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H onouring

the Land and

Halton, as we know it today, is
rich in the history and modern
traditions of many First Nations
and the Métis. From the lands
of the Anishinabe to the
The Medicine Wheel represents
Attawadaron, the Haudenosaunee,
harmony and is considered a major
and the Métis, these lands
symbol of peaceful interaction
surrounding the Great Lakes are
among all living beings on Earth.
steeped in Indigenous history.
As we gather today on these treaty
The Eagle is the messenger of
lands, our Catholic Social
prayer to the Creator.
Teachings call us in Solidarity with
our Indigenous brothers and
The grass, sun and river represent
sisters to honour and respect the
the spirit and intent of the treaties
four directions, lands, waters,
to be honoured for as long as the
plants, animals and ancestors that
sun shines, the river flows and
walked before us. All these
the grass grows.
wonderful elements of creation
exist, gifted to us by our Creator
The infinity symbol is the joining of
God. We like to acknowledge and
two cultures and the existence of
thank the Mississauga’s of the
a people, the Métis.
New Credit First Nation for being
stewards of this traditional
The Inuksuk is a symbol of the
human spirit. It represents our ability
to succeed with others, where
we would fail alone.

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