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Travis, Harrison and Cameron

Who are KITES?
Kites are an indie-rock and roll band formed in Newcastle UK.
Influenced heavily by 90s brit-pop and alternative rock and roll

The band are currently writing for their debut EP.

They have released one song called ‘Low’.

The Story.
The Music Video will be centred around a character who
finds a map which leads him to a mysterious package.

But he is not the only one in search of it.

He is then hunted by all sorts of crazy groups for his

Our Visual Concept.
We want to produce a music video centred around Cameras that
are attached to the actors body.

The music video will be really out there with bright colours and
interesting visual techniques.

We will use animated overlays on live action footage.

Projection Photography
Our Experiments
The SnorriCam creates an unusual third person technique.

It will fit the theme of our music video as we want to experiment with

unusual camera techniques.

An issue we may have is the size of the mount.

We would use Point of View to create a more personal experience with
the video and the viewer.

We were considering using a chase scene and a biking scene so this

effect would look very interesting in those scenes.
We think adding small animations in real life as overlays could be an
interesting technique.

We would use our friend Ross’ art.

He uses an iPad Pro to animate on top of video.

Potential Locations
In the forest we would have the character find the mysterious package.

This is where he will meet his first enemy, where there shall be a chase

The lighting would be low and desaturated.

Police Interview Room.
We would use dark and intimidating lighting for this particular scene.

The Police Officers would be mouthing the words to the song when
they ask questions.

The main character is saved from the interview in some sort of crazy
way, potentially we would consider the idea of using an explosion.
Cult Hideout.
This is where we would use all of our Projection visuals.

The cult style characters would be in a dark room and would be doing some sort of
ritual involving the main character.

We would need to have mains power in our location and get hold of a projector that
we could bring around with us.

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