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Terrorism is a very complex problem and requires very serious handling. There are
several ways that theoretically can be taken by Muslims and people who concerned to
overcome and break on the ongoing terror activities. However, practically it requires the
seriousness and the sincerity of work from various parties. Motivation that encourages this
hard work, the most important thing is faith in Allah Azza wa Jalla, with the intention of
seeking His pleasure and His reward. So the priority is public benefit and interests, not
personal benefit and interests.
The roots of radicalism that have triggered acts of violence and terrorism have
actually emerged since the days of the Companions were still alive. Especially began sticking
out during the reign of Ali ibn Abi Talib Radhiyallahu ‘anhu. Therefore, how Islam fought
terrorism is based on the steps that have been taken by the Companions and the Salaf Ulama
in dealing with the development of radicalism at that time.
The following are the steps in fighting terrorism: returning Muslims to the correct
understanding of Islam as understood by the Companions of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa
sallam, correct guidance to Muslims especially the younger generation, guidance and
illumination from interested parties based on strong arguments that can be accepted by all
groups, not everyone is allowed to speak moreover without argument, break the chain of
growth and development of takfiri-style radical development, and explain the difference in
meaning between syar'i war and other war that is not syar'i.

A. Vocabulary
Handling : penanganan
Fought : memerangi
Triggered : memicu
Interested : berkepentingan
Illumination : penyuluhan
War : jihad

B. Exercise
1. What is the definition of the terrorism ?
2. What is motivation to overcome the terror activities ?
3. How islam fought the terrorism ?
4. What is the basic triggers of terrorism ?
5. What is the link between terrorism and radicalism ?
6. What is the best way to reduce terrorism in islam ?
7. Why terrorism is a complex problem ?
8. How many steps in fighting terrorism ? Explain briefly ?
9. Why terrorism is so difficult to overcome ?
10. When terrorism began sticking ?
D. Vocabulary Enrichment
E. Grammar In Focus

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