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1. My biggest concern for the future is… CHANGE.

2. Real wealth is never measured in money or possessions.
3. Conservation is survival.
4. If I were an animal I’d be a…
5. The world is a smaller place these days.
6. The more we communicate, the less we really say.
7. Intelligence is not enough.
8. If I ruled the world
9. Fools and their money are easily parted.
10. Discipline is not a dirty word.
11. Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder.
12. Children learn what they live with.
13. Poverty is a state of mind.
14. What characteristics make an ideal hero and why?
15. What and who is an average person?
16. In what situation is lying a good idea?
17. How we look is unimportant, it’s who we are on the inside that
18. The media controls how and what we think.
19. Talking to someone and talking with someone are two different
20. What would you rather be- wise or intelligent?
21. True wisdom comes from experience.
22. What is normal is decided by the society we live in.
23. Children should not watch television.
24. Cities are for people not cars.
25. Peace is possible.

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