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Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering, Kalavakkam – 603 110

(An Autonomous Institution, Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai)

Department of Mechanical Engineering QP Type

Continuous Assessment Test – I

Question Paper
Degree & Branch B.E Mechanical Engineering Semester IV

Subject Code & Name UME1421:Product Design and Development Regulation: 2018

Time: 90 Minutes Answer All Questions Maximum: 50 Marks

Part – A (6×2 = 12 Marks)

<K1> 1. What do you understand by the term Product? <CO1>

<K1> 2. List the characteristics that make Product Design Challenging <CO1>

<K2> 3. What are key differences between Consumer and Industrial Products? <CO1>

<K2> 4. Justify with significant reasons the difference between Invention and Innovation <CO1>

<K1> 5. What are the phases involved in Product Analysis <CO1>

<K2> 6. Give the reasons that causes failure of new Product <CO1>

Part – B (3×6 = 18 Marks)

7. Determine the various grouping of products based on their unique characteristics with
<K2> <CO1>
appropriate example’s
<K2> 8. With flowchart explain the models related to the process of Innovation <CO1>
9. Discuss the concept of Product Mix with various parameter’s associated with it by giving
<K2> <CO1>
suitable examples

Part – C (2×10 = 20 Marks)

<K3> 10. Critically evaluate a product with the various phases of Product life Cycle <CO1>


<K2> 11. Elucidate what do you understand from the concept of product specification? <CO1>

<K2> 12. Illustrate the concept of Product Development cycle with a detailed flow chart <CO1>


<K2> 13. Explain the structural outline involved in the Design process of a Product <CO1>


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