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Hello my name is José Paolo Casavilca Ramos and I am fifteen years old.

I am a former student of the school No. 37001 better known as "Pepín

Cárdenas", that school was where I attended my primary school with my
teacher Maria, where that beautiful teacher treated me with great care
and care since I was like an adopted son for her, whenever I was going to
sell in the market I met her and she greeted me.
Whenever my mother took me to school and left me alone, she started
crying, in that I cried inconsolably my teacher came as if she were my
second mother, and she tried to calm me down to achieve it and sent me
to train with the others. Once inside the classroom I was the most
naughty in the class and my teacher, just as he loved me, he also scolded
me for not making a mess. Just as I was messing up I also paid attention
to the class, I tried hard to take good grades home not to disappoint my
parents and thus be a good son and student to my parents and the
teacher. He was always smiling at life even in the most difficult moments.
I almost never stopped sad and earned the love of all the people who
were in my daily environment and that was my childhood. Now in
adolescence I want to study law in the University of Central Peru and be
a future professional with good values. I am currently attending the
secondary school in the cooperative school and so far everything is going
very well I hope it continues like this in the course of my studies to end it
and then enter the university as soon as possible and finish a professional
career to To be able to work and help at home financially in expenses and
especially to the family that loves me so much and loves me with much

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