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Travel broadens the mind

I had the fortune to visit some of the most beautiful places in the world, and yes, I agree, traveling
does broaden the mind. From the streets of Paris at night, Oxford parks, Vienna’ s Kunsthistorisches
museum, to the oasis in Sahara and riding a camel, every trip that I had made me the person I am
today. Every experience can change you. It opens your mind and broadens the limits of your
imagination. I find myself enchanted by art, so I travel every chance I get. Adventures that I had
enrichened my life. There is so much I did not see and many places that I wish to go to, but I am
aware of the fortune that I had and I will cherish beautiful memories of old cities and new people
that I encountered.

No sooner had I opened the door to my apartment

- than the phone rang. When I answered the other person already hang up. That did not bother me. I
had enough on my plate that day. It was a gloomy Sunday and I decided to stay the rest of the
evening at home reading a book. The phone rang again. I just ignored it. I could not deal with other
people’s problems. For a while now my grandmother calls every day to ask me if I found her earing
and to by some beans. Dementia has taken over her life and now she’s taking over mine too. Time
and memories were taken from her and now she knows only what happened five minutes ago and
how her husband had a mistress, which was not true. My heart breaks every time I answer that
phone, but it breaks even more if I don’t.

Jana Jovanovic 2014/0221, 06

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