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First Quarter Examination I

I– Reading Comprehension
Direction: Read the paragraph. Choose the best answer.
The Wise Old Woman
This is the story of a wise old woman who trice saved their village and made their ruler decree that old people would be treated
with respect and honor. Likewise, they were expected to share the wisdom of their years with the people in the village. The story
also depicted the great love and courage of the young farmer for his mother as he opposed the cruel decree to let old people die
in the mountain.
_____ 1.What is the story all about?
a. The Woman c. The Wise Old Woman
b. The Wise Young Woman d. The Wise Woman
_____ 2. How many times did she save her village?
a. Once b. Twice c. Thrice d. Never
_____ 3. What do the old people expected to share to their people?
a. Knowledge b. Beauty c. Courage d. Wisdom
_____ 4. What did the story depict?
a. Beauty and Charm c. Cruelty and Wickedness
b. Courage and Great Love d. Loneliness and Desolation
_____ 5. Even if it’s not elaborated, we can infer that the story is a kind of _________.
a. comedy b. melodramatic c. drama-adventure d. action-horror


Direction: Identify the correct letter that best corresponds to your answer.
6. Stress in the right syllable helps to show contrast and emphasis in meaning. If the word permit has stress on the last syllable as
in permit’. What does it mean?
a. a notice b. to give consent c. to request d. a written grant/authority
7. Your teacher asked you to recite an excerpt of the speech of the Prime Minister of Japan in your literature class as part of your
“Team Asia” activity. Your teacher is expecting you to:
a. copy the full text of the speech c. make an outline of speech
b. interpret the speech d. make the speech short including only the keypoints
8. In the sentence “I don’t think he should get the job” Where will you put the stress if you mean “Somebody else should get
that job.”
a. I b. He c. Job d. Don’t

Direction: Classify the given sentence according to its structure. Choose your answer from the Word box.


9. harata begs Rama to return to the palace but the latter refuses.
10. King Dasharatha decides it is time to give his throne to Rama and retire to the forest.
11. Sita and Lakshman begged and convinced Rama to let them set out for the forest.
12. When Sita steps outside the circle, Ravana grabs her and carries her off to his kingdom in Lanka.
13. Kaikeyi requested that her son be made the regent king and Rama should be exiled in the forest.

Direction: Encircle the letter of the most appropriate meaning of each of the following passages
Encircle the letter of the most appropriate meaning of each of the following passages.
14. The Bird of Time has but a little way
To fly -- and Lo! the Bird is on the Wing.
a. Life is short b. Birds cannot fly for a long time. c. Birds die fast. d. None of the above

15. The Worldly Hope men set their Hearts upon

Turns Ashes -- or it prospers;
a. Men’s desires either fail or suceed. b. Men burn their hopes.
c. When men hope, their hurts burn. d. None of the above

16. How Sultan after Sultan with his Pomp Abode

his Hour or two and went his way.
a. No matter how rich a person is, time comes when he becomes poor.
b. Even rich men just live the life meant for them, and then they die.
c. A rich man does not stay permanently in a palace.
d. None of the above
17. Oh threats of Hell and Hopes of Paradise! One
thing at least is certain--This Life flies:
a. Life is destined for hell or paradise. b. Everyone should think about hell and paradise.
c. Life on earth soon ends. d. None of the above

18. One thing is certain and the rest is lies;

The Flower that once is blown for ever dies.
a. All flowers die after it has bloomed. b. Only one thing is certain in this world; all that live, die.
c. Once a thing dies, it does not live again. d. d. None of the above

Direction: Merge the two sentences using appropriate coordinating (19-20) and subordinating conjunctions (21-23)

19. Tell the truth. I’ll not punish you.

a. and b. but
20. She lost her book. She didn’t look for it.
c. or d. so
What subordinating conjunctions should connect these clauses?

21. She could not go out. She felt ill.

22. She did not know. She lost her watch.

a. if b. that
23. She didn’t wear her new shoes. Her mother told her to..
c. because d. although

VI- Literature Review.

Direction: Fill in the missing words in the paragraph.

I am the son, daughter of the soil

Rich in (24) and content
Full of (25) for a better tomorrow
Teach me discipline, teach me character, teach me hard work
Teach me to think like the star (26) me
I am an African child

I can be(27)
call me William Kamkwamba the Inventor;
Give me a library with books
Give me a scrap yard and (28) electronics
Give me a broken bicycle;
Plus the(29) to be me
And I will build you a wind mill
I am an (30) child

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