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The benefits of the eggs

1. The eggs are high in protein, especially the egg white next to the yolk. This is very important
for pregnant mothers. There are also nine major amino acids.

2. In eggs, there is a fat that is good for the body. The children can eat the fat of eggs in the yolk.
Each egg yolk is different in color because the ducks are fed differently.

3. Eggs make hair and nails healthy because the nutrients in eggs are vitamins and minerals
many types.

4. Eat eggs Vitamin D because the eggs are only one type of vitamin D by nature.

5. Eggs are good food for the eyes can help prevent the glass display, degradation.

6. The nutrients in the eggs will help strengthen the tissue loss to your body.

7. The egg contains a compound called lecithin, choline can prevent memory deterioration.

8. In the eggs have vitamin E for anti-oxidant.

9. In the egg contains zinc. This gives the child a good growth.

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