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Activity 3


Grade / Section:

The Impact of Conceptual Priming in Vocabulary Enhancement and Comprehension of

Selected Grade 11 students of Recto Memorial National High School

Instructions: Read the following statements. Complete the missing letter on the blank provided .

1. S_b _ u_a t e - is to defeat and gain control of (someone or something) by the use of

2. Er_u_ _t e- having or showing knowledge that is learned by studying

3. H_ _ _t u a_ _ _ - to become familiar with and used to a particular place, situation,

4. S_a_e -to provide, do or have what is required by something

5. C o n _ e c_ _ _e - an opinion or idea formed without proof or sufficient evidence
6. R _ i g _- the period of time during which a king , queen , emperor is ruler of a country
7. C_n_e_s i_ _-the admitting of a point claimed in argument
8. C _ n c_ _t i o n - the originating of something in the mind
9. _ _ _ m i _ _ b l e - large or impressive in size or amount
10. E l a_ _ _ _t e- made or done with great care or with much detail
Activity 3


Grade / Section:

The Impact of Conceptual Priming in Vocabulary Enhancement and Comprehension of

Selected Grade 11 students of Recto Memorial National High School

Instructions: Read the following statements. Write the right words on the blank provided.

1. ___________- is to defeat and gain control of (someone or something) by the use of force

2. ___________- having or showing knowledge that is learned by studying

3. __________- to become familiar with and used to a particular place, situation, etc.

4. ____________ -to provide, do or have what is required by something

5. _________ - an opinion or idea formed without proof or sufficient evidence

6. ___________- the period of time during which a king , queen , emperor is ruler of a

7. __________-the admitting of a point claimed in argument

8. __________- the originating of something in the mind

9. ____________ - large or impressive in size or amount

10._________________- made or done with great care or with much detail

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