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The title of article is “A programming environment having three levels of complexity for mobile

The article talks about the different programming languages, are classified into three levels
according to their difficulty.
The article is exploratory in nature because it has logical arguments according to the level,
each level uses a differente interface, in the first level the robot avoids obstacles, in the second
level it moves to a specific point, and in the third level the robot moves towards a fiexd point
avoiding obstacles.
Robotics is being used to call young people’s attention to topics related to science,
mathematics, engineering and technology, an XML editor is used for programming the robot
functions, The software has three programming languages depending on the level, the first
level uses the graphical interface, the second uses XML, ande the third ANSI C.
The use of the bot programming method is defined for executing orders given by the student
to the robot, the study is innovative because the opportunities to program are implemented in
the simplest way according to the capacities of each person up to the advanced level.
In the study, implementation of the programming of the sensors in the robot was evidenced to
obtain differente activities through the incorporation of the information. This activity is
interesting to know the great advances in technology that can be implemented in the industry
in order to generate a collaboration in the production process.

It is important to know the activities that can be developed with the application of the sensors
and the use of the different programming languages to achieve the objective.

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