenagers Frequency of Percentage


Yes 5 100%

No 0 0%

Total: 5 100%

Adults Frequency Percentage

Yes 5 100%

No 0 0%

Total: 5 100%

Yes? Or No?
Table 4: Why does people are more comfortable communicating

using technology than communicating face to face?

Teenagers Frequency of Percentage


Lack of Confidence 3 60%

Shyness 1 20%

Less Danger 1 20%

Total 5 100%

Adults Frequency of Percentage


Lack of Confidence 2 40%

Shyness 1 20%
Less Danger 2 40%

Total 5 100%

Research Instruments

The instruments of the researcher to gather primary data is Survey, the survey
contain of personal information of respondents such as their names, age,
gender and their opinions. We are here to conduct a survey that will help us
in completing our research. Through this brief survey, your answers will be
helpful in enhancing our research. Your response will only be used for survey
purposes. We value your honest and detailed responses. Your responses are
completely anonymous. Thank you very much for your time and suggestions.

I. Name:




Survey Questions:

Q1: What do you prefer the most? Communicating face to face or

Communicating using technology and why?

Q2: Do you think using technology can make your work fast?

Yes? Or No?

Q3: Why does people are more comfortable communicating using

technology than communicating face to face?

Chapter V

The main objective of the research is to answer the questions that has been

asked on statement of the problem, the gathered data already got the results.

their action of declining communication due to technology has a reason and

not just because they are just much enjoying technology because the real
reason behind this is they are just keeping theirselves safe and away from

danger. especially those adults. there are some kind of reasons where they

lack confidence on theirselves, they're afraid on being judged and to be

insulted by their physical appearance. we all know that our technology is

improving especially, the modern technology here in the Philippines, where

they can make their work faster.


Declining of communication due to technology are really a problem

here in the Philippines not just in our barangay. we can use
technology but we just can’t ignore on how we communicate with
other people. Talking, playing and having bonding are the best way
to communicate with people. because those three that has been
mention are those things that you can’t do in technology. That’s why
we should keep our way on communicating to others by doing the
things that you are comfortable with especially to the people that are
special to you. Don’t let technology ruin the way you communicate on
your past.


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